.. _map.jinja: |
``map.jinja``: gather formula configuration values |
================================================== |
The `documentation`_ explains the use of a ``map.jinja`` to gather parameters values for a formula. |
As `pillars`_ are rendered on the Salt master for every minion, this increases the load on the master as the pillar values and the number of minions grows. |
As a good practice, you should: |
- store non-secret data in YAML files distributed by the `fileserver`_ |
- store secret data in: |
- `pillars`_ (and look for the use of something like `pillar.vault`_) |
- `SDB`_ (and look for the use of something like `sdb.vault`_) |
Current best practice is to let ``map.jinja`` handle parameters from all sources, to minimise the use of pillars, grains or configuration from ``sls`` files and templates directly. |
.. contents:: **Table of Contents** |
For formula users |
----------------- |
Quick start: configure per role and per DNS domain name values |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
We will see a quick setup to configure the ``TEMPLATE`` formula for different DNS domain name and several roles. |
For this example, I'll define 2 kinds of `fileserver`_ sources: |
1. formulas git repositories with hard-coded version reference to avoid breaking my setup randomly at upstream update. they are the last sources where files are looked up |
2. parameters of the formulas in the file backend `roots`_ |
Configure the fileserver backends |
````````````````````````````````` |
I configure the `fileserver`_ backends to serve: |
1. files from `roots`_ first |
2. `gitfs`_ repositories last |
Create the file ``/etc/salt/master.d/fileserver.conf`` and restart the ``master``: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
## |
## file server |
## |
fileserver_backend: |
# parameters values and override |
- roots |
# formulas |
- gitfs |
# The files in this directory will take precedence over git repositories |
file_roots: |
base: |
- /srv/salt |
# List of formulas I'm using |
gitfs_remotes: |
- https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/template-formula.git: |
- base: v4.1.1 |
- https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/openssh-formula.git: |
- base: v2.0.1 |
... |
Create per DNS configuration for ``TEMPLATE`` formula |
````````````````````````````````````````````````````` |
Now, we can provides the per DNS domain name configuration files for the ``TEMPLATE`` formulas under ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/``. |
We create the directory for ``dns:domain`` grain and we add a symlink for the ``domain`` grain which is extracted from the minion ``id``: |
.. code-block:: console |
mkdir -p /srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/dns:domain/ |
ln -s dns:domain /srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/domain |
We create a configuration for the DNS domain ``example.net`` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/dns:domain/example.net.yaml``: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
values: |
config: /etc/template-formula-example-net.conf |
... |
We create another configuration for the DNS domain ``example.com`` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/dns:domain/example.com.yaml``: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
values: |
config: /etc/template-formula-{{ grains['os_family'] }}.conf |
... |
Create per role configuration for ``TEMPLATE`` formula |
`````````````````````````````````````````````````````` |
Now, we can provides the per role configuration files for the ``TEMPLATE`` formulas under ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/``. |
We create the directory for roles: |
.. code-block:: console |
mkdir -p /srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/roles |
We will define 2 roles: |
- ``TEMPLATE/server`` |
- ``TEMPLATE/client`` |
We create a configuration for the role ``TEMPLATE/server`` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/roles/TEMPLATE/server.yaml``: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
values: |
config: /etc/template-formula-server.conf |
... |
We create another configuration for the role ``TEMPLATE/client`` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/roles/TEMPLATE/client.yaml``: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
values: |
config: /etc/template-formula-client.conf |
... |
Enable roles and the ``dns:domain`` and ``domain`` grains for ``map.jinja`` |
``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` |
We need to redefine the sources for ``map.jinja`` to load values from our new configuration files, we provide a global configuration for all our minions. |
We create the global parameters file ``/srv/salt/parameters/map_jinja.yaml``: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
values: |
sources: |
# default values |
- "Y:G@osarch" |
- "Y:G@os_family" |
- "Y:G@os" |
- "Y:G@osfinger" |
- "C@{{ tplroot ~ ':lookup' }}" |
- "C@{{ tplroot }}" |
# Roles activate/deactivate things |
# then thing are configured depending on environment |
# So roles comes before `dns:domain`, `domain` and `id` |
- "Y:C@roles" |
# DNS domain configured (DHCP or resolv.conf) |
- "Y:G@dns:domain" |
# Based on minion ID |
- "Y:G@domain" |
# default values |
- "Y:G@id" |
... |
The syntax is explained later at `Sources of configuration values`_. |
Bind roles to minions |
````````````````````` |
We associate roles `grains`_ to minion using `grains.append`_. |
