--- |
chrony: |
$type: namespace |
service: |
$name: 'chrony service' |
$type: group |
name: |
$type: text |
$name: 'chrony service name' |
$default: 'chronyd' |
$help: 'service name to start chrony' |
logdir: |
$name: 'chrony logdir location' |
$type: text |
$default: '/var/log/chrony' |
keyfile: |
$name: 'chrony keyfile location' |
$type: text |
$default: '/etc/chrony.keys' |
driftfile: |
$name: 'chrony driftfile location' |
$type: text |
$default: '/var/lib/chrony/drift' |
ntpservers: |
$type: edit-group |
$minItems: 0 |
$prototype: |
$type: text |
$help: List of ntpservers |
$optional: true |
pool: |
$type: edit-group |
$minItems: 0 |
$prototype: |
$type: text |
$help: List of pools |
$optional: true |
allow: |
$type: edit-group |
$minItems: 0 |
$prototype: |
$type: text |
$help: List of allowed networks |
$optional: true |
options: |
$type: text |
$name: chrony server options |
default: iburst |
$help: set the options chrony should use with the servers like iburst |
$optional: true |
otherparams: |
$type: edit-group |
$minItems: 0 |
$prototype: |
$type: text |
$help: chrony parameters like rtcsync |
$default: |
- 'makestep 1.0 3' |
- 'rtcsync' |
$optional: true |