- {#- -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #}
- {#- vim: ft=jinja #}
- {#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #}
- {%- set tplroot = tpldir.split("/")[0] %}
- {%- from tplroot ~ "/libmapstack.jinja" import mapstack with context %}
- {#- Where to lookup parameters source files #}
- {%- set formula_param_dir = tplroot ~ "/parameters" %}
- {#- List of sources to lookup for parameters #}
- {#- Fallback to previously used grains plus minion `id` #}
- {%- set map_sources = [
- "Y:G@osarch",
- "Y:G@os_family",
- "Y:G@os",
- "Y:G@osfinger",
- "C@" ~ tplroot ~ ":lookup",
- "C@" ~ tplroot,
- "Y:G@id",
- ] %}
- {%- set _map_settings = mapstack(
- matchers=["map_jinja.yaml"],
- defaults={
- "values": {"sources": map_sources}
- },
- log_prefix="map.jinja configuration: ",
- )
- | load_yaml %}
- {%- set map_sources = _map_settings | traverse("values:sources") %}
- {%- do salt["log.debug"](
- "map.jinja: load parameters from sources:\n"
- ~ map_sources
- | yaml(False)
- ) %}
- {#- Load formula parameters values #}
- {%- set _formula_matchers = ["defaults.yaml"] + map_sources %}
- {%- set _formula_settings = mapstack(
- matchers=_formula_matchers,
- dirs=[formula_param_dir],
- defaults={
- "values": {},
- "merge_strategy": salt["config.get"](tplroot ~ ":strategy", None),
- "merge_lists": salt["config.get"](tplroot ~ ":merge_lists", False),
- },
- log_prefix="map.jinja: ",
- )
- | load_yaml %}
- {#- Make sure to track `map.jinja` configuration with `_mapdata` #}
- {%- do _formula_settings["values"].update(
- {
- "map_jinja": _map_settings["values"]
- }
- ) %}
- {%- do salt["log.debug"]("map.jinja: save parameters in variable 'mapdata'") %}
- {%- set mapdata = _formula_settings["values"] %}
- {#- Per formula post-processing of `mapdata` if it exists #}
- {%- do salt["log.debug"]("map.jinja: post-processing of 'mapdata'") %}
- {%- include tplroot ~ "/post-map.jinja" ignore missing %}