# network-formula Salt Stack Formula to set up and configure a host's network configuration ## NOTICE BEFORE YOU USE * This formula aims to follow the conventions and recommendations described at [http://docs.saltstack.com/topics/conventions/formulas.html](http://docs.saltstack.com/topics/conventions/formulas.html) ## TODO None ## Instructions 1. Add this repository as a [GitFS](http://docs.saltstack.com/topics/tutorials/gitfs.html) backend in your Salt master config. 2. Configure your Pillar top file (`/srv/pillar/top.sls`), see pillar.example 3. Include this Formula within another Formula or simply define your needed states within the Salt top file (`/srv/salt/top.sls`). ## Available states ### network \#TODO ## Additional resources None ## Formula Dependencies None ## Compatibility *DOES* work on: * GNU/ Linux Debian Wheezy