For the servers: |
.. code-block:: console |
salt 'server-*' grains.append roles TEMPLATE/server |
For the clients: |
.. code-block:: console |
salt 'client-*' grains.append roles TEMPLATE/client |
.. note:: |
Since we used ``Y:C@roles``, ``map.jinja`` will do a ``salt['config.get']('roles')`` to retrieve the roles so you could use any other method to bind roles to minions (`pillars`_ or `SDB`_) but `grains`_ seems to be the prefered method. |
Format of configuration YAML files |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
When you write a new YAML file, note that it must conform to the following layout: |
- a mandatory ``values`` key to store the configuration values |
- two optional keys to configure the use of `salt.slsutil.merge`_ |
- an optional ``strategy`` key to configure the merging strategy, for example ``strategy: 'recurse'``, the default is ``smart`` |
- an optional ``merge_lists`` key to configure if lists should be merged or overridden for the ``recurse`` and ``overwrite`` strategy, for example ``merge_lists: 'true'`` |
Here is a valid example: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
strategy: 'recurse' |
merge_lists: 'false' |
values: |
pkg: |
name: 'some-package' |
config: '/path/to/a/configuration/file' |
... |
You can use `Jinja`_ as with any SLS files: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
--- |
strategy: 'overwrite' |
merge_lists: 'true' |
values: |
output_dir: /tmp/{{ grains['id'] }} |
... |
Sources of configuration values |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
Configuring ``map.jinja`` sources |
````````````````````````````````` |
The ``map.jinja`` file uses several sources where to lookup parameter values. The list of sources can be modified by two files: |
1. a global ``salt://parameters/map_jinja.yaml`` |
2. a per formula ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/parameters/map_jinja.yaml``, it overrides the global configuration |
Each source definition has the form ``<TYPE>:<OPTION>@<KEY>`` where ``<TYPE>`` can be one of: |
- ``Y`` to load values from YAML files from the `fileserver`_, this is the default when no type is defined |
- ``C`` to lookup values with `salt['config.get']`_ |
- ``G`` to lookup values with `salt['grains.get']`_ |
- ``I`` to lookup values with `salt['pillar.get']`_ |
The YAML type option can define the query method to lookup the key value to build the file name: |
- ``C`` to query with `salt['config.get']`_, this is the default when no query method is defined |
- ``G`` to query with `salt['grains.get']`_ |
- ``I`` to query with `salt['pillar.get']`_ |
The ``C``, ``G`` or ``I`` types can define the ``SUB`` option to store values in the sub key ``mapdata.<KEY>`` instead of directly in ``mapdata``. |
Finally, the ``<KEY>`` describes what to lookup to either build the YAML filename or gather values using one of the query methods. |
.. note:: |
For the YAML type, if the ``<KEY>`` can't be looked up, then it's used a literal string path to a YAML file, for example: ``any/path/can/be/used/here.yaml`` will result in the loading of ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/parameters/any/path/can/be/used/here.yaml`` if it exists. |
The built-in ``map_jinja:sources`` is: |
.. code-block:: yaml |
- "Y:G@osarch" |
- "Y:G@os_family" |
- "Y:G@os" |
- "Y:G@osfinger" |
- "C@{{ tplroot ~ ':lookup' }}" |
- "C@{{ tplroot }}" |
- "Y:G@id" |
This is strictly equivalent to the following ``map_jinja.yaml`` using `Jinja`_: |
.. code-block:: sls |
values: |
sources: |
- "parameters/osarch/{{ salt['grains.get']('osarch') }}.yaml" |
- "parameters/os_family/{{ salt['grains.get']('os_family') }}.yaml" |
- "parameters/os/{{ salt['grains.get']('os') }}.yaml" |
- "parameters/osfinger/{{ salt['grains.get']('osfinger') }}.yaml" |
- "C@{{ tplroot ~ ':lookup' }}" |
- "C@{{ tplroot }}" |
- "parameters/id/{{ salt['grains.get']('id') }}.yaml" |
Loading values from the configuration sources |
````````````````````````````````````````````` |
For each configuration source defined in ``map_jinja:sources``, ``map.jinja`` will: |
#. load values depending on the source type: |
- for YAML file sources |
- if the ``<KEY>`` can be looked up, load values from the YAML file named ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/paramaters/<KEY>/{{ salt['<QUERY_METHOD>']('<KEY>') }}.yaml`` if it exists |
- otherwise, load the YAML file named ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/parameters/<KEY>.yaml`` if it exists |
- for ``C``, ``G`` or ``I`` source type, lookup the value of ``salt['<QUERY_METHOD>']('<KEY>')`` |
#. merge the loaded values with the previous ones using `salt.slsutil.merge`_ |
There will be no error if a YAML file does not exists, they are all optional. |
Configuration values from ``salt['config.get']`` |
```````````````````````````````````````````````` |
For sources with of type ``C`` declared in ``map_jinja:sources``, you can configure the ``merge`` option of `salt['config.get']`_ by defining per formula ``strategy`` configuration key (retrieved with ``salt['config.get'](tplroot ~ ':strategy')`` with one of the following values: |
- ``recurse`` merge recursively dictionaries. Non dictionary values replace already defined values |
- ``overwrite`` new value completely replace old ones |
By default, no merging is done, the first value found is returned. |
Global view of the order of preferences |
``````````````````````````````````````` |
