Bladeren bron

feat(streams): add support for nginx streams

Thomas Thorburn 2 jaren geleden
53 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 2586 en 679 verwijderingen
  1. +38
  2. +12
  3. +110
  4. +24
  5. +2
  6. +8
  7. +104
  8. +12
  9. +76
  10. +199
  11. +6
  12. +1
  13. +21
  14. +403
  15. +91
  16. +242
  17. +34
  18. +62
  19. +32
  20. +297
  21. +13
  22. +22
  23. +1
  24. BIN
  25. BIN
  26. +3
  27. +22
  28. +6
  29. +78
  30. +13
  31. +11
  32. +3
  33. +9
  34. +33
  35. +33
  36. +4
  37. +51
  38. +9
  39. +2
  40. +3
  41. +9
  42. +50
  43. +58
  44. +28
  45. +37
  46. +28
  47. +27
  48. +22
  49. +24
  50. +134
  51. +13
  52. +6
  53. +60

+ 38
- 0
.github/workflows/kitchen.vagrant.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=yaml
name: 'Kitchen Vagrant (FreeBSD)'
'on': ['push', 'pull_request']

KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML: 'kitchen.vagrant.yml'

runs-on: 'macos-10.15'
fail-fast: false
- default-freebsd-130-master-py3
# - freebsd-130-master-py3
- default-freebsd-123-master-py3
# - freebsd-123-master-py3
# - default-freebsd-130-3004-0-py3
# - default-freebsd-123-3004-0-py3
- name: 'Check out code'
uses: 'actions/checkout@v2'
- name: 'Set up Bundler cache'
uses: 'actions/cache@v1'
path: 'vendor/bundle'
key: "${{ runner.os }}-gems-${{ hashFiles('**/Gemfile.lock') }}"
restore-keys: "${{ runner.os }}-gems-"
- name: 'Run Bundler'
run: |
ruby --version
bundle config path vendor/bundle
bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3
- name: 'Run Test Kitchen'
run: 'bundle exec kitchen verify ${{ matrix.instance }}'

+ 12
- 0
.gitignore Bestand weergeven

@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ celerybeat-schedule

# visual studio

# Spyder project settings
@@ -120,3 +123,12 @@ docs/*.md

# `salt-formula` -- Vagrant Specific files

# `suricata-formula` -- Platform binaries

+ 110
- 30
.gitlab-ci.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ variables:
DOCKER_DRIVER: 'overlay2'

# `lint` stage: `commitlint` & `pre-commit`
# `lint` stage: `commitlint`, `pre-commit` & `rubocop` (latest, failure allowed)
stage: *stage_lint
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ rubocop:
# Define `test` template
.test_instance: &test_instance
stage: *stage_test
image: *image_dindruby
services: *services_docker_dind
@@ -117,41 +117,121 @@ rubocop:
# Alternative value to consider: `${CI_JOB_NAME}`
- 'bin/kitchen verify "${DOCKER_ENV_CI_JOB_NAME}"'

# Define `test` template (`allow_failure: true`)
<<: *test_instance
allow_failure: true

# `test` stage: each instance below uses the `test` template above
## Define the rest of the matrix based on Kitchen testing
# Make sure the instances listed below match up with
# the `platforms` defined in `kitchen.yml`
default-debian-10-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# yamllint disable rule:line-length
# default-debian-11-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-10-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-9-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-stream8-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# default-centos-7-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-2-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-8-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-7-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-almalinux-8-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-rockylinux-8-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-11-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-debian-11-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
debian-11-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# default-debian-10-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-debian-10-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
debian-10-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-9-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-debian-9-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
debian-9-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-2004-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-ubuntu-2004-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
ubuntu-2004-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-1804-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-fedora-31-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-opensuse-leap-151-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-2-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-10-2019-2-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-9-2019-2-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-ubuntu-1804-2019-2-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-centos-8-2019-2-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-fedora-31-2019-2-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-opensuse-leap-151-2019-2-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-7-2019-2-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-2-2019-2-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-arch-base-latest-2019-2-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-fedora-30-2018-3-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-9-2018-3-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-1604-2018-3-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-7-2018-3-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-opensuse-leap-151-2018-3-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-1-2018-3-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-arch-base-latest-2018-3-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-8-2017-7-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-1604-2017-7-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-6-2017-7-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-fedora-30-2017-7-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-opensuse-leap-151-2017-7-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-1-2017-7-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-arch-base-latest-2017-7-py2: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-ubuntu-1804-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
ubuntu-1804-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-stream8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# passenger-centos-stream8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
centos-stream8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# default-centos-7-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-centos-7-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
centos-7-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-fedora-36-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# fedora-36-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
default-fedora-35-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# fedora-35-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-fedora-34-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# fedora-34-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-opensuse-leap-153-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# opensuse-leap-153-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-opensuse-tmbl-latest-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# opensuse-tmbl-latest-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
default-amazonlinux-2-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# amazonlinux-2-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-oraclelinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
oraclelinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-oraclelinux-7-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# oraclelinux-7-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-arch-base-latest-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# arch-base-latest-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-gentoo-stage3-latest-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# gentoo-stage3-latest-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
default-gentoo-stage3-systemd-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# gentoo-stage3-systemd-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-almalinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-almalinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
almalinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-rockylinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# passenger-rockylinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
rockylinux-8-master-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-11-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-10-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-9-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-2004-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-1804-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-stream8-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# default-centos-7-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-fedora-36-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# default-fedora-35-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-fedora-34-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-2-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-8-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-7-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-arch-base-latest-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-gentoo-stage3-latest-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-gentoo-stage3-systemd-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-almalinux-8-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-rockylinux-8-3004-1-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-opensuse-leap-153-3004-0-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-opensuse-tmbl-latest-3004-0-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# default-debian-10-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-9-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-2004-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-1804-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-stream8-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance_failure_permitted'}
# default-centos-7-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-2-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-8-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-7-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-almalinux-8-3003-4-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-10-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-debian-9-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-2004-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-ubuntu-1804-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-centos-7-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-amazonlinux-2-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-8-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# default-oraclelinux-7-3002-8-py3: {extends: '.test_instance'}
# yamllint enable rule:line-length

# `release` stage: `semantic-release`

+ 24
- 7
.pre-commit-config.yaml Bestand weergeven

@@ -17,16 +17,23 @@ repos:
stages: [manual]
additional_dependencies: ['@commitlint/config-conventional@8.3.4']
always_run: true
- repo:
rev: 2.1.3
- repo:
rev: v1.25.1
- id: rubocop
name: Check Ruby files with rubocop
args: [--debug]
always_run: true
pass_filenames: false
- repo:
rev: v0.8.0.4
- id: shellcheck
name: Check shell scripts with shellcheck
files: ^.*\.(sh|bash|ksh)$
types: []
args: []
- repo:
rev: v1.23.0
- repo:
rev: v1.26.3
- id: yamllint
name: Check YAML syntax with yamllint
@@ -34,7 +41,7 @@ repos:
always_run: true
pass_filenames: false
- repo:
rev: v0.3.0
rev: v0.8.0
- id: salt-lint
name: Check Salt files using salt-lint
@@ -45,4 +52,14 @@ repos:
- id: rstcheck
name: Check reST files using rstcheck
exclude: 'docs/CHANGELOG.rst'
args: [--report=warning]
- repo:
rev: v1.3.2
- id: rst-lint
name: Check reST files using rst-lint
exclude: |
additional_dependencies: [pygments==2.9.0]

+ 2
- 1
.rstcheck.cfg Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
ignore_messages=(Duplicate (ex|im)plicit target.*|Hyperlink target ".*" is not referenced\.$)

+ 8
- 1
.rubocop.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -7,10 +7,17 @@ Layout/LineLength:
# Based on (`B950`)
Max: 88
- control
- describe
# Increase from default of `25`
Max: 30
- test/integration/**/_mapdata.rb

# General settings across all cops in this formula
NewCops: enable

# Any offenses that should be fixed, e.g. collected via. `rubocop --auto-gen-config`

+ 104
- 44
.travis.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -36,17 +36,14 @@ stages:
# - name: 'release'
# if: 'branch = master AND type != pull_request'
- env: Lint_rubocop
fast_finish: true
## Define the test stage that runs the linters (and testing matrix, if applicable)

# Run all of the linters in a single job (except `rubocop`)
# Run all of the linters in a single job
- language: 'node_js'
node_js: 'lts/*'
env: 'Lint'
name: 'Lint: salt-lint, yamllint, shellcheck & commitlint'
name: 'Lint: salt-lint, yamllint, rubocop, shellcheck & commitlint'
before_install: 'skip'
# Install and run `salt-lint`
@@ -57,6 +54,9 @@ jobs:
# Need at least `v1.17.0` for the `yaml-files` setting
- pip install --user yamllint>=1.17.0
- yamllint -s .
# Install and run `rubocop`
- gem install rubocop
- rubocop -d
# Run `shellcheck` (already pre-installed in Travis)
- shellcheck --version
- git ls-files -- '*.sh' '*.bash' '*.ksh'
@@ -65,17 +65,6 @@ jobs:
- npm i -D @commitlint/config-conventional
- commitlint-travis
# Run the `rubocop` linter in a separate job that is allowed to fail
# Once these lint errors are fixed, this can be merged into a single job
- language: node_js
node_js: lts/*
env: Lint_rubocop
name: 'Lint: rubocop'
before_install: skip
# Install and run `rubocop`
- gem install rubocop
- rubocop -d

# Run `pre-commit` linters in a single job
- language: 'python'
@@ -94,35 +83,106 @@ jobs:
## Define the rest of the matrix based on Kitchen testing
# Make sure the instances listed below match up with
# the `platforms` defined in `kitchen.yml`
- env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-11-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-stream8-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-8-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-7-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-almalinux-8-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-rockylinux-8-tiamat-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-11-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-debian-11-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=debian-11-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-debian-10-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=debian-10-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-debian-9-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=debian-9-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-2004-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-ubuntu-2004-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=ubuntu-2004-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-31-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-151-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-2019-2-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-2019-2-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-2019-2-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-centos-8-2019-2-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-31-2019-2-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-151-2019-2-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-2019-2-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-2019-2-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-2019-2-py2
- env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-30-2018-3-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-2018-3-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1604-2018-3-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-2018-3-py2
- env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-151-2018-3-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-1-2018-3-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-2018-3-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-8-2017-7-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1604-2017-7-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-6-2017-7-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-30-2017-7-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-151-2017-7-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-1-2017-7-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-2017-7-py2
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-ubuntu-1804-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=ubuntu-1804-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-stream8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-centos-stream8-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=centos-stream8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-centos-7-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=centos-7-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-36-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=fedora-36-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-35-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=fedora-35-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-34-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=fedora-34-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-153-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=opensuse-leap-153-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-tmbl-latest-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=opensuse-tmbl-latest-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=amazonlinux-2-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-oraclelinux-8-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=oraclelinux-8-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-7-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=oraclelinux-7-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=arch-base-latest-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-gentoo-stage3-latest-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=gentoo-stage3-latest-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=default-gentoo-stage3-systemd-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=gentoo-stage3-systemd-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-almalinux-8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-almalinux-8-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=almalinux-8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-rockylinux-8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=passenger-rockylinux-8-master-py3
- env: INSTANCE=rockylinux-8-master-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-11-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-2004-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-stream8-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-36-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-35-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-fedora-34-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-8-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-7-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-arch-base-latest-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-gentoo-stage3-latest-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-gentoo-stage3-systemd-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-almalinux-8-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-rockylinux-8-3004-1-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-leap-153-3004-0-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-opensuse-tmbl-latest-3004-0-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-2004-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-stream8-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-8-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-7-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-almalinux-8-3003-4-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-10-3002-8-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-debian-9-3002-8-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-2004-3002-8-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-3002-8-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-3002-8-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-amazonlinux-2-3002-8-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-8-3002-8-py3
# - env: INSTANCE=default-oraclelinux-7-3002-8-py3

## Define the release stage that runs `semantic-release`
- stage: 'release'

+ 12
- 4
.yamllint Bestand weergeven

@@ -2,17 +2,25 @@
# vim: ft=yaml
# Extend the `default` configuration provided by `yamllint`
extends: default
extends: 'default'

# Files to ignore completely
# 1. All YAML files under directory `node_modules/`, introduced during the Travis run
# 2. Any SLS files under directory `test/`, which are actually state files
# 3. Any YAML files under directory `.kitchen/`, introduced during local testing
# 1. All YAML files under directory `.bundle/`, introduced if gems are installed locally
# 2. All YAML files under directory `.cache/`, introduced during the CI run
# 3. All YAML files under directory `.git/`
# 4. All YAML files under directory `node_modules/`, introduced during the CI run
# 5. Any SLS files under directory `test/`, which are actually state files
# 6. Any YAML files under directory `.kitchen/`, introduced during local testing
# 7. `kitchen.vagrant.yml`, which contains Embedded Ruby (ERB) template syntax
ignore: |

# Default settings

+ 76
- 73 Bestand weergeven

@@ -4,79 +4,82 @@ This list is sorted by the number of commits per contributor in _descending_ ord

