@@ -1,64 +1,43 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# vim: ft=yaml |
--- |
## Machine config |
dist: bionic |
stages: |
- test |
- lint |
- name: release |
if: branch = master AND type != pull_request |
sudo: required |
cache: bundler |
language: ruby |
services: |
- docker |
# Make sure the instances listed below match up with |
# the `platforms` defined in `kitchen.yml` |
env: |
matrix: |
- INSTANCE: default-debian-10-develop-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-ubuntu-1804-develop-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-centos-7-develop-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-fedora-30-develop-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-opensuse-leap-15-develop-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-amazonlinux-2-develop-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-arch-base-latest-develop-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-debian-9-2019-2-py3 |
- INSTANCE: default-ubuntu-1804-2019-2-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-centos-7-2019-2-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-fedora-30-2019-2-py3 |
# - INSTANCE: default-opensuse-leap-15-2019-2-py3 |
- INSTANCE: default-amazonlinux-2-2019-2-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-arch-base-latest-2019-2-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-debian-9-2018-3-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-ubuntu-1604-2018-3-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-centos-7-2018-3-py2 |
- INSTANCE: default-fedora-29-2018-3-py2 |
- INSTANCE: default-opensuse-leap-15-2018-3-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-amazonlinux-2-2018-3-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-arch-base-latest-2018-3-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-debian-8-2017-7-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-ubuntu-1604-2017-7-py2 |
- INSTANCE: default-centos-6-2017-7-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-fedora-29-2017-7-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-opensuse-leap-15-2017-7-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-amazonlinux-2-2017-7-py2 |
# - INSTANCE: default-arch-base-latest-2017-7-py2 |
## Language and cache config |
language: ruby |
cache: bundler |
## Script to run for the test stage |
script: |
- bin/kitchen verify ${INSTANCE} |
- bin/kitchen verify "${INSTANCE}" |
## Stages and jobs matrix |
stages: |
- test |
- name: release |
if: branch = master AND type != pull_request |
jobs: |
allow_failures: |
- env: Lint_rubocop |
fast_finish: true |
include: |
# Define the `lint` stage (runs `yamllint` and `commitlint`) |
- stage: lint |
language: node_js |
## Define the test stage that runs the linters (and testing matrix, if applicable) |
# Run all of the linters in a single job (except `rubocop`) |
- language: node_js |
node_js: lts/* |
env: Lint |
name: 'Lint: salt-lint, yamllint & commitlint' |
before_install: skip |
script: |
# Install and run `salt-lint` |
- pip install --user salt-lint |
- git ls-files | grep '\.sls$\|\.jinja$\|\.j2$\|\.tmpl$' |
| xargs -I {} salt-lint {} |
# Install and run `yamllint` |
# Need at least `v1.17.0` for the `yaml-files` setting |
- pip install --user yamllint>=1.17.0 |
@@ -67,10 +46,56 @@ jobs: |
- npm install @commitlint/config-conventional -D |
- npm install @commitlint/travis-cli -D |
- commitlint-travis |
# Define the release stage that runs `semantic-release` |
# Run the `rubocop` linter in a separate job that is allowed to fail |
# Once these lint errors are fixed, this can be merged into a single job |
- language: node_js |
node_js: lts/* |
env: Lint_rubocop |
name: 'Lint: rubocop' |
before_install: skip |
script: |
# Install and run `rubocop` |
- gem install rubocop |
- rubocop -d |
## Define the rest of the matrix based on Kitchen testing |
# Make sure the instances listed below match up with |
# the `platforms` defined in `kitchen.yml` |
- env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-develop-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-develop-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-develop-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-30-develop-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-15-develop-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-develop-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-develop-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-2019-2-py3 |
- env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-2019-2-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-2019-2-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-30-2019-2-py3 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-15-2019-2-py3 |
- env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-2019-2-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-2019-2-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-2018-3-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1604-2018-3-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-2018-3-py2 |
- env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-29-2018-3-py2 |
- env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-15-2018-3-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-2018-3-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-2018-3-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-8-2017-7-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1604-2017-7-py2 |
- env: INSTANCE=default-centos-6-2017-7-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-29-2017-7-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-15-2017-7-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-2017-7-py2 |
# - env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-2017-7-py2 |
## Define the release stage that runs `semantic-release` |
- stage: release |
language: node_js |
node_js: lts/* |
env: Release |
name: 'Run semantic-release inc. file updates to AUTHORS, CHANGELOG & FORMULA' |
before_install: skip |
script: |
# Update `AUTHORS.md` |