- {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import storage with context %}
- {%- if storage.enabled %}
- parted:
- pkg.installed
- xfsprogs:
- pkg.installed
- {%- for disk_name, disk in storage.disk.items() %}
- {%- set disk_name = disk.name|default(disk_name) %}
- create_disk_label_{{ disk_name }}:
- module.run:
- - name: partition.mklabel
- - device: {{ disk_name }}
- - label_type: {{ disk.get('type', 'dos') }}
- - unless: "fdisk -l {{ disk_name }} | grep -i 'Disklabel type: {{ disk.get('type', 'dos') }}'"
- - require:
- - pkg: parted
- {% set end_size = 0 -%}
- {% if disk.get('startsector', None) %}
- {% set end_size = disk.get('startsector')|int %}
- {% endif %}
- {%- for partition in disk.get('partitions', []) %}
- create_partition_{{ disk_name }}_{{ loop.index }}:
- module.run:
- - name: partition.mkpart
- - device: {{ disk_name }}
- - part_type: primary
- {%- if partition.type is defined %}
- - fs_type: {{ partition.type }}
- {%- endif %}
- - start: {{ end_size }}MB
- - end: {{ end_size + partition.size }}MB
- - unless: "blkid {{ disk_name }}{{ loop.index }} {{ disk_name }}p{{ loop.index }}"
- - require:
- - module: create_disk_label_{{ disk_name }}
- - pkg: xfsprogs
- {% set end_size = end_size + partition.size -%}
- {%- endfor %}
- probe_partions_{{ disk_name }}:
- module.run:
- - name: partition.probe
- - device: {{ disk_name }}
- {%- for partition in disk.get('partitions', []) %}
- {%- if partition.get('mkfs') and partition.type == "xfs" %}
- mkfs_partition_{{ disk_name }}_{{ loop.index }}:
- module.run:
- - name: xfs.mkfs
- - device: {{ disk_name }}{{ loop.index }}
- - unless: "blkid {{ disk_name }}{{ loop.index }} {{ disk_name }}p{{ loop.index }} | grep xfs"
- - require:
- - module: create_partition_{{ disk_name }}_{{ loop.index }}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- endfor %}
- {%- endfor %}
- {%- endif %}