- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # vim: ft=sls
- {%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
- {%- set sls_service_running = tplroot ~ '.service.running' %}
- {%- set sls_package_install = tplroot ~ '.package.install' %}
- {%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import apache with context %}
- include:
- - {{ sls_service_running }}
- - {{ sls_package_install }}
- {%- if grains.os_family not in ('Arch',) %}
- apache-config-modules-security-pkg:
- pkg.installed:
- - name: {{ apache.mod_security.package }}
- - order: 180
- - require:
- - pkg: apache-package-install-pkg-installed
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-restart
- - module: apache-service-running-reload
- - service: apache-service-running
- {%- if apache.mod_security.crs_install and 'crs_package' in apache.mod_security %}
- apache-config-modules-security-crs-pkg:
- pkg.installed:
- - name: {{ apache.mod_security.crs_package }}
- - order: 180
- - require:
- - pkg: apache-config-modules-security-pkg
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-restart
- - module: apache-service-running-reload
- - service: apache-service-running
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if apache.mod_security.manage_config and 'config_file' in apache.mod_security %}
- apache-config-modules-security-main-config-file-managed:
- file.managed:
- - name: {{ apache.mod_security.config_file }}
- - order: 220
- - makedirs: True
- - template: {{ apache.get('template_engine', 'jinja') }}
- - context:
- apache: {{ apache|json }}
- - source:
- - {{ 'salt://apache/files/' ~ salt['grains.get']('os_family') ~ '/modsecurity.conf.jinja' }}
- - context: {{ apache.mod_security|json }}
- - require:
- - pkg: apache-config-modules-security-pkg
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-reload
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-restart
- - module: apache-service-running-reload
- - service: apache-service-running
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if grains['os_family'] in ('Suse', 'Debian',) %}
- apache-config-modules-security-cmd-run-a2en-security2:
- cmd.run:
- - name: a2enmod security2
- - unless: ls {{ apache.moddir }}/security2.load && ls {{ apache.moddir }}/security2.conf
- - order: 225
- {%- elif grains.os_family in ('Redhat',) %}
- apache-config-modules-security-file-directory-modsecurity:
- file.directory:
- - name: /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d
- {%- endif %}
- - require:
- - pkg: apache-config-modules-security-pkg
- - watch_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-restart
- - require_in:
- - module: apache-service-running-restart
- - module: apache-service-running-reload
- - service: apache-service-running
- {%- endif %}