The full apache context variable can grow quite large if using multiple
vhosts with SSL certificates.
With 200 sites the apache variable is being rendered 200 times which resuls
in observed renderer output of about 950MB...
state.apply will result with MemoryErrors in such cases.
This PR modifies the templating code to _only_ use a per site context
and pass a trimmed down copy of the apache context instead of the full.
Drive-By: Correct indentation for context variables.
Drive-By: Remove duplicate map/apache functionality. Only use map.
FEATURE: Archlinux support
FEATURE: Windows support
FEATURE: modular states
BREAKING CHANGE: 'apache.sls' converted to new style 'init.ssl'
BREAKING CHANGE: "logrotate.sls" became "config/logrotate.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "debian_full.sls" became "config/debian_full.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "flags.sls" became "config/flags.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "manage_security" became "config/manage_security.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "mod_*.sls" became "config/mod_*.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "no_default_host.sls" became "config/no_default_host.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "own_default_host.sls" became "config/own_default_host.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "register_site.sls" became "config/register_site.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "server_status.sls" became "config/server_status.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "vhosts/" became "config/vhosts/"
BREAKING CHANGE: "mod_security/" became "config/mod_security/"
NOT-BREAKING CHANGE: 'config.sls' became 'config/init.sls'
NOT-BREAKING CHANGE: 'uninstall.sls' symlinked to 'clean.sls'
Examining apache/vhosts/proxy.tmpl of type state
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
<VirtualHost {%- for intf in vals.interfaces %} {{intf}}:{{ vals.port }}{% endfor -%}>
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
{% if site.get('SSLCertificateChainFile') %}SSLCertificateChainFile {{ site.SSLCertificateChainFile}}{% endif %}
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
{%- if lvals.get('Require') != False %}Require {{lvals.Require}}{% endif %}
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
{%- if lmvals.get('Require') != False %}Require {{lmvals.Require}}{% endif %}
According to the pillar.example file there is no site.ProxyPassTarget,
so ProxyPassReverseTarget should default to proxyargs.ProxyPassTarget
(ie. site.ProxyRoute.ProxyPassTarget)
* Add ProxyRequests directive
This allows or prevents Apache httpd from functioning as a forward proxy server.
The default action is off so I've set this a the default for this formula so it does not change the default behaviour.
* Add example pillar usage
This is done by split the interface pillar value instead of using a proper
list so it behaves exactly the same as before for simple 1 interface cases
(no need to refactor one's pillar files).
The resulting is something like:
Listen [2001:abc:def:100::3]:80
<VirtualHost [2001:abc:def:100::3]:80>