<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@myii'>|[@myii](|82
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@aboe76'>|[@aboe76](|46
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@gravyboat'>|[@gravyboat](|27
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@nmadhok'>|[@nmadhok](|24
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@noelmcloughlin'>|[@noelmcloughlin](|18
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@whiteinge'>|[@whiteinge](|17
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ross-p'>|[@ross-p](|13
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@daks'>|[@daks](|11
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@techhat'>|[@techhat](|10
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@javierbertoli'>|[@javierbertoli](|9
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@arthurlogilab'>|[@arthurlogilab](|8
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cheuschober'>|[@cheuschober](|8
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@dseira'>|[@dseira](|8
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@amontalban'>|[@amontalban](|7
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@puneetk'>|[@puneetk](|7
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@TaiSHiNet'>|[@TaiSHiNet](|6
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@EvaSDK'>|[@EvaSDK](|6
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cackovic'>|[@cackovic](|5
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@auser'>|[@auser](|5
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@stp-ip'>|[@stp-ip](|5
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ahmadsherif'>|[@ahmadsherif](|4
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@n-rodriguez'>|[@n-rodriguez](|4
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@teepark'>|[@teepark](|4
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@alinefr'>|[@alinefr](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@devaos'>|[@devaos](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bmwiedemann'>|[@bmwiedemann](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@terminalmage'>|[@terminalmage](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@imran1008'>|[@imran1008](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@morsik'>|[@morsik](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@msciciel'>|[@msciciel](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@rfairburn'>|[@rfairburn](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@westurner'>|[@westurner](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@chris-sanders'>|[@chris-sanders](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@dafyddj'>|[@dafyddj](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@UtahDave'>|[@UtahDave](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ghtyrant'>|[@ghtyrant](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@pprkut'>|[@pprkut](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@jstrunk'>|[@jstrunk](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@johnkeates'>|[@johnkeates](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@kmshultz'>|[@kmshultz](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@malept'>|[@malept](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@meganlkm'>|[@meganlkm](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@garrettw'>|[@garrettw](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ErisDS'>|[@ErisDS](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@myoung34'>|[@myoung34](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@sticky-note'>|[@sticky-note](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bebosudo'>|[@bebosudo](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@aanriot'>|[@aanriot](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@andrew-vant'>|[@andrew-vant](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bemosior'>|[@bemosior](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@SuperTux88'>|[@SuperTux88](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bogdanr'>|[@bogdanr](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@blbradley'>|[@blbradley](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@CorwinTanner'>|[@CorwinTanner](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@fayetted'>|[@fayetted](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@czarneckid'>|[@czarneckid](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@statik'>|[@statik](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ekristen'>|[@ekristen](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@jeduardo'>|[@jeduardo](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@stromnet'>|[@stromnet](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bsdlp'>|[@bsdlp](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@MEschenbacher'>|[@MEschenbacher](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@renich'>|[@renich](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@outime'>|[@outime](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@scub'>|[@scub](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@thatch45'>|[@thatch45](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@blarghmatey'>|[@blarghmatey](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@babilen5'>|[@babilen5](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@abednarik'>|[@abednarik](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@francesco-a'>|[@francesco-a](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@oboyle'>|[@oboyle](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bersace'>|[@bersace](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@myii'>|[@myii](|155
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@aboe76'>|[@aboe76](|46
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@javierbertoli'>|[@javierbertoli](|29
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@gravyboat'>|[@gravyboat](|27
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@nmadhok'>|[@nmadhok](|24
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@noelmcloughlin'>|[@noelmcloughlin](|19
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@whiteinge'>|[@whiteinge](|17
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ross-p'>|[@ross-p](|13
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@daks'>|[@daks](|11
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@techhat'>|[@techhat](|10
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@arthurlogilab'>|[@arthurlogilab](|8
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cheuschober'>|[@cheuschober](|8
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@dseira'>|[@dseira](|8
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@amontalban'>|[@amontalban](|7
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@puneetk'>|[@puneetk](|7
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@TaiSHiNet'>|[@TaiSHiNet](|6
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@EvaSDK'>|[@EvaSDK](|6
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cackovic'>|[@cackovic](|5
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@auser'>|[@auser](|5
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@stp-ip'>|[@stp-ip](|5
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ahmadsherif'>|[@ahmadsherif](|4
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@n-rodriguez'>|[@n-rodriguez](|4
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@teepark'>|[@teepark](|4
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@alinefr'>|[@alinefr](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@devaos'>|[@devaos](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bmwiedemann'>|[@bmwiedemann](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@dafyddj'>|[@dafyddj](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@terminalmage'>|[@terminalmage](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@imran1008'>|[@imran1008](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@morsik'>|[@morsik](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@msciciel'>|[@msciciel](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@rfairburn'>|[@rfairburn](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@westurner'>|[@westurner](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@toanju'>|[@toanju](|3
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@chris-sanders'>|[@chris-sanders](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@UtahDave'>|[@UtahDave](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ghtyrant'>|[@ghtyrant](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@pprkut'>|[@pprkut](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@jstrunk'>|[@jstrunk](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@johnkeates'>|[@johnkeates](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@kmshultz'>|[@kmshultz](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@malept'>|[@malept](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@meganlkm'>|[@meganlkm](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ErisDS'>|[@ErisDS](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@myoung34'>|[@myoung34](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@sticky-note'>|[@sticky-note](|2
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bebosudo'>|[@bebosudo](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@aanriot'>|[@aanriot](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@andrew-vant'>|[@andrew-vant](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bemosior'>|[@bemosior](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@SuperTux88'>|[@SuperTux88](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bogdanr'>|[@bogdanr](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@blbradley'>|[@blbradley](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@CorwinTanner'>|[@CorwinTanner](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@fayetted'>|[@fayetted](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@baby-gnu'>|[@baby-gnu](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@czarneckid'>|[@czarneckid](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@statik'>|[@statik](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ekristen'>|[@ekristen](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@garrettw'>|[@garrettw](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@jeduardo'>|[@jeduardo](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@stromnet'>|[@stromnet](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bsdlp'>|[@bsdlp](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@anderbubble'>|[@anderbubble](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@MEschenbacher'>|[@MEschenbacher](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@renich'>|[@renich](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@outime'>|[@outime](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@scub'>|[@scub](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@thatch45'>|[@thatch45](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@blarghmatey'>|[@blarghmatey](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@babilen'>|[@babilen](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@abednarik'>|[@abednarik](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@francesco-a'>|[@francesco-a](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@oboyle'>|[@oboyle](|1
<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@bersace'>|[@bersace](|1


Auto-generated by a [forked version]( of [gaocegege/maintainer]( on 2021-01-04.
Auto-generated by a [forked version]( of [gaocegege/maintainer]( on 2022-03-02.

+ 199
- 0 Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,5 +1,204 @@
# Changelog

## [2.8.1]( (2022-03-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **debian:** avoid adding repositories entries multiple times ([d1d3e55](, closes [/](

### Continuous Integration

* update linters to latest versions [skip ci] ([512fe00](

### Tests

* **repository:** use `system.platform[:codename]` [skip ci] ([0e51694](
* **system:** add `build_platform_codename` [skip ci] ([5f1a289](

# [2.8.0]( (2022-02-03)

### Code Refactoring

* **pkgs:** readbility ([b76e8cc](

### Continuous Integration

* **kitchen+gitlab:** update for new pre-salted images [skip ci] ([7fcb960](

### Features

* **debian:** use keyrings instead of key_ids ([037c13a](

### Reverts

* **pkg:** use grains.osfinger in a format suitable for all platforms ([8fee9f0](

### Styles

* **map.jinja:** remove empty line ([ae52641](

### Tests

* **repository:** favor `platform` over `os` ([c16ecf8](

## [2.7.5]( (2022-02-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **snippets:** make sure they're deployed before being used ([9dfc1c1](

### Continuous Integration

* **3003.1:** update inc. AlmaLinux, Rocky & `rst-lint` [skip ci] ([6a42a9b](
* **freebsd:** update with latest pre-salted Vagrant boxes [skip ci] ([860fabe](
* **gemfile:** allow rubygems proxy to be provided as an env var [skip ci] ([1557473](
* **gemfile+lock:** use `ssf` customised `inspec` repo [skip ci] ([a11da83](
* **gitlab-ci:** enable instance after upstream issue resolved [skip ci] ([79499e8](
* **kitchen:** move `provisioner` block & update `run_command` [skip ci] ([6b65017](
* **kitchen+ci:** update with `3004` pre-salted images/boxes [skip ci] ([30f87cc](
* **kitchen+ci:** update with latest `3003.2` pre-salted images [skip ci] ([70a1f31](
* **kitchen+ci:** update with latest CVE pre-salted images [skip ci] ([e041418](
* **vagrant:** replace FreeBSD 12.2 with 12.3 [skip ci] ([7deb74f](
* add Debian 11 Bullseye & update `yamllint` configuration [skip ci] ([fa8a5db](
* **kitchen+gitlab:** remove Ubuntu 16.04 & Fedora 32 (EOL) [skip ci] ([d15f3de](

## [2.7.4]( (2021-06-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **servers:** include main config file watch in extend ([00387e7](

## [2.7.3]( (2021-06-14)

### Tests

* **snippets:** add tests for snippets includes ([1c83b6d](, closes [#275]( [#274](

## [2.7.2]( (2021-06-14)

### Bug Fixes

* **certificates:** ensure `openssl` installed before `` ([0cd7c7b](, closes [/](
* **snippets:** ignore servers or snippets when undefined ([6cb486d](, closes [#274](

## [2.7.1]( (2021-05-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **servers:** wrong conditional specification ([494b2fb](

### Continuous Integration

* add `arch-master` to matrix and update `.travis.yml` [skip ci] ([4697152](

# [2.7.0]( (2021-04-28)

### Continuous Integration

* **kitchen+gitlab:** adjust matrix to add `3003` [skip ci] ([46faf4e](
* **vagrant:** add FreeBSD 13.0 [skip ci] ([b41062e](
* **vagrant:** use pre-salted boxes & conditional local settings [skip ci] ([b9e9cd3](

### Documentation

* **readme:** add `Testing with Vagrant` section [skip ci] ([5727848](

### Features

* **servers_config:** add require statement to manage dependencies ([622d22f](

### Tests

* **requires:** verify dependencies in vhosts ([6478143](

## [2.6.3]( (2021-04-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **freebsd:** add `openssl` pkg and update all `default` tests ([4cd351a](

### Continuous Integration

* enable Vagrant-based testing using GitHub Actions ([c79ce9a](

## [2.6.2]( (2021-03-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **servers_config:** fixup 05994e1 ([c03729a](

## [2.6.1]( (2021-03-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **servers_config:** remove service depedency ([05994e1](

### Code Refactoring

* **servers_config:** remove unused loop ([3825557](

### Continuous Integration

* **kitchen+ci:** include `passenger` suite [skip ci] ([0bbe686](

### Tests

* standardise use of `share` suite & `_mapdata` state [skip ci] ([8ea3c82](

# [2.6.0]( (2021-03-11)

### Bug Fixes

* **passenger:** various fixes ([7271c9d](
* **pkg:** add inline EPEL repo configuration for Amazon Linux 2 ([ae6375c](

### Continuous Integration

* **gemfile+lock:** use `ssf` customised `kitchen-docker` repo [skip ci] ([123d13e](
* **kitchen+ci:** make rubocop happy [skip ci] ([eedfc56](
* **kitchen+ci:** use latest pre-salted images (after CVE) [skip ci] ([63d32a4](
* **kitchen+gitlab-ci:** use latest pre-salted images [skip ci] ([b4411c6](
* **pre-commit:** update hook for `rubocop` [skip ci] ([2a23743](

### Features

* **config:** validate config before applying ([b396b24](

### Tests

* **config:** fix for Amazon Linux 2 & Oracle Linux 7/8 ([ab39c8f](

# [2.5.0]( (2021-01-04)

+ 6
- 0
CODEOWNERS Bestand weergeven

@@ -15,10 +15,14 @@
/docs/AUTHORS.rst @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/docs/CHANGELOG.rst @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/docs/TOFS_pattern.rst @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/*/_mapdata/ @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/*/libsaltcli.jinja @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/*/libtofs.jinja @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/test/integration/**/_mapdata.rb @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/test/integration/**/libraries/system.rb @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/test/integration/**/inspec.yml @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/test/integration/**/ @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/test/salt/pillar/top.sls @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/.gitignore @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/.cirrus.yml @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/.gitlab-ci.yml @saltstack-formulas/ssf
@@ -36,6 +40,8 @@
/Gemfile @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/Gemfile.lock @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/kitchen.yml @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/kitchen.vagrant.yml @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/ @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/ @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/release-rules.js @saltstack-formulas/ssf
/release.config.js @saltstack-formulas/ssf

+ 1
- 1
FORMULA Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: nginx
os: Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, Suse, openSUSE
os_family: Debian, RedHat, Suse
version: 2.5.0
version: 2.8.1
release: 1
minimum_version: 2017.3
summary: nginx formula

+ 21
- 10
Gemfile Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

source ''

