FEATURE: Archlinux support
FEATURE: Windows support
FEATURE: modular states
BREAKING CHANGE: 'apache.sls' converted to new style 'init.ssl'
BREAKING CHANGE: "logrotate.sls" became "config/logrotate.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "debian_full.sls" became "config/debian_full.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "flags.sls" became "config/flags.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "manage_security" became "config/manage_security.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "mod_*.sls" became "config/mod_*.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "no_default_host.sls" became "config/no_default_host.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "own_default_host.sls" became "config/own_default_host.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "register_site.sls" became "config/register_site.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "server_status.sls" became "config/server_status.sls"
BREAKING CHANGE: "vhosts/" became "config/vhosts/"
BREAKING CHANGE: "mod_security/" became "config/mod_security/"
NOT-BREAKING CHANGE: 'config.sls' became 'config/init.sls'
NOT-BREAKING CHANGE: 'uninstall.sls' symlinked to 'clean.sls'
Examining apache/vhosts/proxy.tmpl of type state
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
<VirtualHost {%- for intf in vals.interfaces %} {{intf}}:{{ vals.port }}{% endfor -%}>
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
{% if site.get('SSLCertificateChainFile') %}SSLCertificateChainFile {{ site.SSLCertificateChainFile}}{% endif %}
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
{%- if lvals.get('Require') != False %}Require {{lvals.Require}}{% endif %}
[206] Jinja variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
{%- if lmvals.get('Require') != False %}Require {{lmvals.Require}}{% endif %}
According to the pillar.example file there is no site.ProxyPassTarget,
so ProxyPassReverseTarget should default to proxyargs.ProxyPassTarget
(ie. site.ProxyRoute.ProxyPassTarget)
* Add ProxyRequests directive
This allows or prevents Apache httpd from functioning as a forward proxy server.
The default action is off so I've set this a the default for this formula so it does not change the default behaviour.
* Add example pillar usage
This is done by split the interface pillar value instead of using a proper
list so it behaves exactly the same as before for simple 1 interface cases
(no need to refactor one's pillar files).
The resulting is something like:
Listen [2001:abc:def:100::3]:80
<VirtualHost [2001:abc:def:100::3]:80>