Saltstack Official Salt Formula
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51 line

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # vim: ft=yaml
  3. {% set osrelease = salt['grains.get']('osrelease') %}
  4. {% set salt_release = salt['pillar.get']('salt:release', 'latest') %}
  5. {% if salt_release.split('.')|length >= 3 %}
  6. {% set salt_release = 'archive/' ~ salt_release %}
  7. {% endif %}
  8. {% set os_lower = salt['grains.get']('os')|lower %}
  9. {% set osmajorrelease = salt['grains.get']('osmajorrelease', osrelease)|string %}
  10. {% set oscodename = salt['grains.get']('oscodename') %}
  11. Fedora:
  12. pygit2: python2-pygit2
  13. Ubuntu:
  14. pkgrepo: 'deb{{ os_lower }}/{{ osrelease }}/amd64/{{ salt_release }} {{ oscodename }} main'
  15. key_url: '{{ os_lower }}/{{ osrelease }}/amd64/{{ salt_release }}/'
  16. pygit2: python-pygit2
  17. gitfs:
  18. pygit2:
  19. install_from_source: False
  20. git:
  21. require_state: False
  22. install_from_package: Null
  23. Raspbian:
  24. pkgrepo: 'deb{{ os_lower }}/{{ osmajorrelease }}/armhf/{{ salt_release }} {{ oscodename }} main'
  25. key_url: '{{ os_lower }}/{{ osmajorrelease }}/armhf/{{ salt_release }}/'
  26. SmartOS:
  27. salt_master: salt
  28. salt_minion: salt
  29. salt_syndic: salt
  30. salt_cloud: salt
  31. salt_api: salt
  32. salt_ssh: salt
  33. minion_service: 'salt:minion'
  34. master_service: 'salt:master'
  35. api_service: 'salt:api'
  36. python_dulwich: 'py27-dulwich'
  37. gitfs:
  38. dulwich:
  39. install_from_source: False
  40. config_path: /opt/local/etc/salt
  41. master:
  42. gitfs_provider: dulwich