# Use the latest version of `inspec` prior to `4.23.4`, which introduces a
# regression where the diff isn't displayed when comparing using `eq`.
gem 'inspec', '~> 4.22.22'
# Install the `kitchen-docker` gem from GitHub because the latest version
# currently available (`2.10.0`) doesn't include a recent fix for Gentoo.
gem 'kitchen-docker', github: 'test-kitchen/kitchen-docker', ref: '41e80fe'
gem 'kitchen-inspec', '>= 2.2.1'
gem 'kitchen-salt', '>= 0.6.3'

# Install the `inspec` gem using `git` because versions after `4.22.22`
# suppress diff output; this version fixes this for our uses.
# rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength
gem 'inspec', git: '', branch: 'ssf'
# rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength

# Install the `kitchen-docker` gem using `git` in order to gain a performance
# improvement: avoid package installations which are already covered by the
# `salt-image-builder` (i.e. the pre-salted images that we're using)
# rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength
gem 'kitchen-docker', git: '', branch: 'ssf'
# rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength

gem 'kitchen-inspec', '>= 2.5.0'
gem 'kitchen-salt', '>= 0.7.2'

group :vagrant do
gem 'kitchen-vagrant'

+ 403
- 255
Gemfile.lock Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,321 +1,420 @@
revision: 41e80fed3a7cc86323e19c16a5a340cebf7e5848
ref: 41e80fe
revision: 1821d2dfd3365e8f05b8439845c58fa4d069806b
branch: ssf
kitchen-docker (2.10.0)
inspec (5.12.2)
faraday_middleware (>= 0.12.2, < 1.1)
inspec-core (= 5.12.2)
mongo (= 2.13.2)
progress_bar (~> 1.3.3)
train (~> 3.0)
train-aws (~> 0.2)
train-habitat (~> 0.1)
train-winrm (~> 0.2)
inspec-core (5.12.2)
addressable (~> 2.4)
chef-telemetry (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.8)
faraday (>= 0.9.0, < 1.5)
faraday_middleware (~> 1.0)
hashie (>= 3.4, < 5.0)
license-acceptance (>= 0.2.13, < 3.0)
method_source (>= 0.8, < 2.0)
mixlib-log (~> 3.0)
multipart-post (~> 2.0)
parallel (~> 1.9)
parslet (>= 1.5, < 2.0)
pry (~> 0.13)
rspec (>= 3.9, <= 3.11)
rspec-its (~> 1.2)
rubyzip (>= 1.2.2, < 3.0)
semverse (~> 3.0)
sslshake (~> 1.2)
thor (>= 0.20, < 2.0)
tomlrb (>= 1.2, < 2.1)
train-core (~> 3.0)
tty-prompt (~> 0.17)
tty-table (~> 0.10)

revision: 9a09bc1e571e25f3ccabf4725ca2048d970fff82
branch: ssf
kitchen-docker (2.12.0)
test-kitchen (>= 1.0.0)

activesupport (
activesupport (
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
i18n (>= 0.7, < 2)
minitest (~> 5.1)
tzinfo (~> 1.1)
addressable (2.7.0)
i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
minitest (>= 5.1)
tzinfo (~> 2.0)
addressable (2.8.0)
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
aws-eventstream (1.1.0)
aws-partitions (1.386.0)
aws-sdk-apigateway (1.55.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
ast (2.4.2)
aws-eventstream (1.2.0)
aws-partitions (1.577.0)
aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness (1.56.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-amplify (1.32.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.120.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-apigateway (1.76.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 (1.42.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-applicationautoscaling (1.51.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-athena (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 (1.29.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-autoscaling (1.63.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-athena (1.33.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-batch (1.47.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-autoscaling (1.22.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.52.1)
aws-sdk-budgets (1.49.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-budgets (1.36.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudformation (1.68.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-cloudformation (1.44.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudfront (1.63.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-cloudfront (1.46.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudhsm (1.39.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-cloudhsm (1.27.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2 (1.42.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2 (1.30.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudtrail (1.48.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-cloudtrail (1.29.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudwatch (1.64.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-cloudwatch (1.45.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudwatchevents (1.46.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs (1.38.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs (1.52.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-codecommit (1.40.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-codecommit (1.51.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-codedeploy (1.37.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-codedeploy (1.49.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-codepipeline (1.37.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-codepipeline (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-configservice (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-cognitoidentity (1.31.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-core (3.109.1)
aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-configservice (1.77.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-core (3.130.1)
aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.239.0)
aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.525.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
jmespath (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice (1.28.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice (1.40.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-databasemigrationservice (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-dynamodb (1.74.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ec2 (1.307.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ecr (1.56.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ecrpublic (1.12.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ecs (1.99.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-dynamodb (1.55.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-efs (1.54.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ec2 (1.202.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-eks (1.74.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ecr (1.39.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-elasticache (1.76.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ecs (1.70.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk (1.51.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-efs (1.36.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing (1.40.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-eks (1.45.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 (1.77.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-elasticache (1.44.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice (1.65.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-elasticbeanstalk (1.39.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-emr (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.121.2)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing (1.29.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-eventbridge (1.24.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-firehose (1.48.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice (1.43.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-glue (1.88.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-firehose (1.35.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-guardduty (1.56.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-guardduty (1.42.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-iam (1.68.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-iam (1.46.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-kafka (1.49.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-kafka (1.29.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-kinesis (1.41.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-kinesis (1.30.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-kms (1.55.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-kms (1.39.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-lambda (1.83.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-lambda (1.51.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-mq (1.40.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.120.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-organizations (1.17.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.39.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-rds (1.104.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-networkfirewall (1.15.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-redshift (1.50.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-networkmanager (1.22.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-route53 (1.44.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-organizations (1.59.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-route53domains (1.28.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-ram (1.26.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-route53resolver (1.21.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-rds (1.143.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-s3 (1.83.1)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-redshift (1.80.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-route53 (1.62.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-route53domains (1.40.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-route53resolver (1.37.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-s3 (1.113.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sdk-kms (~> 1)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.4)
aws-sdk-s3control (1.43.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.122.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-secretsmanager (1.46.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-securityhub (1.63.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-servicecatalog (1.60.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ses (1.41.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.120.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-securityhub (1.35.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-shield (1.48.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ses (1.36.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-signer (1.32.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.120.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-sms (1.27.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-simpledb (1.29.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.120.0)
aws-sigv2 (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-sms (1.40.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-sns (1.34.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-sns (1.53.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-sqs (1.34.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-sqs (1.51.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-ssm (1.95.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.109.0)
aws-sdk-ssm (1.134.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sigv4 (1.2.2)
aws-sdk-states (1.39.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-synthetics (1.19.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.121.2)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-transfer (1.34.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.112.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-waf (1.43.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.122.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sigv2 (1.1.0)
aws-sigv4 (1.4.0)
aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
azure_graph_rbac (0.17.2)
ms_rest_azure (~> 0.12.0)
azure_mgmt_key_vault (0.17.6)
azure_mgmt_key_vault (0.17.7)
ms_rest_azure (~> 0.12.0)
azure_mgmt_resources (0.18.0)
azure_mgmt_resources (0.18.2)
ms_rest_azure (~> 0.12.0)
azure_mgmt_security (0.18.2)
azure_mgmt_security (0.19.0)
ms_rest_azure (~> 0.12.0)
azure_mgmt_storage (0.22.0)
azure_mgmt_storage (0.23.0)
ms_rest_azure (~> 0.12.0)
bcrypt_pbkdf (1.0.1)
bcrypt_pbkdf (1.1.0)
bson (4.14.1)
builder (3.2.4)
chef-config (16.6.14)
chef-config (17.10.0)
chef-utils (= 16.6.14)
chef-utils (= 17.10.0)
mixlib-config (>= 2.2.12, < 4.0)
mixlib-shellout (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
tomlrb (~> 1.2)
chef-telemetry (1.0.14)
chef-telemetry (1.1.1)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
ffi-yajl (~> 2.2)
chef-utils (16.6.14)
chef-utils (17.10.0)
coderay (1.1.3)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.7)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
cookstyle (7.32.1)
rubocop (= 1.25.1)
declarative (0.0.20)
declarative-option (0.1.0)
diff-lcs (1.4.4)
docker-api (2.0.0)
diff-lcs (1.5.0)
docker-api (2.2.0)
excon (>= 0.47.0)
domain_name (0.5.20190701)
unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0)
ecma-re-validator (0.2.1)
regexp_parser (~> 1.2)
ed25519 (1.2.4)
erubi (1.9.0)
excon (0.78.0)
faraday (0.17.3)
ed25519 (1.3.0)
erubi (1.10.0)
excon (0.92.2)
faraday (1.4.3)
faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (~> 1.0)
faraday-excon (~> 1.1)
faraday-net_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-net_http_persistent (~> 1.1)
multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4)
faraday-cookie_jar (0.0.7)
faraday (>= 0.8.0)
http-cookie (~> 1.0.0)
faraday_middleware (0.12.2)
faraday (>= 0.7.4, < 1.0)
ffi (1.13.1)
ffi-yajl (2.3.4)
libyajl2 (~> 1.2)
faraday-em_http (1.0.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
faraday-excon (1.1.0)
faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
faraday_middleware (1.0.0)
faraday (~> 1.0)
ffi (1.15.5)
fuzzyurl (0.9.0)
google-api-client (0.44.0)
google-api-client (0.52.0)
addressable (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.1)
googleauth (~> 0.9)
httpclient (>= 2.8.1, < 3.0)
mini_mime (~> 1.0)
representable (~> 3.0)
retriable (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
signet (~> 0.12)
googleauth (0.13.0)
googleauth (0.14.0)
faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 2.0)
jwt (>= 1.4, < 3.0)
memoist (~> 0.16)
multi_json (~> 1.11)
os (>= 0.9, < 2.0)
signet (~> 0.14)
gssapi (1.3.0)
gssapi (1.3.1)
ffi (>= 1.0.1)
gyoku (1.3.1)
gyoku (1.4.0)
builder (>= 2.1.2)
hana (1.3.6)
hashie (3.6.0)
http-cookie (1.0.3)
rexml (~> 3.0)
hashie (4.1.0)
highline (2.0.3)
http-cookie (1.0.4)
domain_name (~> 0.5)
httpclient (2.8.3)
i18n (1.8.5)
i18n (1.10.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
inifile (3.0.0)
inspec (4.22.22)
faraday_middleware (~> 0.12.2)
inspec-core (= 4.22.22)
train (~> 3.0)
train-aws (~> 0.1)
train-habitat (~> 0.1)
train-winrm (~> 0.2)
inspec-core (4.22.22)
addressable (~> 2.4)
chef-telemetry (~> 1.0)
faraday (>= 0.9.0)
hashie (~> 3.4)
json_schemer (>= 0.2.1, < 0.2.12)
license-acceptance (>= 0.2.13, < 2.0)
method_source (>= 0.8, < 2.0)
mixlib-log (~> 3.0)
multipart-post (~> 2.0)
parallel (~> 1.9)
parslet (~> 1.5)
pry (~> 0.13)
rspec (~> 3.9)
rspec-its (~> 1.2)
rubyzip (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.2)
semverse (~> 3.0)
sslshake (~> 1.2)
thor (>= 0.20, < 2.0)
tomlrb (~> 1.2.0)
train-core (~> 3.0)
tty-prompt (~> 0.17)
tty-table (~> 0.10)
jmespath (1.4.0)
json (2.3.1)
json_schemer (0.2.11)
ecma-re-validator (~> 0.2)
hana (~> 1.3)
regexp_parser (~> 1.5)
uri_template (~> 0.7)
jwt (2.2.2)
kitchen-inspec (2.2.1)
hashie (~> 3.4)
inspec (>= 2.2.64, < 5.0)
test-kitchen (>= 2.7, < 3)
kitchen-salt (0.6.3)
jmespath (1.6.1)
json (2.6.1)
jwt (2.3.0)
kitchen-inspec (2.5.2)
hashie (>= 3.4, <= 5.0)
inspec (>= 2.2.64, < 6.0)
test-kitchen (>= 2.7, < 4)
kitchen-salt (0.7.2)
hashie (>= 3.5)
test-kitchen (>= 1.4)
libyajl2 (1.2.0)
license-acceptance (1.0.19)
kitchen-vagrant (1.11.0)
test-kitchen (>= 1.4, < 4)
license-acceptance (2.1.13)
pastel (~> 0.7)
tomlrb (~> 1.2)
tty-box (~> 0.3)
tty-prompt (~> 0.18)
tomlrb (>= 1.2, < 3.0)
tty-box (~> 0.6)
tty-prompt (~> 0.20)
little-plugger (1.1.4)
logging (2.3.0)
little-plugger (~> 1.1)
multi_json (~> 1.14)
memoist (0.16.2)
method_source (1.0.0)
mini_mime (1.0.2)
minitest (5.14.2)
mini_mime (1.1.2)
minitest (5.15.0)
mixlib-config (3.0.9)
mixlib-install (3.12.3)
mixlib-install (3.12.16)
mixlib-log (3.0.9)
mixlib-shellout (3.1.6)
mixlib-shellout (3.2.7)
mixlib-versioning (1.2.12)
mongo (2.13.2)
bson (>= 4.8.2, < 5.0.0)
ms_rest (0.7.6)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
faraday (>= 0.9, < 2.0.0)
@@ -333,53 +432,76 @@ GEM
net-ssh-gateway (2.0.0)
net-ssh (>= 4.0.0)
nori (2.6.0)
os (1.1.1)
parallel (1.19.2)
options (2.3.2)
os (1.1.4)
parallel (1.22.1)
parser (
ast (~> 2.4.1)
parslet (1.8.2)
pastel (0.8.0)
tty-color (~> 0.5)
pry (0.13.1)
progress_bar (1.3.3)
highline (>= 1.6, < 3)
options (~> 2.3.0)
pry (0.14.1)
coderay (~> 1.1)
method_source (~> 1.0)
public_suffix (4.0.6)
regexp_parser (1.8.2)
representable (3.0.4)
public_suffix (4.0.7)
rainbow (3.1.1)
rake (13.0.6)
regexp_parser (2.3.0)
representable (3.1.1)
declarative (< 0.1.0)
declarative-option (< 0.2.0)
trailblazer-option (>= 0.1.1, < 0.2.0)
uber (< 0.2.0)
retriable (3.1.2)
rspec (3.9.0)
rspec-core (~> 3.9.0)
rspec-expectations (~> 3.9.0)
rspec-mocks (~> 3.9.0)
rspec-core (3.9.3)
rspec-support (~> 3.9.3)
rspec-expectations (3.9.3)
rexml (3.2.5)
rspec (3.11.0)
rspec-core (~> 3.11.0)
rspec-expectations (~> 3.11.0)
rspec-mocks (~> 3.11.0)
rspec-core (3.11.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
rspec-expectations (3.11.0)
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.9.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
rspec-its (1.3.0)
rspec-core (>= 3.0.0)
rspec-expectations (>= 3.0.0)
rspec-mocks (3.9.1)
rspec-mocks (3.11.1)
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.9.0)
rspec-support (3.9.4)
rubyntlm (0.6.2)
rubyzip (1.3.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
rspec-support (3.11.0)
rubocop (1.25.1)
parallel (~> 1.10)
parser (>=
rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
regexp_parser (>= 1.8, < 3.0)
rubocop-ast (>= 1.15.1, < 2.0)
ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 3.0)
rubocop-ast (1.17.0)
parser (>=
ruby-progressbar (1.11.0)
ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
rubyntlm (0.6.3)
rubyzip (2.3.2)
semverse (3.0.0)
signet (0.14.0)
addressable (~> 2.3)
faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 2.0)
signet (0.16.1)
addressable (~> 2.8)
faraday (>= 0.17.5, < 3.0)
jwt (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
multi_json (~> 1.10)
sslshake (1.3.1)
strings (0.2.0)
strings (0.2.1)
strings-ansi (~> 0.2)
unicode-display_width (~> 1.5)
unicode-display_width (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
unicode_utils (~> 1.4)
strings-ansi (0.2.0)
test-kitchen (2.7.2)
test-kitchen (3.2.2)
bcrypt_pbkdf (~> 1.0)
chef-utils (>= 16.4.35)
ed25519 (~> 1.2)
license-acceptance (>= 1.0.11, < 3.0)
mixlib-install (~> 3.6)
@@ -391,28 +513,32 @@ GEM
winrm (~> 2.0)
winrm-elevated (~> 1.0)
winrm-fs (~> 1.1)
thor (1.0.1)
thread_safe (0.3.6)
thor (1.2.1)
timeliness (0.3.10)
tomlrb (1.2.9)
train (3.3.27)
activesupport (>=, < 6.0.0)
tomlrb (1.3.0)
trailblazer-option (0.1.2)
train (3.9.2)
activesupport (>=
azure_graph_rbac (~> 0.16)
azure_mgmt_key_vault (~> 0.17)
azure_mgmt_resources (~> 0.15)
azure_mgmt_security (~> 0.18)
azure_mgmt_storage (~> 0.18)
docker-api (>= 1.26, < 3.0)
google-api-client (>= 0.23.9, < 0.44.1)
googleauth (>= 0.6.6, < 0.13.1)
google-api-client (>= 0.23.9, <= 0.52.0)
googleauth (>= 0.6.6, <= 0.14.0)
inifile (~> 3.0)
train-core (= 3.3.27)
train-core (= 3.9.2)
train-winrm (~> 0.2)
train-aws (0.1.18)
train-aws (0.2.24)
aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-amplify (~> 1.32.0)
aws-sdk-apigateway (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-applicationautoscaling (>= 1.46, < 1.52)
aws-sdk-athena (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-autoscaling (~> 1.22.0)
aws-sdk-autoscaling (>= 1.22, < 1.64)
aws-sdk-batch (>= 1.36, < 1.48)
aws-sdk-budgets (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-cloudformation (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-cloudfront (~> 1.0)
@@ -420,16 +546,21 @@ GEM
aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2 (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-cloudtrail (~> 1.8)
aws-sdk-cloudwatch (~> 1.13)
aws-sdk-cloudwatchevents (>= 1.36, < 1.47)
aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs (~> 1.13)
aws-sdk-codecommit (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-codedeploy (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-codepipeline (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-cognitoidentity (>= 1.26, < 1.32)
aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider (>= 1.46, < 1.54)
aws-sdk-configservice (~> 1.21)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3.0)
aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice (~> 1.6)
aws-sdk-databasemigrationservice (>= 1.42, < 1.54)
aws-sdk-dynamodb (~> 1.31)
aws-sdk-ec2 (~> 1.70)
aws-sdk-ecr (~> 1.18)
aws-sdk-ecrpublic (~> 1.3)
aws-sdk-ecs (~> 1.30)
aws-sdk-efs (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-eks (~> 1.9)
@@ -438,48 +569,65 @@ GEM
aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing (~> 1.8)
aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-elasticsearchservice (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-emr (~> 1.53.0)
aws-sdk-eventbridge (~> 1.24.0)
aws-sdk-firehose (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-glue (>= 1.71, < 1.89)
aws-sdk-guardduty (~> 1.31)
aws-sdk-iam (~> 1.13)
aws-sdk-kafka (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-kinesis (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-kms (~> 1.13)
aws-sdk-lambda (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-organizations (~> 1.17.0)
aws-sdk-mq (~> 1.40.0)
aws-sdk-networkfirewall (>= 1.6.0)
aws-sdk-networkmanager (>= 1.13.0)
aws-sdk-organizations (>= 1.17, < 1.60)
aws-sdk-ram (>= 1.21, < 1.27)
aws-sdk-rds (~> 1.43)
aws-sdk-redshift (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-route53 (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-route53domains (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-route53resolver (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-s3 (~> 1.30)
aws-sdk-s3control (~> 1.43.0)
aws-sdk-secretsmanager (>= 1.42, < 1.47)
aws-sdk-securityhub (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-ses (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-servicecatalog (>= 1.48, < 1.61)
aws-sdk-ses (~> 1.41.0)
aws-sdk-shield (~> 1.30)
aws-sdk-signer (~> 1.32.0)
aws-sdk-simpledb (~> 1.29.0)
aws-sdk-sms (~> 1.0)
aws-sdk-sns (~> 1.9)
aws-sdk-sqs (~> 1.10)
aws-sdk-ssm (~> 1.0)
train-core (3.3.27)
aws-sdk-states (>= 1.35, < 1.40)
aws-sdk-synthetics (~> 1.19.0)
aws-sdk-transfer (>= 1.26, < 1.35)
aws-sdk-waf (~> 1.43.0)
train-core (3.9.2)
addressable (~> 2.5)
ffi (!= 1.13.0)
json (>= 1.8, < 3.0)
mixlib-shellout (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
net-scp (>= 1.2, < 4.0)
net-ssh (>= 2.9, < 7.0)
train-habitat (0.2.13)
train-winrm (0.2.11)
winrm (~> 2.0)
train-habitat (0.2.22)
train-winrm (0.2.13)
winrm (>= 2.3.6, < 3.0)
winrm-elevated (~> 1.2.2)
winrm-fs (~> 1.0)
tty-box (0.6.0)
tty-box (0.7.0)
pastel (~> 0.8)
strings (~> 0.2.0)
tty-cursor (~> 0.7)
tty-color (0.5.2)
tty-color (0.6.0)
tty-cursor (0.7.1)
tty-prompt (0.22.0)
tty-prompt (0.23.1)
pastel (~> 0.8)
tty-reader (~> 0.8)
tty-reader (0.8.0)
tty-reader (0.9.0)
tty-cursor (~> 0.7)
tty-screen (~> 0.8)
wisper (~> 2.0)
@@ -488,16 +636,15 @@ GEM
pastel (~> 0.8)
strings (~> 0.2.0)
tty-screen (~> 0.8)
tzinfo (1.2.7)
thread_safe (~> 0.1)
tzinfo (2.0.4)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
uber (0.1.0)
unf (0.1.4)
unf_ext (
unicode-display_width (1.7.0)
unf_ext (
unicode-display_width (2.1.0)
unicode_utils (1.4.0)
uri_template (0.7.0)
winrm (2.3.5)
winrm (2.3.6)
builder (>= 2.1.2)
erubi (~> 1.8)
gssapi (~> 1.2)
@@ -505,15 +652,15 @@ GEM
httpclient (~> 2.2, >=
logging (>= 1.6.1, < 3.0)
nori (~> 2.0)
rubyntlm (~> 0.6.0, >= 0.6.1)
winrm-elevated (1.2.2)
rubyntlm (~> 0.6.0, >= 0.6.3)
winrm-elevated (1.2.3)
erubi (~> 1.8)
winrm (~> 2.0)
winrm-fs (~> 1.0)
winrm-fs (1.3.3)
winrm-fs (1.3.5)
erubi (~> 1.8)
logging (>= 1.6.1, < 3.0)
rubyzip (~> 1.1)
rubyzip (~> 2.0)
winrm (~> 2.0)
wisper (2.0.1)

