options (560a5cc)rst-lint
skip cissf
customised inspec
repo skip ciprovisioner
block & update run_command
skip ci3004
pre-salted images/boxes skip ci3003.2
pre-salted images skip ciyamllint
configuration skip ciarch-master
to matrix and update .travis.yml
skip ci3003
skip cidebian-11
skip cifedora-34
skip cigrains.get
for oscodename
(for FreeBSD) skip cimap.jinja
verification file (for 13.0) (018a47c)ssh-rsa
Kitchen workaround on Arch Linux skip cissh-rsa
Kitchen workaround on Gentoo skip cissh-rsa
Kitchen workaround skip cidig_pkg
, avoid UsePAM
& add verification file (2868560)ssf
customised kitchen-docker
repo skip cirubocop
skip ciTesting with Vagrant
section (2f8c31c)map.jinja
verification files (for 11.4 & 12.2) (4c857fe)share
suite & _mapdata
state skip cilibmatchers
configuration with libmapstack
configuration with libmapstack
with targeting like syntax (7ecb24b)map_jinja:sources
is only
configurable with salt://parameters/map_jinja.yaml
and salt://{{ tplroot }}/parameters/map_jinja.yaml
is replaced by
compound like map_jinja:sources
and config_get
replaced by C@<tplroot>:lookup
and C@<tplroot>
key in map.jinja
dumps (37597e5)upstream/master
uses main repo URL skip cirubocop
linter (with allow_failure
) skip cirstcheck
as relevant skip cirstcheck
configuration skip cimap.jinja
verification (2bab68f)tofs
must not be under mine_functions
files should have tofs
configuration (5e9033f)_mapdata
mismatch (1c99556)path_join
can be used only for local file access (3845d5f)_mapdata
everywhere for coherency (14e843e)_mapdata
state (70389b5)map.jinja
dump (0eafbd9)openssh.known_hosts
state (644e616)saltimages
Docker Hub where available skip ci2019.2
in line
with official upstream support; also use of the traverse
Jinja filter.rspec-retry
gem skip ciGemfile
skip cimaster-py2-arch-base-latest
skip cimaster
instances skip cibsd
family (fe1af09)train
gem version until upstream fix skip ciFreeBSD-12.0
box for local testing (ec81c32)develop
image until master
is ready (amazonlinux
) skip ci2019.2.2
release skip cidpl v2
to complete build config validation skip cigit ls-files
skip cishellcheck
during lint job skip cimajor.minor
for semantic-release
version skip cisalt-lint
invocation skip cidebian-10-master-py3
instead of develop
skip cisalt-lint
config for v0.0.10
skip cisalt-lint
& rubocop
to lint
job ([](
skip ciconfig_spec
tests on *BSD (wheel
not root
) ([](
errors ([](
errors ([](
to debug
instead of info
skip ciopensuse
images until 2019.2.2
skip ciarch-base-latest
(commented out for now) skip cisalt-lint
& rubocop
to lint
job ([](