- {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import network with context %}
- {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %}
- {%- if network.dpdk.enabled %}
- linux_dpdk_pkgs:
- pkg.installed:
- - pkgs: {{ network.dpdk_pkgs | json }}
- linux_dpdk_kernel_module:
- kmod.present:
- - name: {{ network.dpdk.driver }}
- - persist: true
- - require:
- - pkg: linux_dpdk_pkgs
- - require_in:
- - service: linux_network_dpdk_service
- /etc/dpdk/interfaces:
- file.managed:
- - source: salt://linux/files/dpdk_interfaces
- - template: jinja
- - user: root
- - group: root
- - mode: 644
- - require:
- - pkg: linux_dpdk_pkgs
- linux_network_dpdk_service:
- service.running:
- - enable: true
- - name: dpdk
- - watch:
- - file: /etc/dpdk/interfaces
- {%- if network.openvswitch is defined %}
- openvswitch_dpdk_pkgs:
- pkg.installed:
- - pkgs:
- - openvswitch-switch-dpdk
- - openvswitch-switch
- - bridge-utils
- {# create drop-in dpdk dependency for openvswitch-switch (ovsdb-server) #}
- /etc/systemd/system/openvswitch-switch.service.d/dpdk.conf:
- file.managed:
- - makedirs: true
- - require:
- - pkg: openvswitch_dpdk_pkgs
- - contents: |
- [Unit]
- Requires=dpdk.service
- After=dpdk.service
- {# create drop-in dpdk post-start reload of openvswitch-nonetwork #}
- /etc/systemd/system/dpdk.service.d/openvswitch-nonetwork.conf:
- file.managed:
- - makedirs: true
- - require:
- - pkg: openvswitch_dpdk_pkgs
- - contents: |
- [Service]
- ExecStartPost=/bin/systemctl restart openvswitch-nonetwork
- linux_network_dpdk_ovs_service:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:dpdk-init=true"
- - require:
- - service: linux_network_dpdk_service
- - unless: 'ovs-vsctl get Open_vSwitch . other_config | grep "dpdk-init=\"true\""'
- {%- set ovs_options = [
- "pmd-cpu-mask=\""+network.openvswitch.pmd_cpu_mask+"\"",
- "dpdk-socket-mem=\""+network.openvswitch.dpdk_socket_mem+"\"",
- "dpdk-lcore-mask=\""+network.openvswitch.dpdk_lcore_mask+"\"",
- "dpdk-extra=\"-n "+network.openvswitch.memory_channels+" --vhost-owner libvirt-qemu:kvm --vhost-perm 0664\""
- ]
- %}
- {%- if network.openvswitch.get('vhost_socket_dir',{}).get('path') %}
- {%- do ovs_options.append("vhost-sock-dir=\""+network.openvswitch.vhost_socket_dir.path+"\"") %}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- for option in ovs_options %}
- linux_network_dpdk_ovs_option_{{ option }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: 'ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} set Open_vSwitch . other_config:{{ option }}'
- - watch_in:
- - service: service_openvswitch
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_ovs_service
- - unless: |
- ovs-vsctl get Open_vSwitch . other_config | grep '{{ option }}'
- {%- endfor %}
- openvswitch_dpdk_ovs_alternative:
- alternatives.remove:
- - name: ovs-vswitchd
- - path: /usr/lib/openvswitch-switch/ovs-vswitchd
- - require:
- - pkg: openvswitch_dpdk_pkgs
- - watch_in:
- - service: service_openvswitch
- service_openvswitch:
- service.running:
- - name: openvswitch-switch
- - enable: true
- - watch:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_ovs_service
- {%- endif %}
- {%- for interface_name, interface in network.interface.items() if interface.get('enabled', True) %}
- {%- if interface.type == "dpdk_ovs_bond" %}
- {%- set bond_interfaces = {} %}
- {%- for iface_name, iface in network.interface.items() if iface.get('enabled', True) and iface.get('bond',"") == interface_name %}
- {#- Get list of child interfaces #}
- {%- do bond_interfaces.update({iface_name: iface}) %}
- {%- endfor %}
- linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ interface_name }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} add-bond {{ interface.bridge }} {{ interface_name }} {{ bond_interfaces.keys()|join(' ') }}"
- - unless: "ovs-vsctl list-ports {{ interface.bridge }} | grep -w {{ interface_name }}"
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bridge_interface_{{ interface.bridge }}
- {% for iface_name, iface in bond_interfaces.items() %}
- linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ iface_name }}_activate:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "timeout 5 /bin/sh -c -- 'while true; do ovs-vsctl get Interface {{ iface_name }} name 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && break || sleep 1; done'"
- - unless: "ovs-vsctl get Interface {{ iface_name }} name 1>/dev/null 2>&1"
- linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ iface_name }}_type:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} set Interface {{ iface_name }} type=dpdk"
- - unless: "ovs-vsctl get interface {{ iface_name }} type | grep -w dpdk"
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ iface_name }}_activate
- linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ iface_name }}_options:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} set Interface {{ iface_name }} options:dpdk-devargs={{ iface.pci }}"
- - unless: "ovs-vsctl get interface {{ iface_name }} options:dpdk-devargs | grep -w {{ iface.pci }}"
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ iface_name }}_activate
- {% endfor %}
- linux_network_dpdk_bond_mode_{{ interface_name }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} set port {{ interface_name }} bond_mode={{ interface.mode }}{%- if interface.mode == 'balance-slb' %} lacp=active{%- endif %}"
- - unless: "ovs-appctl bond/show {{ interface_name }} | grep {{ interface.mode }}"
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ interface_name }}
- {%- elif interface.type == 'dpdk_ovs_bridge' %}
- linux_network_dpdk_bridge_interface_{{ interface_name }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} add-br {{ interface_name }} -- set bridge {{ interface_name }} datapath_type=netdev{% if interface.tag is defined %} -- set port {{ interface_name }} tag={{ interface.tag }}{% endif %}"
- - unless: "ovs-vsctl show | grep {{ interface_name }}"
- {%- elif interface.type == 'dpdk_ovs_port' and interface.bridge is defined %}
- linux_network_dpdk_bridge_port_interface_{{ interface_name }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} add-port {{ interface.bridge }} {{ interface_name }} -- set Interface {{ interface_name }} type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs={{ interface.pci }}"
- - unless: "ovs-vsctl list-ports {{ interface.bridge }} | grep -w {{ interface_name }}"
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bridge_interface_{{ interface.bridge }}
- {%- endif %}
- {# Multiqueue n_rxq, pmd_rxq_affinity and mtu setup on interfaces #}
- {%- if interface.type == 'dpdk_ovs_port' %}
- {%- if interface.n_rxq is defined %}
- linux_network_dpdk_bridge_port_interface_n_rxq_{{ interface_name }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} set Interface {{ interface_name }} options:n_rxq={{ interface.n_rxq }} "
- - unless: |
- ovs-vsctl get Interface {{ interface_name }} options | grep 'n_rxq="{{ interface.n_rxq }}"'
- {%- if interface.get("bond", "") != "" %}
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ interface.get("bond", "") }}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if interface.pmd_rxq_affinity is defined %}
- linux_network_dpdk_bridge_port_interface_pmd_rxq_affinity_{{ interface_name }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} set Interface {{ interface_name }} other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity={{ interface.pmd_rxq_affinity }} "
- - unless: |
- ovs-vsctl get Interface {{ interface_name }} other_config | grep 'pmd-rxq-affinity="{{ interface.pmd_rxq_affinity }}"'
- {%- if interface.get("bond", "") != "" %}
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ interface.get("bond", "") }}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if interface.mtu is defined %}
- {# MTU ovs dpdk setup on interfaces #}
- linux_network_dpdk_bridge_port_interface_mtu_{{ interface_name }}:
- cmd.run:
- - name: "ovs-vsctl{%- if network.ovs_nowait %} --no-wait{%- endif %} set Interface {{ interface_name }} mtu_request={{ interface.mtu }} "
- - unless: "ovs-vsctl get Interface {{ interface_name }} mtu_request | grep {{ interface.mtu }}"
- {%- if interface.get("bond", "") != "" %}
- - require:
- - cmd: linux_network_dpdk_bond_interface_{{ interface.get("bond", "") }}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endfor %}
- {%- endif %}