@@ -521,10 +668,11 @@ PLATFORMS

inspec (~> 4.22.22)
kitchen-inspec (>= 2.2.1)
kitchen-salt (>= 0.6.3)
kitchen-inspec (>= 2.5.0)
kitchen-salt (>= 0.7.2)


+ 91
- 82
docs/AUTHORS.rst Bestand weergeven

@@ -13,224 +13,233 @@ This list is sorted by the number of commits per contributor in *descending* ord
* - Avatar
- Contributor
- Contributions
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@myii'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@myii'>`
- `@myii <>`_
- 82
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@aboe76'>`
- 155
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@aboe76'>`
- `@aboe76 <>`_
- 46
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@gravyboat'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@javierbertoli'>`
- `@javierbertoli <>`_
- 29
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@gravyboat'>`
- `@gravyboat <>`_
- 27
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@nmadhok'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@nmadhok'>`
- `@nmadhok <>`_
- 24
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@noelmcloughlin'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@noelmcloughlin'>`
- `@noelmcloughlin <>`_
- 18
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@whiteinge'>`
- 19
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@whiteinge'>`
- `@whiteinge <>`_
- 17
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ross-p'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@ross-p'>`
- `@ross-p <>`_
- 13
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@daks'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@daks'>`
- `@daks <>`_
- 11
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@techhat'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@techhat'>`
- `@techhat <>`_
- 10
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@javierbertoli'>`
- `@javierbertoli <>`_
- 9
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@arthurlogilab'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@arthurlogilab'>`
- `@arthurlogilab <>`_
- 8
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cheuschober'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cheuschober'>`
- `@cheuschober <>`_
- 8
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@dseira'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@dseira'>`
- `@dseira <>`_
- 8
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@amontalban'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@amontalban'>`
- `@amontalban <>`_
- 7
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@puneetk'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@puneetk'>`
- `@puneetk <>`_
- 7
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@TaiSHiNet'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@TaiSHiNet'>`
- `@TaiSHiNet <>`_
- 6
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@EvaSDK'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@EvaSDK'>`
- `@EvaSDK <>`_
- 6
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cackovic'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@cackovic'>`
- `@cackovic <>`_
- 5
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@auser'>`
* - :raw-html-m2r:`<img class='float-left rounded-1' src='' width='36' height='36' alt='@auser'>`
- `@auser <>`_
- 5
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- `@stp-ip <>`_
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- `@ahmadsherif <>`_
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- `@n-rodriguez <>`_
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- `@teepark <>`_
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- `@alinefr <>`_
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- `@devaos <>`_
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- `@bmwiedemann <>`_
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- `@dafyddj <>`_
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- `@terminalmage <>`_
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- `@imran1008 <>`_
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- `@morsik <>`_
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- `@rfairburn <>`_
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- `@westurner <>`_
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- `@toanju <>`_
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- `@UtahDave <>`_
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- `@pprkut <>`_
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- `@garrettw <>`_
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- `@ErisDS <>`_
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- `@sticky-note <>`_
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- `@aanriot <>`_
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- `@bemosior <>`_
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- `@SuperTux88 <>`_
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- `@garrettw <>`_
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- `@blarghmatey <>`_
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- `@babilen5 <>`_
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- `@babilen <>`_
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- `@oboyle <>`_
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- `@bersace <>`_
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Auto-generated by a `forked version <>`_ of `gaocegege/maintainer <>`_ on 2021-01-04.
Auto-generated by a `forked version <>`_ of `gaocegege/maintainer <>`_ on 2022-03-02.

