{#- vim: syntax=jinja -#} {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import network with context -%} # hosts(1) file managed by salt-minion(1) # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN {%- set hosts = { '': [ 'localhost' ], '': [ network.fqdn|default(grains.fqdn), network.hostname|default(grains.nodename) ], '::1': [ 'ip6-localhost', 'ip6-loopback' ], 'fe00::0': [ 'ip6-localnet', 'ip6-mcastprefix' ], 'ff02::1': [ 'ip6-allnodes' ], 'ff02::2': [ 'ip6-allrouters' ], 'ff02::3': [ 'ip6-allhosts' ], } -%} {%- for name, host in host_dict.items() -%} {%- for hname in host.names -%} {%- if hname in hosts.get('', []) -%} {%- do hosts.pop('') -%} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- do hosts.update({host.address: host.names}) -%} {%- endfor %} {% for address, entries in hosts|dictsort %} {%- if 'linux_hosts.fqdn_sort_filter' in salt.keys() %} {%- set sorted_entries = salt['linux_hosts.fqdn_sort_filter'](entries) -%} {%- else %} {%- set sorted_entries = entries -%} {%- endif %} {{ address }} {{ sorted_entries|join(' ') }} {%- endfor %}