Added basic nginx layout with custom interfaces and loggertags/v0.55.0
include: | |||||
- nginx.users | |||||
{% for filename in ('default', 'example_ssl') %} | |||||
/etc/nginx/conf.d/{{ filename }}.conf: | |||||
file.absent | |||||
{% endfor %} | |||||
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf: | |||||
file: | |||||
- managed | |||||
- template: jinja | |||||
- user: root | |||||
- group: root | |||||
- mode: 440 | |||||
- source: salt://nginx/templates/config.jinja | |||||
- require: | |||||
- pkg: nginx | |||||
nginx-old-init: | |||||
file: | |||||
- rename | |||||
- name: /usr/share/nginx/init.d | |||||
- source: /etc/init.d/nginx | |||||
- require: | |||||
- pkg: nginx | |||||
cmd: | |||||
- wait | |||||
- name: dpkg-divert --divert /usr/share/nginx/init.d --add /etc/init.d/nginx | |||||
- require: | |||||
- module: nginx-old-init | |||||
- watch: | |||||
- file: nginx-old-init | |||||
module: | |||||
- wait | |||||
- name: | |||||
- cmd: kill `cat /var/run/` | |||||
- watch: | |||||
- file: nginx-old-init | |||||
nginx-old-init-disable: | |||||
cmd: | |||||
- wait | |||||
- name: update-rc.d -f nginx remove | |||||
- require: | |||||
- module: nginx-old-init | |||||
- watch: | |||||
- file: nginx-old-init | |||||
{% set logger_types = ('access', 'error') %} | |||||
{% for log_type in logger_types %} | |||||
/var/log/nginx/{{ log_type }}.log: | |||||
file.absent | |||||
nginx-logger-{{ log_type }}: | |||||
file: | |||||
- managed | |||||
- name: /etc/init/nginx-logger-{{ log_type }}.conf | |||||
- template: jinja | |||||
- user: root | |||||
- group: root | |||||
- mode: 440 | |||||
- source: salt://nginx/templates/upstart-logger.jinja | |||||
- context: | |||||
type: {{ log_type }} | |||||
service: | |||||
- running | |||||
- enable: True | |||||
- require: | |||||
- file: nginx-logger-{{ log_type }} | |||||
- pkg: nginx | |||||
{% endfor %} | |||||
/etc/logrotate.d/nginx: | |||||
file: | |||||
- absent | |||||
nginx: | |||||
pkg: | |||||
- installed | |||||
- name: nginx | |||||
file: | |||||
- managed | |||||
- name: /etc/init/nginx.conf | |||||
- template: jinja | |||||
- user: root | |||||
- group: root | |||||
- mode: 440 | |||||
- source: salt://nginx/templates/upstart.jinja | |||||
- require: | |||||
- pkg: nginx | |||||
- file: nginx-old-init | |||||
- module: nginx-old-init | |||||
service: | |||||
- running | |||||
- enable: True | |||||
- watch: | |||||
- file: nginx | |||||
- file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf | |||||
- file: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf | |||||
- file: /etc/nginx/conf.d/example_ssl.conf | |||||
- pkg: nginx | |||||
- require: | |||||
{% for log_type in logger_types %} | |||||
- service: nginx-logger-{{ log_type }} | |||||
{% endfor %} |
{% set nginx = pillar.get('nginx', {}) -%} | |||||
{% set user = nginx.get('user', 'www-data') -%} | |||||
{% set group = nginx.get('group', 'www-data') -%} | |||||
user {{ user }} {{ group }}; | |||||
worker_processes {{ nginx.get('worker_processes', 1) }}; | |||||
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.fifo warn; | |||||
pid {{ nginx.get('pid', '/var/run/') }}; | |||||
daemon {{ nginx.get('daemon', 'off') }}; | |||||
events { | |||||
worker_connections {{ nginx.get('events', {}).get('worker_connections', 1024) }}; | |||||
} | |||||
http { | |||||
include /etc/nginx/mime.types; | |||||
default_type application/octet-stream; | |||||