+ 242
- 0
docs/CHANGELOG.rst Bestand weergeven

@@ -2,6 +2,248 @@

`2.8.1 <>`_ (2022-03-02)

Bug Fixes

* **debian:** avoid adding repositories entries multiple times (\ `d1d3e55 <>`_\ ), closes `/ <>`_

Continuous Integration

* update linters to latest versions [skip ci] (\ `512fe00 <>`_\ )


* **repository:** use ``system.platform[:codename]`` [skip ci] (\ `0e51694 <>`_\ )
* **system:** add ``build_platform_codename`` [skip ci] (\ `5f1a289 <>`_\ )

`2.8.0 <>`_ (2022-02-03)

Code Refactoring

* **pkgs:** readbility (\ `b76e8cc <>`_\ )

Continuous Integration

* **kitchen+gitlab:** update for new pre-salted images [skip ci] (\ `7fcb960 <>`_\ )


* **debian:** use keyrings instead of key_ids (\ `037c13a <>`_\ )


* **pkg:** use grains.osfinger in a format suitable for all platforms (\ `8fee9f0 <>`_\ )


* **map.jinja:** remove empty line (\ `ae52641 <>`_\ )


* **repository:** favor ``platform`` over ``os`` (\ `c16ecf8 <>`_\ )

`2.7.5 <>`_ (2022-02-02)

Bug Fixes

* **snippets:** make sure they're deployed before being used (\ `9dfc1c1 <>`_\ )

Continuous Integration

* **3003.1:** update inc. AlmaLinux, Rocky & ``rst-lint`` [skip ci] (\ `6a42a9b <>`_\ )
* **freebsd:** update with latest pre-salted Vagrant boxes [skip ci] (\ `860fabe <>`_\ )
* **gemfile:** allow rubygems proxy to be provided as an env var [skip ci] (\ `1557473 <>`_\ )
* **gemfile+lock:** use ``ssf`` customised ``inspec`` repo [skip ci] (\ `a11da83 <>`_\ )
* **gitlab-ci:** enable instance after upstream issue resolved [skip ci] (\ `79499e8 <>`_\ )
* **kitchen:** move ``provisioner`` block & update ``run_command`` [skip ci] (\ `6b65017 <>`_\ )
* **kitchen+ci:** update with ``3004`` pre-salted images/boxes [skip ci] (\ `30f87cc <>`_\ )
* **kitchen+ci:** update with latest ``3003.2`` pre-salted images [skip ci] (\ `70a1f31 <>`_\ )
* **kitchen+ci:** update with latest CVE pre-salted images [skip ci] (\ `e041418 <>`_\ )
* **vagrant:** replace FreeBSD 12.2 with 12.3 [skip ci] (\ `7deb74f <>`_\ )
* add Debian 11 Bullseye & update ``yamllint`` configuration [skip ci] (\ `fa8a5db <>`_\ )
* **kitchen+gitlab:** remove Ubuntu 16.04 & Fedora 32 (EOL) [skip ci] (\ `d15f3de <>`_\ )

`2.7.4 <>`_ (2021-06-15)

Bug Fixes

* **servers:** include main config file watch in extend (\ `00387e7 <>`_\ )

`2.7.3 <>`_ (2021-06-14)


* **snippets:** add tests for snippets includes (\ `1c83b6d <>`_\ ), closes `#275 <>`_ `#274 <>`_

`2.7.2 <>`_ (2021-06-14)

Bug Fixes

* **certificates:** ensure ``openssl`` installed before ```` (\ `0cd7c7b <>`_\ ), closes `/ <>`_
* **snippets:** ignore servers or snippets when undefined (\ `6cb486d <>`_\ ), closes `#274 <>`_

`2.7.1 <>`_ (2021-05-12)

Bug Fixes

* **servers:** wrong conditional specification (\ `494b2fb <>`_\ )

Continuous Integration

* add ``arch-master`` to matrix and update ``.travis.yml`` [skip ci] (\ `4697152 <>`_\ )

`2.7.0 <>`_ (2021-04-28)

Continuous Integration

* **kitchen+gitlab:** adjust matrix to add ``3003`` [skip ci] (\ `46faf4e <>`_\ )
* **vagrant:** add FreeBSD 13.0 [skip ci] (\ `b41062e <>`_\ )
* **vagrant:** use pre-salted boxes & conditional local settings [skip ci] (\ `b9e9cd3 <>`_\ )


* **readme:** add ``Testing with Vagrant`` section [skip ci] (\ `5727848 <>`_\ )


* **servers_config:** add require statement to manage dependencies (\ `622d22f <>`_\ )


* **requires:** verify dependencies in vhosts (\ `6478143 <>`_\ )

`2.6.3 <>`_ (2021-04-03)

Bug Fixes

* **freebsd:** add ``openssl`` pkg and update all ``default`` tests (\ `4cd351a <>`_\ )

Continuous Integration

* enable Vagrant-based testing using GitHub Actions (\ `c79ce9a <>`_\ )

`2.6.2 <>`_ (2021-03-30)

Bug Fixes

* **servers_config:** fixup 05994e1 (\ `c03729a <>`_\ )

`2.6.1 <>`_ (2021-03-29)

Bug Fixes

* **servers_config:** remove service depedency (\ `05994e1 <>`_\ )

Code Refactoring

* **servers_config:** remove unused loop (\ `3825557 <>`_\ )

Continuous Integration

* **kitchen+ci:** include ``passenger`` suite [skip ci] (\ `0bbe686 <>`_\ )


* standardise use of ``share`` suite & ``_mapdata`` state [skip ci] (\ `8ea3c82 <>`_\ )

`2.6.0 <>`_ (2021-03-11)

Bug Fixes

* **passenger:** various fixes (\ `7271c9d <>`_\ )
* **pkg:** add inline EPEL repo configuration for Amazon Linux 2 (\ `ae6375c <>`_\ )

Continuous Integration

* **gemfile+lock:** use ``ssf`` customised ``kitchen-docker`` repo [skip ci] (\ `123d13e <>`_\ )
* **kitchen+ci:** make rubocop happy [skip ci] (\ `eedfc56 <>`_\ )
* **kitchen+ci:** use latest pre-salted images (after CVE) [skip ci] (\ `63d32a4 <>`_\ )
* **kitchen+gitlab-ci:** use latest pre-salted images [skip ci] (\ `b4411c6 <>`_\ )
* **pre-commit:** update hook for ``rubocop`` [skip ci] (\ `2a23743 <>`_\ )


* **config:** validate config before applying (\ `b396b24 <>`_\ )


* **config:** fix for Amazon Linux 2 & Oracle Linux 7/8 (\ `ab39c8f <>`_\ )

`2.5.0 <>`_ (2021-01-04)

+ 34
- 0
docs/README.apt.keyrings.rst Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
.. _readme_apt_keyrings:

apt repositories' keyrings

Debian family of OSes deprecated the use of `apt-key` to manage repositories' keys
in favor of using `keyring files` which contain a binary OpenPGP format of the key
(also known as "GPG key public ring")

As nginx and passenger don't provide such key files, we created them following the
official recomendations in their sites and install the resulting files.


See for details

.. code-block:: bash

$ curl -s | \
gpg --dearmor --output nginx-archive-keyring.gpg


for more details.

.. code-block:: bash

$ gpg --keyserver \
--output - \
--recv-keys 561F9B9CAC40B2F7 | \
gpg --export --output phusionpassenger-archive-keyring.gpg

+ 62
- 0
docs/README.rst Bestand weergeven

@@ -169,3 +169,65 @@ Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. ``destroy`` + ``converge`` + ``veri

Gives you SSH access to the instance for manual testing.

Testing with Vagrant

Windows/FreeBSD/OpenBSD testing is done with ``kitchen-salt``.


* Ruby
* Virtualbox
* Vagrant


.. code-block:: bash

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install --with=vagrant
$ bin/kitchen test [platform]

Where ``[platform]`` is the platform name defined in ``kitchen.vagrant.yml``,
e.g. ``windows-81-latest-py3``.


When testing using Vagrant you must set the environment variable ``KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML`` to ``kitchen.vagrant.yml``. For example:

.. code-block:: bash

$ KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=kitchen.vagrant.yml bin/kitchen test # Alternatively,
$ export KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=kitchen.vagrant.yml
$ bin/kitchen test

Then run the following commands as needed.

``bin/kitchen converge``

Creates the Vagrant instance and runs the ``nginx`` main state, ready for testing.

``bin/kitchen verify``

Runs the ``inspec`` tests on the actual instance.

``bin/kitchen destroy``

Removes the Vagrant instance.

``bin/kitchen test``

Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. ``destroy`` + ``converge`` + ``verify`` + ``destroy``.

``bin/kitchen login``

Gives you RDP/SSH access to the instance for manual testing.

+ 32
- 0
kitchen.vagrant.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=yaml
name: vagrant
cache_directory: false
usbxhci: 'off'
gui: false
shell: /bin/sh
<% unless ENV['CI'] %>
linked_clone: true
- - '.kitchen/kitchen-vagrant/%{instance_name}/vagrant'
- '/vagrant'
- 'create: true, disabled: false'
<% end %>

- name: freebsd-130-master-py3
box: myii/freebsd-13.0-master-py3
- name: freebsd-123-master-py3
box: myii/freebsd-12.3-master-py3
- name: freebsd-130-3004-0-py3
box: myii/freebsd-13.0-3004.0-py3
- name: freebsd-123-3004-0-py3
box: myii/freebsd-12.3-3004.0-py3

+ 297
- 90
kitchen.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -6,156 +6,301 @@ driver:
name: docker
use_sudo: false
privileged: true
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd

name: salt_solo
log_level: debug
salt_install: none
require_chef: false
formula: nginx
- .kitchen
- .git

# Make sure the platforms listed below match up with
# the `env.matrix` instances defined in `.travis.yml`
## SALT `tiamat`
- name: debian-11-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:debian-11
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-10-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:debian-10
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-9-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:debian-9
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:ubuntu-20.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:ubuntu-18.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: centos-stream8-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:centos-stream8
- name: centos-7-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:centos-7
- name: amazonlinux-2-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:amazonlinux-2
- name: oraclelinux-8-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:oraclelinux-8
- name: oraclelinux-7-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:oraclelinux-7
- name: almalinux-8-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:almalinux-8
- name: rockylinux-8-tiamat-py3
image: saltimages/salt-tiamat-py3:rockylinux-8

## SALT `master`
- name: debian-11-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:debian-11
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-10-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:debian-10
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-9-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:debian-9
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-2004-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:ubuntu-20.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-1804-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:ubuntu-18.04
- name: centos-8-master-py3
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: centos-stream8-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:centos-stream8
- name: centos-7-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:centos-7
- name: fedora-36-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:fedora-36
- name: fedora-35-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:fedora-35
- name: fedora-34-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:centos-8
- name: fedora-31-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:fedora-34
- name: opensuse-leap-153-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:fedora-31
- name: opensuse-leap-151-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:opensuse-leap-15.3
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-leap-15.3`:
# => SCP did not finish successfully (255): (Net::SCP::Error)
max_ssh_sessions: 1
- name: opensuse-tmbl-latest-master-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-master-py3:opensuse-leap-15.1
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-leap-15.1`:
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:opensuse-tumbleweed-latest
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-tumbleweed`:
# => SCP did not finish successfully (255): (Net::SCP::Error)
max_ssh_sessions: 1
- name: amazonlinux-2-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:amazonlinux-2

## SALT `2019.2`
- name: debian-10-2019-2-py3
- name: oraclelinux-8-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-2019.2-py3:debian-10
- name: debian-9-2019-2-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:oraclelinux-8
- name: oraclelinux-7-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-2019.2-py3:debian-9
- name: ubuntu-1804-2019-2-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:oraclelinux-7
- name: arch-base-latest-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-2019.2-py3:ubuntu-18.04
- name: centos-8-2019-2-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:arch-base-latest
- name: gentoo-stage3-latest-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-2019.2-py3:centos-8
- name: fedora-31-2019-2-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:gentoo-stage3-latest
run_command: /sbin/init
- name: gentoo-stage3-systemd-master-py3
image: saltimages/salt-2019.2-py3:fedora-31
- name: opensuse-leap-151-2019-2-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:gentoo-stage3-systemd
- name: almalinux-8-master-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2019.2-py3:opensuse-leap-15.1
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-leap-15.1`:
# => SCP did not finish successfully (255): (Net::SCP::Error)
max_ssh_sessions: 1
- name: centos-7-2019-2-py2
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:almalinux-8
- name: rockylinux-8-master-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2019.2-py2:centos-7
- name: amazonlinux-2-2019-2-py3
image: saltimages/salt-master-py3:rockylinux-8

## SALT `3004.1`
- name: debian-11-3004-1-py3
image: saltimages/salt-2019.2-py3:amazonlinux-2
- name: arch-base-latest-2019-2-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:debian-11
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-10-3004-1-py3
image: saltimages/salt-2019.2-py2:arch-base-latest
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd

## SALT `2018.3`
- name: fedora-30-2018-3-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:debian-10
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-9-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2018.3-py3:fedora-30
- name: debian-9-2018-3-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:debian-9
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-2004-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2018.3-py2:debian-9
- name: ubuntu-1604-2018-3-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:ubuntu-20.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-1804-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2018.3-py2:ubuntu-16.04
- name: centos-7-2018-3-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:ubuntu-18.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: centos-stream8-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2018.3-py2:centos-7
- name: opensuse-leap-151-2018-3-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:centos-stream8
- name: centos-7-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2018.3-py2:opensuse-leap-15.1
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-leap-15.1`:
# => SCP did not finish successfully (255): (Net::SCP::Error)
max_ssh_sessions: 1
- name: amazonlinux-1-2018-3-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:centos-7
- name: fedora-36-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2018.3-py2:amazonlinux-1
run_command: /sbin/init
- name: arch-base-latest-2018-3-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:fedora-36
- name: fedora-35-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2018.3-py2:arch-base-latest
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd

## SALT `2017.7`
- name: debian-8-2017-7-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:fedora-35
- name: fedora-34-3004-1-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:fedora-34
- name: amazonlinux-2-3004-1-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:amazonlinux-2
- name: oraclelinux-8-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2017.7-py2:debian-8
- name: ubuntu-1604-2017-7-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:oraclelinux-8
- name: oraclelinux-7-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2017.7-py2:ubuntu-16.04
- name: centos-6-2017-7-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:oraclelinux-7
- name: arch-base-latest-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2017.7-py2:centos-6
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:arch-base-latest
- name: gentoo-stage3-latest-3004-1-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:gentoo-stage3-latest
run_command: /sbin/init
- name: fedora-30-2017-7-py2
- name: gentoo-stage3-systemd-3004-1-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:gentoo-stage3-systemd
- name: almalinux-8-3004-1-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:almalinux-8
- name: rockylinux-8-3004-1-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2017.7-py2:fedora-30
- name: opensuse-leap-151-2017-7-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.1-py3:rockylinux-8

## SALT `3004.0`
- name: opensuse-leap-153-3004-0-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2017.7-py2:opensuse-leap-15.1
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-leap-15.1`:
image: saltimages/salt-3004.0-py3:opensuse-leap-15.3
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-leap-15.3`:
# => SCP did not finish successfully (255): (Net::SCP::Error)
max_ssh_sessions: 1
- name: amazonlinux-1-2017-7-py2
- name: opensuse-tmbl-latest-3004-0-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2017.7-py2:amazonlinux-1
run_command: /sbin/init
- name: arch-base-latest-2017-7-py2
image: saltimages/salt-3004.0-py3:opensuse-tumbleweed-latest
# Workaround to avoid intermittent failures on `opensuse-tumbleweed`:
# => SCP did not finish successfully (255): (Net::SCP::Error)
max_ssh_sessions: 1

## SALT `3003.4`
- name: debian-10-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:debian-10
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-9-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:debian-9
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-2004-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:ubuntu-20.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-1804-3003-4-py3
image: netmanagers/salt-2017.7-py2:arch-base-latest
run_command: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:ubuntu-18.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: centos-stream8-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:centos-stream8
- name: centos-7-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:centos-7
- name: amazonlinux-2-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:amazonlinux-2
- name: oraclelinux-8-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:oraclelinux-8
- name: oraclelinux-7-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:oraclelinux-7
- name: almalinux-8-3003-4-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3003.4-py3:almalinux-8

name: salt_solo
log_level: debug
salt_install: none
require_chef: false
formula: nginx
- .kitchen
- .git
## SALT `3002.8`
- name: debian-10-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:debian-10
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: debian-9-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:debian-9
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-2004-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:ubuntu-20.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: ubuntu-1804-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:ubuntu-18.04
run_command: /lib/systemd/systemd
- name: centos-7-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:centos-7
- name: amazonlinux-2-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:amazonlinux-2
- name: oraclelinux-8-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:oraclelinux-8
- name: oraclelinux-7-3002-8-py3
image: saltimages/salt-3002.8-py3:oraclelinux-7

name: inspec
sudo: true
# cli, documentation, html, progress, json, json-min, json-rspec, junit
# cli, documentation, html, progress, json, json-min, json-rspec, junit
- cli

- name: default
- name: test_dep
path: test/salt/default/states
- test_dep.create_dependency_file
- nginx._mapdata
- nginx
@@ -167,3 +312,65 @@ suites:
- path: test/integration/default
- name: passenger
- debian-11-tiamat-py3
- debian-10-tiamat-py3
- debian-9-tiamat-py3
- ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3
- ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3
- centos-stream8-tiamat-py3
- centos-7-tiamat-py3
- oraclelinux-8-tiamat-py3
- almalinux-8-tiamat-py3
- rockylinux-8-tiamat-py3
- debian-11-master-py3
- debian-10-master-py3
- debian-9-master-py3
- ubuntu-2004-master-py3
- ubuntu-1804-master-py3
- centos-stream8-master-py3
- centos-7-master-py3
- oraclelinux-8-master-py3
- almalinux-8-master-py3
- rockylinux-8-master-py3
- debian-11-3004-1-py3
- debian-10-3004-1-py3
- debian-9-3004-1-py3
- ubuntu-2004-3004-1-py3
- ubuntu-1804-3004-1-py3
- centos-stream8-3004-1-py3
- centos-7-3004-1-py3
- oraclelinux-8-3004-1-py3
- almalinux-8-3004-1-py3
- rockylinux-8-3004-1-py3
- debian-10-3003-4-py3
- debian-9-3003-4-py3
- ubuntu-2004-3003-4-py3
- ubuntu-1804-3003-4-py3
- centos-stream8-3003-4-py3
- centos-7-3003-4-py3
- oraclelinux-8-3003-4-py3
- almalinux-8-3003-4-py3
- debian-10-3002-8-py3
- debian-9-3002-8-py3
- ubuntu-2004-3002-8-py3
- ubuntu-1804-3002-8-py3
- centos-7-3002-8-py3
- oraclelinux-8-3002-8-py3
- nginx._mapdata
- nginx.passenger
- nginx
nginx.sls: test/salt/passenger/pillar/nginx.sls
- path: test/integration/passenger

+ 13
- 0
nginx/_mapdata/_mapdata.jinja Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# yamllint disable rule:indentation rule:line-length
# {{ grains.get("osfinger", grains.os) }}
{#- use salt.slsutil.serialize to avoid encoding errors on some platforms #}
{{ salt["slsutil.serialize"](
| regex_replace("^\s+'$", "'", multiline=True)
| trim

+ 22
- 0
nginx/_mapdata/init.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=sls
{#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #}
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split("/")[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import nginx with context %}

{%- set _mapdata = {
"values": nginx,
} %}
{%- do salt["log.debug"]("### MAP.JINJA DUMP ###\n" ~ _mapdata | yaml(False)) %}

{%- set output_dir = "/temp" if grains.os_family == "Windows" else "/tmp" %}
{%- set output_file = output_dir ~ "/salt_mapdata_dump.yaml" %}

{{ tplroot }}-mapdata-dump:
- name: {{ output_file }}
- source: salt://{{ tplroot }}/_mapdata/_mapdata.jinja
- template: jinja
- context:
map: {{ _mapdata | yaml }}

+ 1
- 0
nginx/certificates.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ generate_nginx_dhparam_{{ dh_param }}_key:
- creates: {{ certificates_path }}/{{ dh_param }}
- require:
- file: prepare_certificates_path_dir
- pkg: generate_nginx_dhparam_{{ dh_param }}_key
- watch_in:
- service: nginx_service
{%- endif %}

nginx/files/default/nginx-archive-keyring.gpg Bestand weergeven

nginx/files/default/phusionpassenger-archive-keyring.gpg Bestand weergeven

+ 3
- 0
nginx/init.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ include:
{%- if nginx.snippets is defined %}
- nginx.snippets
{%- endif %}
{%- if nginx.streams is defined %}
- nginx.streams
{%- endif %}
- nginx.servers
- nginx.certificates

+ 22
- 2
nginx/map.jinja Bestand weergeven

@@ -9,16 +9,19 @@
'Debian': {
'package': 'nginx',
'passenger_package': 'passenger',
'passenger_config_file': '/etc/nginx/conf.d/passenger.conf',
'passenger_config_file': '/etc/nginx/conf.d/mod-http-passenger.conf',
'service': 'nginx',
'webuser': 'www-data',
'conf_file': '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf',
'server_available': '/etc/nginx/sites-available',
'server_enabled': '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled',
'snippets_dir': '/etc/nginx/snippets',
'streams_dir': '/etc/nginx/streams',
'server_use_symlink': True,
'pid_file': '/run/',
'openssl_package': 'openssl',
'package_repo_keyring': '/usr/share/keyrings/nginx-archive-keyring.gpg',
'passenger_package_repo_keyring': '/usr/share/keyrings/phusionpassenger-archive-keyring.gpg',
'CentOS': {
'package': 'nginx',
@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@
'server_available': '/etc/nginx/conf.d',
'server_enabled': '/etc/nginx/conf.d',
'snippets_dir': '/etc/nginx/snippets',
'streams_dir': '/etc/nginx/streams',
'server_use_symlink': False,
'pid_file': '/run/',
'rh_os_releasever': '$releasever',
@@ -47,6 +51,7 @@
'server_available': '/etc/nginx/conf.d',
'server_enabled': '/etc/nginx/conf.d',
'snippets_dir': '/etc/nginx/snippets',
'streams_dir': '/etc/nginx/streams',
'server_use_symlink': False,
'pid_file': '/run/',
'rh_os_releasever': '$releasever',
@@ -67,6 +72,7 @@
'server_available': '/etc/nginx/vhosts.d',
'server_enabled': '/etc/nginx/vhosts.d',
'snippets_dir': '/etc/nginx/snippets',
'streams_dir': '/etc/nginx/streams',
'server_use_symlink': False,
'pid_file': '/run/',
'gpg_check': True,
@@ -81,6 +87,7 @@
'server_available': '/etc/nginx/sites-available',
'server_enabled': '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled',
'snippets_dir': '/etc/nginx/snippets',
'streams_dir': '/etc/nginx/streams',
'server_use_symlink': True,
'openssl_package': 'openssl',
@@ -92,6 +99,7 @@
'server_available': '/etc/nginx/sites-available',
'server_enabled': '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled',
'snippets_dir': '/etc/nginx/snippets',
'streams_dir': '/etc/nginx/streams',
'server_use_symlink': True,
'openssl_package': 'dev-libs/openssl',
@@ -104,7 +112,9 @@
'server_available': '/usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-available',
'server_enabled': '/usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled',
'snippets_dir': '/usr/local/etc/nginx/snippets',
'streams_dir': '/usr/local/etc/nginx/streams',
'server_use_symlink': True,
'openssl_package': 'openssl',
'pid_file': '/var/run/',
}, default='Debian' ),
@@ -112,6 +122,7 @@
'install_from_ppa': False,
'install_from_repo': False,
'install_from_phusionpassenger': False,
'check_config_before_apply': False,
'ppa_version': 'stable',
'source_version': '1.10.0',
'source_hash': '8ed647c3dd65bc4ced03b0e0f6bf9e633eff6b01bac772bcf97077d58bc2be4d',
@@ -119,7 +130,9 @@
'opts': {},
'package': {
'opts': {},
'opts': {
'refresh': True,
'service': {
'enable': True,
@@ -132,6 +145,9 @@
'events': {
'worker_connections': 512,
'stream' : {
'include': '/etc/nginx/streams/*',
'http': {
'sendfile': 'on',
'tcp_nopush': 'on',
@@ -196,3 +212,7 @@
}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if salt['grains.get']('os_family') == 'FreeBSD' %}
{% do{'include' : nginx.lookup.streams_dir ~ '/*'}) %}
{% endif %}

+ 6
- 0
nginx/passenger.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -15,16 +15,21 @@ include:
{%- if nginx.snippets is defined %}
- nginx.snippets
{%- endif %}
{%- if nginx.streams is defined %}
- nginx.streams
{%- endif %}
- nginx.servers
- nginx.certificates

{{ sls_block(nginx.package.opts) }}
- name: {{ nginx.lookup.passenger_package }}
- require:
- pkg: nginx_install
- require_in:
- service: nginx_service
- file: nginx_config

@@ -46,6 +51,7 @@ passenger_config:
- service: nginx_service
- require_in:
- service: nginx_service
- file: nginx_config
- require:
- file: /etc/nginx/passenger.conf
- pkg: passenger_install

+ 78
- 20
nginx/pkg.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
# Manages installation of nginx from pkg.

