1234567891011121314151617181920 |
- {% from "openssh/map.jinja" import mapdata with context %}
- {%- set openssh = mapdata.openssh %}
- {% set moduli = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:moduli', False) -%}
- {% set moduli_source = salt['pillar.get']('openssh:moduli_source', False) -%}
- {% if moduli or moduli_source -%}
- ssh_moduli:
- file.managed:
- - name: {{ openssh.ssh_moduli }}
- {% if moduli -%}
- # Although we have the contents of the moduli in the variable 'moduli',
- # inlining the variable here *will* cause problems. Using the '|' literal string indicator
- # Necessitates using the '|indent' filter, and this is too complex.
- # Rather, let salt read the pillar itself.
- - contents_pillar: openssh:moduli
- {% elif moduli_source -%}
- - source: {{ moduli_source }}
- - source_hash: {{ moduli_source|trim }}.hash
- {%- endif %}
- {% endif %}