#} |
#} |
{%- elif repo.key_url|default(False) and grains['saltversioninfo'] < [2017, 7] and not repo.key_url.startswith('salt://') %} |
{%- elif repo.key_url|default(False) and grains['saltversioninfo'] < [2017, 7] and not repo.key_url.startswith('salt://') %} |
{% set _export_proxy = "export no_proxy=${no_proxy:-" + system.proxy.get('noproxy', []) |join(',') + "} http_proxy=${http_proxy:-" + system.proxy.get('http', '') + "} https_proxy=${https_proxy:-" + system.proxy.get('https', '') +"}; " %} |
linux_repo_{{ name }}_key: |
linux_repo_{{ name }}_key: |
cmd.run: |
cmd.run: |
- name: "curl -sL {{ repo.key_url }} | apt-key add -" |
- name: "{{ _export_proxy }} curl -sL {{ repo.key_url }} | apt-key add -" |
{%- if not grains.get('kitchen-test') %} |
{%- if not grains.get('kitchen-test') %} |
{# omitted from tests, as behaves inconsistently across CI/platforms #} |
{# omitted from tests, as behaves inconsistently across CI/platforms #} |
- unless: "apt-key finger --with-colons | grep -qF $(curl -sL {{ repo.key_url }} | gpg --with-fingerprint --with-colons | grep -E '^fpr')" |
- unless: "apt-key finger --with-colons | grep -qF $({{ _export_proxy }} curl -sL {{ repo.key_url }} | gpg --with-fingerprint --with-colons | grep -E '^fpr')" |
{%- endif %} |
{%- endif %} |
- require_in: |
- require_in: |
{%- if repo.get('default', False) %} |
{%- if repo.get('default', False) %} |