- {% from "iptables/map.jinja" import service with context %}
- {%- if service.enabled %}
- include:
- - iptables.rules
- iptables_packages:
- pkg.installed:
- - names: {{ service.pkgs }}
- iptables_services:
- {%- if grains.init == 'systemd' %}
- service.running:
- {%- else %}
- service.dead:
- {%- endif %}
- - enable: true
- - name: {{ service.service }}
- - sig: test -e /etc/iptables/rules.v4
- - require:
- - pkg: iptables_packages
- {%- else %}
- iptables_services:
- service.dead:
- - enable: false
- - name: {{ service.service }}
- {%- for chain_name in ['INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'FORWARD'] %}
- iptables_{{ chain_name }}_policy:
- iptables.set_policy:
- - chain: {{ chain_name }}
- - policy: ACCEPT
- - table: filter
- - require_in:
- - iptables: iptables_flush
- {%- if grains.ipv6|default(False) and service.ipv6|default(True) %}
- iptables_{{ chain_name }}_ipv6_policy:
- iptables.set_policy:
- - chain: {{ chain_name }}
- - family: ipv6
- - policy: ACCEPT
- - table: filter
- - require_in:
- - iptables: ip6tables_flush
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endfor %}
- iptables_flush:
- iptables.flush
- {%- if grains.ipv6|default(False) and service.ipv6|default(True) %}
- ip6tables_flush:
- iptables.flush:
- - family: ipv6
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endif %}