# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=yaml
# NOTE: This file is UNMAINTAINED; it is provided for references purposes only.
#       No guarantees are tendered that this structure will work after 2020.
# * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_CI:
#   - "... free open-source plans were removed in [sic] the end of 2020"
#   - https://blog.travis-ci.com/2020-11-02-travis-ci-new-billing
#   - https://ropensci.org/technotes/2020/11/19/moving-away-travis/
## Machine config
os: 'linux'
arch: 'amd64'
dist: 'bionic'
version: '~> 1.0'

## Language and cache config
language: 'ruby'
cache: 'bundler'

## Services config
  - docker

## Script to run for the test stage
  - bin/kitchen verify "${INSTANCE}"

## Stages and jobs matrix
  - test
  # # As part of the switch away from Travis CI, ensure that the `release` stage
  # # is not run inadvertently
  # - name: 'release'
  #   if: 'branch = master AND type != pull_request'
    ## Define the test stage that runs the linters (and testing matrix, if applicable)

    # Run all of the linters in a single job
    - language: 'node_js'
      node_js: 'lts/*'
      env: 'Lint'
      name: 'Lint: salt-lint, yamllint, rubocop, shellcheck & commitlint'
      before_install: 'skip'
        # Install and run `salt-lint`
        - pip install --user salt-lint
        - git ls-files -- '*.sls' '*.jinja' '*.j2' '*.tmpl' '*.tst'
                        | xargs salt-lint
        # Install and run `yamllint`
        # Need at least `v1.17.0` for the `yaml-files` setting
        - pip install --user yamllint>=1.17.0
        - yamllint -s .
        # Install and run `rubocop`
        - gem install rubocop
        - rubocop -d
        # Run `shellcheck` (already pre-installed in Travis)
        - shellcheck --version
        - git ls-files -- '*.sh' '*.bash' '*.ksh'
                        | xargs shellcheck
        # Install and run `commitlint`
        - npm i -D @commitlint/config-conventional
        - commitlint-travis

    # Run `pre-commit` linters in a single job
    - language: 'python'
      env: 'Lint_pre-commit'
      name: 'Lint: pre-commit'
      before_install: 'skip'
          - $HOME/.cache/pre-commit
        # Install and run `pre-commit`
        - pip install pre-commit==2.7.1
        - pre-commit run --all-files --color always --verbose
        - pre-commit run --color always --hook-stage manual --verbose commitlint-travis

    ## Define the rest of the matrix based on Kitchen testing
    # Make sure the instances listed below match up with
    # the `platforms` defined in `kitchen.yml`
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-10-tiamat-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-9-tiamat-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1604-tiamat-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-10-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=preferences-debian-10-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=unattended-debian-10-master-py3
    - env: INSTANCE=debian-10-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-9-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=preferences-debian-9-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=unattended-debian-9-master-py3
    - env: INSTANCE=debian-9-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-2004-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=preferences-ubuntu-2004-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=unattended-ubuntu-2004-master-py3
    - env: INSTANCE=ubuntu-2004-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1804-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=preferences-ubuntu-1804-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=unattended-ubuntu-1804-master-py3
    - env: INSTANCE=ubuntu-1804-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1604-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=preferences-ubuntu-1604-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=unattended-ubuntu-1604-master-py3
    - env: INSTANCE=ubuntu-1604-master-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-10-3002-2-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-9-3002-2-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-2004-3002-2-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1804-3002-2-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1604-3002-2-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-10-3001-4-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-9-3001-4-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-2004-3001-4-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1804-3001-4-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1604-3001-4-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-10-3000-6-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-debian-9-3000-6-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1804-3000-6-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1604-3000-6-py3
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1804-3000-6-py2
    # - env: INSTANCE=repositories-ubuntu-1604-3000-6-py2

    ## Define the release stage that runs `semantic-release`
    - stage: 'release'
      language: 'node_js'
      node_js: 'lts/*'
      env: 'Release'
      name: 'Run semantic-release inc. file updates to AUTHORS, CHANGELOG & FORMULA'
      before_install: 'skip'
        # Update `AUTHORS.md`
        - export MAINTAINER_TOKEN=${GH_TOKEN}
        - go get github.com/myii/maintainer
        - maintainer contributor

        # Install all dependencies required for `semantic-release`
        - npm i -D @semantic-release/changelog@3
        provider: 'script'
        # Opt-in to `dpl v2` to complete the Travis build config validation (beta)
        # * https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-config-validation
        # Deprecated `skip_cleanup` can now be avoided, `cleanup: false` is by default
        edge: true
        # Run `semantic-release`
        script: 'npx semantic-release@15.14'

# Notification options: `always`, `never` or `change`
    if: 'repo = saltstack-formulas/apt-formula'
      - https://saltstack-formulas.zulipchat.com/api/v1/external/travis?api_key=HsIq3o5QmLxdnVCKF9is0FUIpkpAY79P&stream=CI&topic=saltstack-formulas%2Fapt-formula&ignore_pull_requests=true
    on_success: always  # default: always
    on_failure: always  # default: always
    on_start: always    # default: never
    on_cancel: always   # default: always
    on_error: always    # default: always