summary: 'Bond status interface {{ $labels.bond }} is DOWN on {{ $labels.host }}' |
summary: 'Bond status interface {{ $labels.bond }} is DOWN on {{ $labels.host }}' |
description: 'The bond interface ({{ $labels.bond }) has all ifaces in a down state on {{ $labels.host }}.' |
description: 'The bond interface ({{ $labels.bond }) has all ifaces in a down state on {{ $labels.host }}.' |
{% endraw %} |
{% endraw %} |
BondSlaveInterfacesMinimum: |
if: '(sum(bond_slave_status) BY (bond,host)) / (count(bond_slave_status) BY (bond,host)) <= 0.5' |
{% raw %} |
labels: |
severity: critical |
service: system |
annotations: |
summary: 'At least half of Bond slave interfaces {{ $labels.bond }} are DOWN on {{ $labels.host }}' |
description: 'The bond interface ({{ $labels.bond }) has at least half of slave ifaces in a down state on {{ $labels.host }}.' |
{% endraw %} |
BondSlaveInterfaceStatus: |
BondSlaveInterfaceStatus: |
if: 'bond_slave_status < 1' |
if: 'bond_slave_status < 1' |
{% raw %} |
{% raw %} |