Saltstack Official Salt Formula
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jpic 825fd7cd77 Fixed pillar_roots generation for salt-master. 9 年前
cloud.maps.d Initial add of dummy saltify settings 10 年前
cloud.profiles.d ec2/gce profiles/providers are no longer configured if they are not used. 10 年前
cloud.providers.d ec2/gce profiles/providers are no longer configured if they are not used. 10 年前
master.d Fixed pillar_roots generation for salt-master. 9 年前
minion.d Add verify_master_pubkey_sign 9 年前
key Added functionality to state for salt cloud and exampel for EC2 and GCE 10 年前
roster.jinja add support for installing salt-ssh and managing the roster file, updated README and pillar.example 10 年前