{%- from "iptables/map.jinja" import schema with context %} {%- set include_allowed = true %} {%- if grains.get('virtual_subtype', None) in ['Docker', 'LXC'] %} {%- set include_allowed = false %} echo_usupported_environment: cmd.run: - name: echo "You are trying to use iptables inside of docker or lxc. Kernel modules loading are not supported here" {%- endif %} {%- if pillar.iptables.service.enabled is defined %} {%- set include_allowed = false %} echo_usupported_pillars_schema: cmd.run: - name: echo "You are trying to use old style pillars schema. Please update pillars according to the current schema" {%- endif %} {%- if include_allowed %} include: - iptables.v{{ schema.epoch }} {%- endif %}