To summarize, here is a complete example of the load order of formula configuration values for an ``AMD64`` ``Ubuntu 18.04`` minion named ``minion1.example.net`` for the ``libvirt`` formula: |
#. ``parameters/defaults.yaml`` |
#. ``parameters/osarch/amd64.yaml`` |
#. ``parameters/os_family/Debian.yaml`` |
#. ``parameters/os/Ubuntu.yaml`` |
#. ``parameters/osfinger/Ubuntu-18.04.yaml`` |
#. ``salt['config.get']('libvirt:lookup')`` |
#. ``salt['config.get']('libvirt')`` |
#. ``parameters/id/minion1.example.net`` |
Remember that the order is important, for example, the value of ``key1:subkey1`` loaded from ``parameters/os_family/Debian.yaml`` is overridden by a value loaded from ``parameters/id/minion1.example.net``. |
For formula authors and contributors |
------------------------------------ |
Dependencies |
^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
``map.jinja`` requires: |
- salt minion 2018.3.3 minimum to use the `traverse`_ jinja filter |
- to be located at the root of the formula named directory (e.g. ``libvirt-formula/libvirt/map.jinja``) |
- the ``libsaltcli.jinja`` library, stored in the same directory, to disable the ``merge`` option of `salt['config.get']`_ over `salt-ssh`_ |
Use formula configuration values in ``sls`` |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
The ``map.jinja`` exports a unique ``mapdata`` variable which could be renamed during import. |
Here is the best way to use it in an ``sls`` file: |
.. code-block:: sls |
{#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #} |
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split("/")[0] %} |
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import mapdata as TEMPLATE with context %} |
test-does-nothing-but-display-TEMPLATE-as-json: |
test.nop: |
- name: {{ TEMPLATE | json }} |
Use formula configuration values in templates |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
When you need to process salt templates, you should avoid calling `salt['config.get']`_ (or `salt['pillar.get']`_ and `salt['grains.get']`_) directly from the template. All the needed values should be available within the ``mapdata`` variable exported by ``map.jinja``. |
Here is an example based on `template-formula/TEMPLATE/config/file.sls`_: |
.. code-block:: sls |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# vim: ft=sls |
{#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #} |
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %} |
{%- set sls_package_install = tplroot ~ '.package.install' %} |
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import mapdata as TEMPLATE with context %} |
{%- from tplroot ~ "/libtofs.jinja" import files_switch with context %} |
include: |
- {{ sls_package_install }} |
TEMPLATE-config-file-file-managed: |
file.managed: |
- name: {{ TEMPLATE.config }} |
- source: {{ files_switch(['example.tmpl'], |
lookup='TEMPLATE-config-file-file-managed' |
) |
}} |
- mode: 644 |
- user: root |
- group: {{ TEMPLATE.rootgroup }} |
- makedirs: True |
- template: jinja |
- require: |
- sls: {{ sls_package_install }} |
- context: |
TEMPLATE: {{ TEMPLATE | json }} |
This ``sls`` file expose a ``TEMPLATE`` context variable to the jinja template which could be used like this: |
.. code-block:: jinja |
######################################################################## |
# File managed by Salt at <{{ source }}>. |
# Your changes will be overwritten. |
######################################################################## |
This is another example file from SaltStack template-formula. |
# This is here for testing purposes |
{{ TEMPLATE | json }} |
winner of the merge: {{ TEMPLATE['winner'] }} |
.. _documentation: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/development/conventions/formulas.html#writing-formulas |
.. _fileserver: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/file_server |
.. _salt['config.get']: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.config.html#salt.modules.config.get |
.. _salt['grains.get']: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.grains.html#salt.modules.grains.get |
.. _salt['pillar.get']: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.pillar.html#salt.modules.pillar.get |
.. _pillar.vault: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/pillar/all/salt.pillar.vault.html |
.. _pillars: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/pillar/ |
.. _grains: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/grains/ |
.. _grains.append: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.grains.html#salt.modules.grains.append |
.. _SDB: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/sdb/index.html |
.. _sdb.vault: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/sdb/all/salt.sdb.vault.html |
.. _Jinja: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/jinja |
.. _roots: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/file_server/all/salt.fileserver.roots.html |
.. _gitfs: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/tutorials/gitfs.html |
.. _salt.slsutil.merge: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.slsutil.html |
.. _traverse: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/jinja/index.html#traverse |
.. _salt-ssh: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/ssh/ |
.. _template-formula/TEMPLATE/config/file.sls: https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/template-formula/blob/master/TEMPLATE/config/file.sls |