Saltstack Official Salt Formula

  1. {% from "salt/map.jinja" import salt_settings with context %}
  2. # issue 34
  3. {% if salt_settings.gitfs.dulwich.install_from_source %}
  4. # we probably don't have a package or it's not a high enough version
  5. # install latest from source/pip
  6. dulwich-deps:
  7. pkg.installed:
  8. - pkgs:
  9. - build-essential
  10. - python-dev
  11. install-dulwich:
  12. pip.installed:
  13. - name: dulwich
  14. {% else %}
  15. python-dulwich:
  16. pkg.installed:
  17. - name: {{ salt_settings.python_dulwich }}
  18. {% endif %}