- {%- from "openssh/map.jinja" import openssh, sshd_config with context %}
- include:
- - openssh
- {%- if sshd_config %}
- sshd_config-with-ini:
- {#- Convert any tabs to a single space to prevent false positives #}
- {#- Ref: https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/openssh-formula/issues/162 #}
- {%- set regex_search_for_tabs = '^(\w+)\t+(\w)' %}
- {%- if salt['file.contains_regex'](openssh.sshd_config, regex_search_for_tabs) %}
- file.replace:
- - name: {{ openssh.sshd_config }}
- - pattern: {{ regex_search_for_tabs }}
- - repl: '\1 \2'
- - show_changes: True
- - require_in:
- - ini_manage: sshd_config-with-ini
- {%- endif %}
- ini.options_present:
- - name: {{ openssh.sshd_config }}
- - separator: ' '
- - watch_in:
- - service: {{ openssh.service }}
- - sections:
- {%- for k,v in sshd_config.items() %}
- {{ k }}: '{{ v }}'
- {%- endfor %}
- - require:
- - file: sshd_config-with-ini
- {%- endif %}