# # This file is managed by Salt! Do not edit by hand! # {%- from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %} {%- import_yaml "apache/hardening-values.yaml" as hardening_values %} {%- from "apache/lib.sls" import directives_output, container_output with context %} {%- set list_interfaces_ports = [] %} {%- for name, vhost in salt['pillar.get']('apache:VirtualHost', {}).items() %} {%- if not vhost.get('absent', False) %} {%- set items = vhost.item.split() %} {%- for item in items if item not in list_interfaces_ports %} {%- do list_interfaces_ports.append(item) %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- for item in list_interfaces_ports %} Listen {{ item }} {% else %} Listen *:80 {%- endfor %} {{ directives_output(server_config, 0) }} Include conf.modules.d/*.conf User {{ apache.user }} Group {{ apache.group }} {%- for container_name, container_data_list in server_config.get('containers', {}).items() %} {%- for container_data in container_data_list %} {{ container_output(container_name, container_data) }} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} IncludeOptional {{ apache.confdir }}/*.conf {%- if apache.vhostdir != apache.confdir %} IncludeOptional {{ apache.vhostdir }}/*.conf {%- endif %}