{%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context -%} {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import network with context -%} doc: description: Linux is a high performance, yet completely free, Unix-like operating system that is suitable for use on a wide range of computers and other products. name: Linux role: system: name: System param: name: value: {{ system.name }} kernel: value: {{ salt['grains.item']('kernel')['kernel'] }} {{ salt['grains.item']('kernelrelease')['kernelrelease'] }} distribution: value: {{ salt['grains.item']('lsb_distrib_description')['lsb_distrib_description'] }} network: name: Network param: fqdn: name: FQDN value: {{ network.fqdn }} ip: name: IP Addresses value: {{ salt['grains.item']('ipv4')['ipv4'] }}