SuperTux88's Diaspora Saltstack Formula

pillar.example 614B

  1. diaspora:
  2. repository: git://
  3. # version can be a branch or a tag
  4. version: develop
  5. install_path: /srv/diaspora
  6. ruby_version: 2.3.4
  7. user:
  8. username: diaspora
  9. shell: /bin/zsh
  10. database:
  11. # type needs to be 'postgresql' or 'mysql'
  12. type: postgresql
  13. host: localhost
  14. username: diaspora
  15. password: secret
  16. database: diaspora
  17. # have a look at
  18. configuration:
  19. environment:
  20. url: ""
  21. settings:
  22. pod_name: "example diaspora* pod"