log_format main '$scheme://$host:$server_port$uri$is_args$args $remote_addr:$remote_user "$request" $request_time $request_length:$bytes_sent $status "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; | |||||
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.fifo main; | |||||
sendfile {{ nginx.get('sendfile', 'on') }}; | |||||
#tcp_nopush on; | |||||
keepalive_timeout {{ nginx.get('keepalive_timeout', 65) }}; | |||||
server_names_hash_bucket_size {{ nginx.get('server_names_hash_bucket_size', 128) }}; | |||||
server_names_hash_max_size {{ nginx.get('server_names_hash_max_size', 1024) }}; | |||||
types_hash_max_size {{ nginx.get('types_hash_max_size', 8192) }}; | |||||
gzip {{ nginx.get('gzip', 'on') }}; | |||||
gzip_vary {{ nginx.get('gzip_vary', 'on') }}; | |||||
gzip_proxied {{ nginx.get('gzip_proxied', 'any') }}; | |||||
gzip_comp_level {{ nginx.get('gzip_comp_level', 6) }}; | |||||
gzip_buffers {{ nginx.get('gzip_buffers', '16 8k') }}; | |||||
gzip_http_version {{ nginx.get('gzip_http_version', '1.1') }}; | |||||
gzip_types {{ nginx.get('gzip_types', ['text/plain', 'text/css', 'application/json', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/xml', 'application/xml', 'application/xml+rss', 'text/javascript'])|join(' ') }}; | |||||
# turn on nginx_status on localhost | |||||
server { | |||||
listen; | |||||
server_name; | |||||
location /nginx_status { | |||||
stub_status on; | |||||
access_log off; | |||||
allow; | |||||
deny all; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
{% if pillar['nginx'] is defined -%} | |||||
{% if pillar['nginx']['redirect_numeric_ip']|default(False) %} | |||||
server { | |||||
server_name {% for ip in salt['network.interfaces']()['eth0']['inet'] %}{{ ip['address'] }}:80{% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}; | |||||
return 302 {{ pillar['nginx']['redirect_numeric_ip'] }}; | |||||
access_log off; | |||||
} | |||||
{% endif %} | |||||
{% endif %} | |||||
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; | |||||
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*.conf; | |||||
} |
# {{ pillar['message_do_not_modify'] }} | |||||
# startup script for Nginx loggers | |||||
start on starting nginx | |||||
stop on runlevel [!2345] | |||||
respawn | |||||
pre-start script | |||||
if [ ! -r /var/log/nginx/{{ type }}.fifo ]; then | |||||
mkfifo /var/log/nginx/{{ type }}.fifo | |||||
chown root.root /var/log/nginx/{{ type }}.fifo | |||||
chmod 660 /var/log/nginx/{{ type }}.fifo | |||||
fi | |||||
end script | |||||
emits nginx-logger-{{ type }} | |||||
exec logger -f /var/log/nginx/{{ type }}.fifo -t nginx -p {% if type == 'error' %}warn{% else %}debug{% endif %} |
# startup script for Nginx | |||||
respawn | |||||
start on filesystem or runlevel [2345] | |||||
stop on runlevel [!2345] | |||||
exec /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |
{% set nginx = pillar.get('nginx', {}) -%} | |||||
{% set htauth = nginx.get('htpasswd', '/etc/nginx/.htpasswd') -%} | |||||
htpasswd: | |||||
pkg.installed: | |||||
- name: apache2-utils | |||||
{% for name, user in pillar.get('users', {}).items() %} | |||||
{% if user['webauth'] is defined -%} | |||||
nginx_user_{{name}}: | ||||| | |||||
- name: basicauth.adduser | |||||
- user: {{ name }} | |||||
- passwd: {{ user['webauth'] }} | |||||
- path: {{ htauth }} | |||||
- require: | |||||
- pkg: htpasswd | |||||
{% endif -%} | |||||
{% endfor %} |