{% from 'nginx/map.jinja' import nginx, sls_block with context %}
{#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #}
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import nginx, sls_block with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/libtofs.jinja" import files_switch with context %}

{%- if nginx.install_from_repo %}
{% set from_official = true %}
{% set from_ppa = false %}
@@ -21,6 +25,8 @@
{% set from_phusionpassenger = false %}
{%- endif %}

{%- set resource_repo_managed = 'file' if grains.os_family == 'Debian' else 'pkgrepo' %}

{{ sls_block(nginx.package.opts) }}
@@ -33,19 +39,31 @@ nginx_install:
- name: {{ nginx.lookup.package }}
{% endif %}

{% if salt['grains.get']('os_family') == 'Debian' %}
{% if grains.os_family == 'Debian' %}
{%- if from_official %}
- name: {{ nginx.lookup.package_repo_keyring }}
- source: {{ files_switch(['nginx-archive-keyring.gpg'],
- require_in:
- {{ resource_repo_managed }}: nginx_official_repo
{%- endif %}

{%- if from_official %}
- managed
{%- else %}
- absent
{%- endif %}
- humanname: nginx apt repo
- name: deb{{ grains['os'].lower() }}/ {{ grains['oscodename'] }} nginx
- file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-official-{{ grains['oscodename'] }}.list
- keyid: ABF5BD827BD9BF62
- keyserver:
- name: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-official-{{ grains.oscodename }}.list
- contents: >
deb [signed-by={{ nginx.lookup.package_repo_keyring }}]{{ grains.os | lower }}/ {{ grains.oscodename }} nginx
- require_in:
- pkg: nginx_install
- watch_in:
@@ -60,10 +78,10 @@ nginx_ppa_repo:
{%- else %}
- absent
{%- endif %}
{% if salt['grains.get']('os') == 'Ubuntu' %}
{% if grains.os == 'Ubuntu' %}
- ppa: nginx/{{ nginx.ppa_version }}
{% else %}
- name: deb{{ nginx.ppa_version }}/ubuntu {{ grains['oscodename'] }} main
- name: deb{{ nginx.ppa_version }}/ubuntu {{ grains.oscodename }} main
- keyid: C300EE8C
- keyserver:
{% endif %}
@@ -73,25 +91,49 @@ nginx_ppa_repo:
- pkg: nginx_install
{%- endif %}

{%- if from_phusionpassenger %}
- name: /usr/share/keyrings/phusionpassenger-archive-keyring.gpg
- source: {{ files_switch(['phusionpassenger-archive-keyring.gpg'],
- require_in:
- {{ resource_repo_managed }}: nginx_phusionpassenger_repo

# Remove the old repo file
- name: deb{{ grains.os |lower }}/ {{ grains.oscodename }} nginx
- keyid: 561F9B9CAC40B2F7
- require_in:
- {{ resource_repo_managed }}: nginx_phusionpassenger_repo
- name: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-phusionpassenger-{{ grains.oscodename }}.list
- require_in:
- {{ resource_repo_managed }}: nginx_phusionpassenger_repo
{%- endif %}

{%- if from_phusionpassenger %}
- managed
{%- else %}
- absent
{%- endif %}
- humanname: nginx phusionpassenger repo
- name: deb {{ grains['oscodename'] }} main
- file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-phusionpassenger-{{ grains['oscodename'] }}.list
- keyid: 561F9B9CAC40B2F7
- keyserver:
- name: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/phusionpassenger-official-{{ grains.oscodename }}.list
- contents: >
deb [signed-by={{ nginx.lookup.passenger_package_repo_keyring }}] {{ grains.oscodename }} main
- require_in:
- pkg: nginx_install
- watch_in:
- pkg: nginx_install
{% endif %}

{% if salt['grains.get']('os_family') == 'Suse' or salt['grains.get']('os') == 'SUSE' %}
{% if grains.os_family == 'Suse' or grains.os == 'SUSE' %}
{%- if from_official %}
@@ -112,7 +154,23 @@ nginx_zypp_repo:
- pkg: nginx_install
{% endif %}

{% if salt['grains.get']('os_family') == 'RedHat' %}
{% if grains.os_family == 'RedHat' %}
{% if grains.get('osfinger', '') == 'Amazon Linux-2' %}
- name: epel
- humanname: Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch
- mirrorlist:$basearch
- enabled: 1
- gpgcheck: 1
- gpgkey:
- failovermethod: priority
- require_in:
- pkg: nginx_install
- watch_in:
- pkg: nginx_install
{% endif %}

{%- if from_official %}
@@ -122,7 +180,7 @@ nginx_yum_repo:
{%- endif %}
- name: nginx
- humanname: nginx repo
{%- if salt['grains.get']('os') == 'CentOS' %}
{%- if grains.os == 'CentOS' %}
- baseurl: '$releasever/$basearch/'
{%- else %}
- baseurl: '{{ nginx.lookup.rh_os_releasever }}/$basearch/'
@@ -147,7 +205,7 @@ nginx_phusionpassenger_yum_repo:
- baseurl: '$releasever/$basearch'
- repo_gpgcheck: 1
- gpgcheck: 0
- gpgkey: ''
- gpgkey: ''
- enabled: True
- sslverify: 1
- sslcacert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

+ 13
- 15
nginx/servers.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -5,12 +5,11 @@
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ '/map.jinja' import nginx, sls_block with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ '/servers_config.sls' import server_states with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ '/service.sls' import service_function with context %}

{% macro file_requisites(states) %}
{%- for state in states %}
- file: {{ state }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for state in states %}
- file: {{ state }}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endmacro %}

@@ -18,15 +17,14 @@ include:
- nginx.servers_config

{% if server_states|length() > 0 %}
service.{{ service_function }}:
- name: {{ nginx.lookup.service }}
- reload: True
- use:
- service: nginx_service
- listen:
{{ file_requisites(server_states) }}
- require:
{{ file_requisites(server_states) }}
- service: nginx_service
- reload: True
- require:
- file: nginx_config
{{ file_requisites(server_states) }}
- listen:
- file: nginx_config
{{ file_requisites(server_states) }}
{% endif %}

+ 11
- 10
nginx/servers_config.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
{% set server_states = [] %}
{#- _nginx is a lightened copy of nginx map intended to passed in templates #}
{%- set _nginx = nginx.copy() %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('snippets') %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('servers') %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('streams') if nginx.streams is defined %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('snippets') if nginx.snippets is defined %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('servers') if nginx.servers is defined %}

# Simple path concatenation.
# Needs work to make this function on windows.
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
{{ sls_block(nginx.servers.symlink_opts) }}
- name: {{ server_path(server, state) }}
- makedirs: True
- target: {{ server_path(server, anti_state) }}
{%- else %}
{%- if deleted == True %}
@@ -98,10 +100,6 @@ nginx_server_available_dir:
- clean: {{ nginx.servers.purge_servers_config }}
{%- endif %}

# Manage the actual server files
{% for server, settings in nginx.servers.managed.items() %}
{% endfor %}

# Managed enabled/disabled state for servers
{% for server, settings in nginx.servers.managed.items() %}
{% set conf_state_id = 'server_conf_' ~ loop.index0 %}
@@ -109,6 +107,7 @@ nginx_server_available_dir:
{{ conf_state_id }}:
- name: {{ server_curpath(server) }}
{% do server_states.append(conf_state_id) %}
{% else %}
{% if settings.enabled == True %}
{{ conf_state_id }}:
@@ -125,8 +124,12 @@ nginx_server_available_dir:
- makedirs: True
- template: jinja
- require_in:
- service: nginx_service
{%- if 'requires' in settings %}
- require:
{%- for k, v in settings.requires.items() %}
- {{ k }}: {{ v }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{% if 'source_path' not in settings.config %}
- context:
config: {{ settings.config|json(sort_keys=False) }}
@@ -156,9 +159,7 @@ nginx_server_available_dir:
- file: {{ conf_state_id }}
{% endif %}

{% if 'deleted' not in settings or ( 'deleted' in settings and settings.deleted == False ) %}
{% do server_states.append(status_state_id) %}
{% endif %}
{%- endif %} {# enabled != available_dir #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

+ 3
- 0
nginx/service.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -42,3 +42,6 @@ nginx_service:
{% else %}
- pkg: nginx_install
{% endif %}
{% if nginx.check_config_before_apply %}
- onlyif: /usr/sbin/nginx -t
{% endif %}

+ 9
- 2
nginx/snippets.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@

{#- _nginx is a lightened copy of nginx map intended to passed in templates #}
{%- set _nginx = nginx.copy() %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('snippets') %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('servers') %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('snippets') if nginx.snippets is defined %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('servers') if nginx.servers is defined %}

@@ -28,4 +28,11 @@ nginx_snippet_{{ snippet }}:
- context:
config: {{ config|json() }}
nginx: {{ _nginx|json() }}
- require:
- file: nginx_snippets_dir
- require_in:
- file: nginx_config
- sls: nginx.servers
- sls: nginx.servers_config
- service: nginx_service
{% endfor %}

+ 33
- 0
nginx/streams.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# nginx.streams
# Manages creation of streams

{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ '/map.jinja' import nginx, sls_block with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ '/libtofs.jinja' import files_switch with context %}

{#- _nginx is a lightened copy of nginx map intended to passed in templates #}
{%- set _nginx = nginx.copy() %}

{%- do _nginx.pop('streams') if nginx.snippets is defined %}
{%- do _nginx.pop('servers') if nginx.servers is defined %}

{{ sls_block(nginx.servers.dir_opts) }}
- name: {{ nginx.lookup.streams_dir }}

{% for stream, config in nginx.streams.items() %}
nginx_streams_{{ stream }}:
- name: {{ nginx.lookup.streams_dir ~ '/' ~ stream }}
- source: {{ files_switch([ stream, 'server.conf' ],
- template: jinja
- context:
config: {{ config|json() }}
nginx: {{ _nginx|json() }}
{% endfor %}

+ 33
- 1
pillar.example Bestand weergeven

@@ -28,6 +28,17 @@ nginx:
source_version: '1.10.0'
source_hash: ''

# Check the configuration before applying:
# To prevent applying a configuration that might break nginx, set this
# parameter to true so the configuration is checked BEFORE applying. If
# the check fails, the state will fail and it won't be deployed.
# CAVEAT: As the configuration file is created in a temp dir, it can't
# have relative references or it will fail to check. You'll need to
# specify full paths where required (ie, `include`, `load_module`,
# `snippets`, etc.0
# Defaults to false
check_config_before_apply: false

# These are usually set by grains in map.jinja
# Typically you can comment these out.
@@ -94,7 +105,16 @@ nginx:
- upstream netdata:
- server:
- keepalive: 64

- upstream some_upstream:
- server: ''
- server: ''
- server:
- listen: 7000
- proxy_pass: some_upstream
# this partially exposes file.managed parameters as they relate to the main
# nginx.conf file
@@ -191,6 +211,18 @@ nginx:
# and None indicates no action
enabled: true

# This let's you add dependencies on other resources being applied for a
# particular vhost
# A common case is when you use this formula together with letsencrypt's,
# validating through nginx: you need nginx running (to validate the vhost) but
# can't have the ssl vhost up until the certificate is created (because it
# won't exist and will make nginx fail to load the configuration)
# An example, when using LE to create the cert for '':
# requires:
# cmd:
requires: {}

# Remove the site config file shipped by nginx
# (i.e. '/etc/nginx/sites-available/default' by default)
# It also remove the symlink (if it is exists).

+ 4
- 4 Bestand weergeven

@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ sed -i -e "s_^\(version:\).*_\1 ${1}_" FORMULA

# (B) Use `m2r` to convert automatically produced `.md` docs to `.rst`
# (B) Use `m2r2` to convert automatically produced `.md` docs to `.rst`

# Install `m2r`
pip3 install m2r
# Install `m2r2`
pip3 install m2r2

# Copy and then convert the `.md` docs
cp ./*.md docs/
cd docs/ || exit
m2r --overwrite ./*.md
m2r2 --overwrite ./*.md

# Change excess `H1` headings to `H2` in converted `CHANGELOG.rst`
sed -i -e '/^=.*$/s/=/-/g' CHANGELOG.rst

+ 51
- 27
test/integration/default/controls/config.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,37 +1,52 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

# Set defaults, use debian as base

server_available = '/etc/nginx/sites-available'
server_enabled = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled'

# Override by OS
case os[:name]
when 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'
server_available = '/etc/nginx/conf.d'
server_enabled = '/etc/nginx/conf.d'
when 'opensuse'
server_available = '/etc/nginx/vhosts.d'
server_enabled = '/etc/nginx/vhosts.d'
# Override by platform family
server_available, server_enabled =
case platform[:family]
when 'redhat', 'fedora'
%w[/etc/nginx/conf.d /etc/nginx/conf.d]
when 'suse'
%w[/etc/nginx/vhosts.d /etc/nginx/vhosts.d]
when 'bsd'
%w[/usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-available /usr/local/etc/nginx/sites-enabled]
%w[/etc/nginx/sites-available /etc/nginx/sites-enabled]

nginx_conf, snippets_letsencrypt_conf, file_owner, file_group =
case platform[:family]
when 'bsd'
%w[/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf /usr/local/etc/nginx/snippets/letsencrypt.conf
root wheel]
%w[/etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/snippets/letsencrypt.conf root root]

control 'Nginx configuration' do
title 'should match desired lines'

# main configuration
describe file('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf') do
describe file(nginx_conf) do
it { should be_file }
it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
it { should be_owned_by file_owner }
it { should be_grouped_into file_group }
its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }
its('content') { should include %Q[ log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $status '
its('content') do
# rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength
should include %( log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $status '
'"$request" $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';] }
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength

# snippets configuration
describe file('/etc/nginx/snippets/letsencrypt.conf') do
describe file(snippets_letsencrypt_conf) do
it { should be_file }
it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
it { should be_owned_by file_owner }
it { should be_grouped_into file_group }
its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }
its('content') { should include 'location ^~ /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {' }
its('content') { should include 'proxy_pass http://localhost:9999;' }
@@ -40,15 +55,14 @@ control 'Nginx configuration' do

# sites configuration
[server_available, server_enabled].each do |dir|

describe file ("#{dir}/default") do
it { should_not exist }
describe file "#{dir}/default" do
it { should_not exist }

describe file ("#{dir}/mysite") do
describe file "#{dir}/mysite" do
it { should be_file }
it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
it { should be_owned_by file_owner }
it { should be_grouped_into file_group }
its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }
its('content') { should include 'server_name localhost;' }
its('content') { should include 'listen 80 default_server;' }
@@ -57,6 +71,16 @@ control 'Nginx configuration' do
its('content') { should include 'try_files $uri $uri/ =404;' }
its('content') { should include 'include snippets/letsencrypt.conf;' }

describe file "#{dir}/mysite_with_require" do
it { should be_file }
it { should be_owned_by file_owner }
it { should be_grouped_into file_group }
its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }
its('content') { should include 'server_name with-deps;' }
its('content') { should include 'listen 80;' }
its('content') { should include 'index index.html index.htm;' }
its('content') { should include 'location ~ .htm {' }
its('content') { should include 'try_files $uri $uri/ =404;' }

+ 9
- 0
test/integration/default/controls/file.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

control 'Dependency test file' do
title 'should exist'

describe file('/tmp/created_to_test_dependencies') do
it { should be_file }

+ 2
- 0
test/integration/default/controls/install.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

control 'Nginx package' do
title 'should be installed'

+ 3
- 0
test/integration/default/controls/service.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

control 'Nginx service' do
title 'should be running and enabled'

describe service('nginx') do
it { should be_installed }
it { should be_enabled }
it { should be_running }

+ 9
- 0
test/integration/default/inspec.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ title: nginx formula
maintainer: SaltStack Formulas
license: Apache-2.0
summary: Verify that the nginx formula is setup and configured correctly
- name: share
path: test/integration/share
- platform-name: debian
- platform-name: ubuntu
@@ -14,5 +17,11 @@ supports:
- platform-name: opensuse
- platform-name: suse
- platform-name: freebsd
- platform-name: openbsd
- platform-name: amazon
- platform-name: oracle
- platform-name: arch
- platform-name: gentoo
- platform-name: almalinux
- platform-name: rocky
- platform: windows

+ 50
- 0
test/integration/passenger/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# InSpec Profile: `passenger`

This shows the implementation of the `passenger` InSpec [profile](

## Verify a profile

InSpec ships with built-in features to verify a profile structure.

$ inspec check passenger
Location: passenger
Profile: profile
Controls: 4
Timestamp: 2019-06-24T23:09:01+00:00
Valid: true



## Execute a profile

To run all **supported** controls on a local machine use `inspec exec /path/to/profile`.

$ inspec exec passenger

Finished in 0.0025 seconds (files took 0.12449 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures

## Execute a specific control from a profile

To run one control from the profile use `inspec exec /path/to/profile --controls name`.

$ inspec exec passenger --controls package

Finished in 0.0025 seconds (files took 0.12449 seconds to load)
1 examples, 0 failures

See an [example control here](

+ 58
- 0
test/integration/passenger/controls/config.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

# Set defaults, use debian as base

# Override by OS Family
case platform[:family]
when 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'
server_available = '/etc/nginx/conf.d'
server_enabled = '/etc/nginx/conf.d'
passenger_mod = '/usr/lib64/nginx/modules/'
passenger_root = '/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini'
passenger_config_file = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/passenger.conf'
should_not_exist_file = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/mod-http-passenger.conf'
when 'debian', 'ubuntu'
server_available = '/etc/nginx/sites-available'
server_enabled = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled'
passenger_mod = '/usr/lib/nginx/modules/'
passenger_root = '/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini'
passenger_config_file = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/mod-http-passenger.conf'
should_not_exist_file = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/passenger.conf'

control 'Passenger configuration' do
title 'should match desired lines'

# main configuration
describe file('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf') do
its('content') { should include "load_module #{passenger_mod}" }

describe file(passenger_config_file) do
it { should be_file }
it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }
its('content') { should include "passenger_root #{passenger_root};" }
its('content') { should include 'passenger_ruby /usr/bin/ruby;' }

describe file(should_not_exist_file) do
it { should_not exist }

# sites configuration
[server_available, server_enabled].each do |dir|
describe file "#{dir}/default" do
it { should_not exist }

describe file "#{dir}/mysite" do
it { should be_file }
it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }
its('content') { should include 'passenger_enabled on;' }

+ 28
- 0
test/integration/passenger/controls/install.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

control 'Nginx package' do
title 'should be installed'

describe package('nginx') do
it { should be_installed }

control 'Passenger packages' do
title 'should be installed'

# Override by OS Family
passenger_mod_pkg = case platform[:family]
when 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'
when 'debian', 'ubuntu'

describe package('passenger') do
it { should be_installed }
describe package(passenger_mod_pkg) do
it { should be_installed }

+ 37
- 0
test/integration/passenger/controls/repository.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

when 'redhat'
repo_file = '/etc/yum.repos.d/passenger.repo'
repo_url = '$releasever/$basearch'
when 'debian'
codename = system.platform[:codename]
repo_keyring = '/usr/share/keyrings/phusionpassenger-archive-keyring.gpg'
repo_file = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/phusionpassenger-official-#{codename}.list"
# rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength
repo_url = "deb [signed-by=#{repo_keyring}] #{codename} main"
# rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength

control 'Phusion-passenger repository keyring' do
title 'should be installed'

only_if('Requirement for Debian family') do

describe file(repo_keyring) do
it { should exist }
it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }

control 'Phusion-passenger repository' do
impact 1
title 'should be configured'
describe file(repo_file) do
its('content') { should include repo_url }

+ 28
- 0
test/integration/passenger/controls/service.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

control 'Nginx service' do
title 'should be running and enabled'

describe service('nginx') do
it { should be_enabled }
it { should be_running }

control 'Passenger module' do
title 'should be running and enabled'

describe 'Passenger engine' do
it 'passenger-config should say configuration "looks good"' do
'/usr/bin/passenger-config validate-install --auto'
).stdout).to match(/looks good/)

it 'passenger-memory-stats should return Passenger stats' do
expect(command('/usr/sbin/passenger-memory-stats').stdout).to match(
%r{nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx.*Passenger watchdog.*Passenger core.*}m

+ 27
- 0
test/integration/passenger/inspec.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=yaml
name: passenger
title: nginx formula
maintainer: SaltStack Formulas
license: Apache-2.0
summary: Verify that the nginx formula is setup and configured correctly
- name: share
path: test/integration/share
- platform-name: debian
- platform-name: ubuntu
- platform-name: centos
- platform-name: fedora
- platform-name: opensuse
- platform-name: suse
- platform-name: freebsd
- platform-name: openbsd
- platform-name: amazon
- platform-name: oracle
- platform-name: arch
- platform-name: gentoo
- platform-name: almalinux
- platform-name: rocky
- platform: windows

+ 22
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test/integration/share/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# InSpec Profile: `share`

This shows the implementation of the `share` InSpec [profile](

Its goal is to share the libraries between all profiles.

## Libraries

### `system`

The `system` library provides easy access to system dependent information:

- `system.platform`: based on `inspec.platform`, modify to values that are more consistent from a SaltStack perspective
- `system.platform[:family]` provide a family name for Arch and Gentoo
- `system.platform[:name]` append `linux` to both `amazon` and `oracle`; ensure Windows platforms are resolved as simply `windows`
- `system.platform[:release]` tweak Arch, Amazon Linux, Gentoo, openSUSE and Windows:
- `Arch` is always `base-latest`
- `Amazon Linux` release `2018` is resolved as `1`
- `Gentoo` release is trimmed to its major version number and then the init system is appended (i.e. `sysv` or `sysd`)
- `openSUSE` is resolved as `tumbleweed` if the `platform[:release]` is in date format
- `Windows` uses the widely-used release number (e.g. `8.1` or `2019-server`) in place of the actual system release version
- `system.platform[:finger]` is the concatenation of the name and the major release number (except for Ubuntu, which gives `ubuntu-20.04` for example)

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test/integration/share/inspec.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=yaml
name: share
title: InSpec shared resources
maintainer: SaltStack Formulas
license: Apache-2.0
summary: shared resources
- platform-name: debian
- platform-name: ubuntu
- platform-name: centos
- platform-name: fedora
- platform-name: opensuse
- platform-name: suse
- platform-name: freebsd
- platform-name: openbsd
- platform-name: amazon
- platform-name: oracle
- platform-name: arch
- platform-name: gentoo
- platform-name: almalinux
- platform-name: rocky
- platform: windows

+ 134
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test/integration/share/libraries/system.rb Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

# system.rb -- InSpec resources for system values
# Author: Daniel Dehennin <>
# Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Dehennin <>

# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
class SystemResource < Inspec.resource(1)
name 'system'

attr_reader :platform

def initialize
@platform = build_platform


def build_platform
family: build_platform_family,
name: build_platform_name,
release: build_platform_release,
finger: build_platform_finger,
codename: build_platform_codename

def build_platform_family
case inspec.platform[:name]
when 'arch', 'gentoo'

def build_platform_name
case inspec.platform[:name]
when 'amazon', 'oracle', 'rocky'
when /^windows_/

# rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
def build_platform_release
case inspec.platform[:name]
when 'amazon'
# `2018` relase is named `1` in `kitchen.yml`
inspec.platform[:release].gsub(/2018.*/, '1')
when 'arch'
when 'gentoo'
when 'opensuse'
# rubocop:disable Style/NumericLiterals,Layout/LineLength
inspec.platform[:release].to_i > 20210101 ? 'tumbleweed' : inspec.platform[:release]
# rubocop:enable Style/NumericLiterals,Layout/LineLength
when 'windows_8.1_pro'
when 'windows_server_2022_datacenter'
when 'windows_server_2019_datacenter'
when 'windows_server_2016_datacenter'
# rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity

def derive_gentoo_init_system
inspec.command('systemctl').exist? ? 'sysd' : 'sysv'

def build_platform_finger

def build_finger_release
case inspec.platform[:name]
when 'ubuntu'
build_platform_release.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')

# rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
def build_platform_codename
case build_platform_finger
when 'ubuntu-20.04'
when 'ubuntu-18.04'
when 'debian-11'
when 'debian-10'
when 'debian-9'
when 'almalinux-8'
"AlmaLinux #{build_platform_release} (Arctic Sphynx)"
when 'amazonlinux-2'
'Amazon Linux 2'
when 'arch-base-latest'
'Arch Linux'
when 'centos-7'
'CentOS Linux 7 (Core)'
when 'centos-8'
'CentOS Stream 8'
when 'opensuse-tumbleweed'
'openSUSE Tumbleweed'
when 'opensuse-15'
"openSUSE Leap #{build_platform_release}"
when 'oraclelinux-8', 'oraclelinux-7'
"Oracle Linux Server #{build_platform_release}"
when 'gentoo-2-sysd', 'gentoo-2-sysv'
when 'rockylinux-8'
"Rocky Linux #{build_platform_release} (Green Obsidian)"
# rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
# rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength

+ 13
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test/salt/default/pillar/nginx.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -37,6 +37,19 @@ nginx:
- location ~ .htm:
- try_files: '$uri $uri/ =404'
- include: 'snippets/letsencrypt.conf'
enabled: true
- server:
- server_name: with-deps
- listen:
- '80'
- index: 'index.html index.htm'
- location ~ .htm:
- try_files: '$uri $uri/ =404'
file: created_to_test_dependencies

keysize: 2048

+ 6
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test/salt/default/states/test_dep/create_dependency_file.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
## this state creates a file that is used to test vhosts dependencies
# (see

- name: /tmp/created_to_test_dependencies

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test/salt/passenger/pillar/nginx.sls Bestand weergeven

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=yaml
# Simple pillar setup
# - remove 'default' site
# - create 'mysite' site

{%- if grains.os_family in ('RedHat',) %}
{%- set passenger_pkg = 'nginx-mod-http-passenger' %}
{%- set passenger_mod = '/usr/lib64/nginx/modules/' %}
{%- else %}
{%- set passenger_pkg = 'libnginx-mod-http-passenger' %}
{%- set passenger_mod = '/usr/lib/nginx/modules/' %}
{%- endif %}

check_config_before_apply: true

install_from_phusionpassenger: true
passenger_package: {{ passenger_pkg }}

# This is required to get the passenger module loaded
# In Debian it can be done with this
# include: 'modules-enabled/*.conf'
load_module: {{ passenger_mod }}

worker_processes: 4
### module ngx_http_log_module example
log_format: |-
main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $status '
'"$request" $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'
- /etc/nginx/mime.types
- /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf
- /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*

deleted: true
enabled: false
config: {}

enabled: true
- server:
- passenger_enabled: 'on'

- server_name: localhost
- listen:
- '80 default_server'
- index: 'index.html index.htm'
- location ~ .htm:
- try_files: '$uri $uri/ =404'
