# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# vim: ft=ruby |
# Global source defined as https://rubygems.org |
source 'https://rubygems.org' |
# Attempt to fingerprint OS from /etc/os-release where available |
if File.file?("/etc/os-release") |
os_family = '' |
os_version = '' |
os_version_full = '' |
# Strip necessary granularity from os-release |
File.open("/etc/os-release").grep(/(^ID=(.*)$|^VERSION="(.*)"$|^VERSION_ID="(.*)")/) do |line| |
# OS family (Debian/CentOS/Ubuntu) |
if ( line =~ /^ID=\S/ ) |
os_family = line.split('=')[1] |
puts "IDENTIFIED os_family = " + os_family |
end |
# Major revision |
if ( line =~ /^VERSION_ID="(.*)"$/ ) |
os_version = line.split('=')[1].tr('"','') |
puts "IDENTIFIED os_version = " + os_version |
end |
# Vanity name |
if ( line =~ /^VERSION="(.*)"$/ ) |
os_version_full = line.split('=')[1] |
puts "IDENTIFIED os_version_full = " + os_version_full |
end |
end |
# Pinning is broken into os_family and then os_version |
# to try and avoid conflict. |
case os_family |
when /debian/ |
# os_family: Debian os_version dependent pins |
case os_version |
when /7/ |
puts "busser-serverspec is no longer natively supported on: " + os_version_full |
when /8/ |
gem 'net-ssh', '~> 4.2.0' |
else |
puts "Your distribution is either too old, or supported without pins: " + os_version_full |
end |
when /centos/ |
# os_family: centos os_version dependent pins |
print "Switching on " + os_version |
case os_version |
when /6/ |
puts "busser-serverspec has no native supported on: " + os_version_full |
when /7/ |
gem 'net-ssh', '~> 4.2.0' |
else |
puts "Your distribution is either too old, or supported without pins: " + os_version_full |
end |
when /ubuntu/ |
# os_family: ubuntu os_version dependent pins |
case os_version |
when /14.04/ |
puts "busser-serverspec is no longer natively supported on: " + os_version_full |
when /16.04/ |
puts "busser-serverspec is currently supported natively on: " + os_version_full |
else |
puts "Your distribution is either too old, or supported without pins: " + os_version_full |
end |
# No helper support provided |
else |
puts "No Gemfile helper support exists for os_family: " + os_family |
end |
else |
puts "No Gemfile helper support provided for this suite." |
end |