- {% from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %}
- include:
- - apache
- nologin_shell_for_apache_user:
- user.present:
- - name: {{ apache.user }}
- - shell: /sbin/nologin
- - require:
- - pkg: apache
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - module: apache-reload
- - service: apache
- remove_httpd_manual:
- pkg.removed:
- - name: httpd-manual
- - require:
- - pkg: apache
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - module: apache-reload
- - service: apache
- /etc/httpd/conf.d/autoindex.conf:
- file.managed:
- - contents: |
- # File commented with Salt, Do NOT Edit
- # Do NOT delete because it is contained in the rpm, so it wil re-created on the next upgrade
- # It is emptied for hardening purpose
- - require:
- - pkg: apache
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - module: apache-reload
- - service: apache
- /etc/httpd/cgi-bin/printenv:
- file.absent:
- - require:
- - pkg: apache
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - module: apache-reload
- - service: apache
- /etc/httpd/cgi-bin/test-cgi:
- file.absent:
- - require:
- - pkg: apache
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-restart
- - module: apache-reload
- - service: apache