- {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %}
- linux_sysfs_package:
- pkg.installed:
- - pkgs:
- - sysfsutils
- - refresh: true
- /etc/sysfs.d:
- file.directory:
- - require:
- - pkg: linux_sysfs_package
- {%- for name, sysfs in system.get('sysfs', {}).items() %}
- /etc/sysfs.d/{{ name }}.conf:
- file.managed:
- - source: salt://linux/files/sysfs.conf
- - template: jinja
- - user: root
- - group: root
- - mode: 0644
- - defaults:
- name: {{ name }}
- sysfs: {{ sysfs|yaml }}
- - require:
- - file: /etc/sysfs.d
- {%- for key, value in sysfs.items() %}
- {%- if key not in ["mode", "owner"] %}
- {%- if grains.get('virtual_subtype', None) not in ['Docker', 'LXC'] %}
- {#- Sysfs cannot be set in docker, LXC, etc. #}
- linux_sysfs_write_{{ name }}_{{ key }}:
- module.run:
- - name: sysfs.write
- - key: {{ key }}
- - value: {{ value }}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endfor %}
- {%- endfor %}