#!jinja|yaml # vim: sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 et ai {% from "network/defaults.yaml" import rawmap with context %} {% set datamap = salt['grains.filter_by'](rawmap, merge=salt['pillar.get']('network')) %} {# TODO: The function name 'routes' in 'network.routes' should be moved into the list as soon as it's possible for code convention reasons. Unfortunately 'routes' is also used in **kwargs when calling ip.build_routes in salt.states.network #} {% for r in datamap.routes|default([]) %} {{ r.name }}: network.routes: - routes: {% for n in r.networks %} - name: {{ n.name }} ipaddr: {{ n.ipaddr }} netmask: {{ n.netmask }} gateway: {{ n.gateway }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}