- ---
- ci:
- autofix_commit_msg: |
- ci(pre-commit.ci): apply auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks
- For more information, see https://pre-commit.ci
- autofix_prs: true
- autoupdate_branch: ''
- autoupdate_commit_msg: |
- ci(pre-commit.ci): perform `pre-commit` autoupdate
- autoupdate_schedule: quarterly
- skip: []
- submodules: false
- default_stages: [commit]
- repos:
- - repo: https://github.com/dafyddj/commitlint-pre-commit-hook
- rev: v2.3.0
- hooks:
- - id: commitlint
- name: Check commit message using commitlint
- description: Lint commit message against @commitlint/config-conventional rules
- stages: [commit-msg]
- additional_dependencies: ['@commitlint/config-conventional@8.3.4']
- - id: commitlint-travis
- stages: [manual]
- additional_dependencies: ['@commitlint/config-conventional@8.3.4']
- always_run: true
- - repo: https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop
- rev: v1.59.0
- hooks:
- - id: rubocop
- name: Check Ruby files with rubocop
- args: [--debug]
- always_run: true
- pass_filenames: false
- - repo: https://github.com/shellcheck-py/shellcheck-py
- rev: v0.9.0.6
- hooks:
- - id: shellcheck
- name: Check shell scripts with shellcheck
- files: ^.*\.(sh|bash|ksh)$
- types: []
- - repo: https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint
- rev: v1.33.0
- hooks:
- - id: yamllint
- name: Check YAML syntax with yamllint
- args: [--strict, '.']
- always_run: true
- pass_filenames: false
- - repo: https://github.com/warpnet/salt-lint
- rev: v0.9.2
- hooks:
- - id: salt-lint
- name: Check Salt files using salt-lint
- files: ^.*\.(sls|jinja|j2|tmpl|tst)$
- - repo: https://github.com/rstcheck/rstcheck
- rev: v6.2.0
- hooks:
- - id: rstcheck
- name: Check reST files using rstcheck
- exclude: 'docs/CHANGELOG.rst'
- - repo: https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/mirrors-rst-lint
- rev: v1.4.0
- hooks:
- - id: rst-lint
- name: Check reST files using rst-lint
- exclude: |
- (?x)^(
- docs/CHANGELOG.rst|
- docs/TOFS_pattern.rst|
- )$
- additional_dependencies: [pygments==2.9.0]