- .. _readme:
- php-formula
- ===========
- |img_travis| |img_sr|
- .. |img_travis| image:: https://travis-ci.com/saltstack-formulas/php-formula.svg?branch=master
- :alt: Travis CI Build Status
- :scale: 100%
- :target: https://travis-ci.com/saltstack-formulas/php-formula
- .. |img_sr| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg
- :alt: Semantic Release
- :scale: 100%
- :target: https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release
- Formula to set up and configure php
- .. list-table::
- :name: banner-breaking-changes-v1.0.0
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 1
- * - Prior to
- `v1.0.0 <https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/php-formula/releases/tag/v1.0.0>`_,
- this formula provided two methods for managing PHP;
- the old method under ``php`` and the new method under ``php.ng``.
- The old method has now been removed and ``php.ng`` has been promoted to
- be ``php`` in its place.
- If you are not in a position to migrate, please pin your repo to the final
- release tag before
- `v1.0.0 <https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/php-formula/releases/tag/v1.0.0>`_,
- i.e.
- `v0.41.0 <https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/php-formula/releases/tag/v0.41.0>`_.
- To migrate from ``php.ng``, simply modify your pillar to promote the
- entire section under ``php:ng`` so that it is under ``php`` instead.
- So with the editor of your choice, highlight the entire section and then
- unindent one level. Finish by removing the ``ng:`` line.
- To migrate from the old ``php``, first convert to ``php.ng`` under
- `v0.41.0 <https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/php-formula/releases/tag/v0.41.0>`_.
- and then follow the steps laid out in the paragraph directly above.
- .. contents:: **Table of Contents**
- General notes
- -------------
- See the full `SaltStack Formulas installation and usage instructions
- <https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/development/conventions/formulas.html>`_.
- If you are interested in writing or contributing to formulas, please pay attention to the `Writing Formula Section
- <https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/development/conventions/formulas.html#writing-formulas>`_.
- If you want to use this formula, please pay attention to the ``FORMULA`` file and/or ``git tag``,
- which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned according to `Semantic Versioning <http://semver.org/>`_.
- See `Formula Versioning Section <https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/development/conventions/formulas.html#versioning>`_ for more details.
- Contributing to this repo
- -------------------------
- **Commit message formatting is significant!!**
- Please see :ref:`How to contribute <CONTRIBUTING>` for more details.
- Available states
- ----------------
- .. contents::
- :local:
- Please provide feedback by filing issues,
- discussing in ``#salt`` in Freenode and the mailing list as normal.
- **Note:** php states require the merge parameter of salt.modules.pillar.get(),
- first available in the Helium release.
- .. contents::
- :local:
- ``php``
- ^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php package.
- ``php.adodb``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-adodb package.
- ``php.apache2``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Meta-state that combines `php.apache2.install`_ and `php.apache2.ini`_.
- ``php.apache2.ini``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages the apache2 php.ini file
- ``php.apache2.install``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the apache2 and libapache2-mod-php5 package. Debian Only.
- ``php.apc``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-apc package.
- Disabled on opensuse need server:php repo
- ``php.apcu``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-apcu package.
- Disabled on opensuse need server:php repo
- ``php.auth-sasl``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-auth-sasl package.
- ``php.bcmath``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-bcmath package.
- ``php.bz2``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-bz2 package.
- ``php.cache-lite``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-cache-lite package.
- ``php.cgi``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-cgi package.
- Disabled on opensuse only php5-fastcgi available.
- ``php.cli``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Meta-state that combines `php.cli.install`_ and `php.cli.ini`_.
- ``php.cli.ini``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages the php-cli ini file.
- ``php.cli.install``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-cli package.
- ``php.composer``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs [composer](https://getcomposer.org) and keeps it updated.
- ``php.console-table``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-console-table package.
- ``php.ctype``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-ctype package.
- ``php.curl``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php5-curl package on Debian, and ensures that curl itself is
- installed for RedHat systems, this is due to the curl libs being provided by
- php-common, which will get installed with the main php package.
- ``php.dba``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-dba package.
- ``php.dev``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php5-dev and build-essential package.
- ``php.filter``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-filter package.
- ``php.fpm``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Meta-state that combines all php.fpm states.
- ``php.fpm.config``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages the (non-pool) php-fpm config files.
- ``php.fpm.install``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-fpm package.
- ``php.fpm.pools``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Meta-state that combines `php.fpm.service`_ and `php.fpm.pools_config`_
- ``php.fpm.pools_config``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages php-fpm pool config files.
- ``php.fpm.service``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages the php-fpm service.
- ``php.gd``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-gd package.
- ``php.gearman``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-gearman package.
- ``php.geoip``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-geoip package.
- ``php.geshi``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-geshi package.
- ``php.gettext``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-gettext package.
- ``php.gmp``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-gmp package. Debian Only.
- ``php.hash``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-hash package.
- ``php.http``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-http package.
- ``php.hhvm``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Meta-state that combines php.hhvm states
- ``php.hhvm.config``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages the php-hhvm config files
- ``php.hhvm.install``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-hhvm package
- ``php.hhvm.repo``
- ^^^^^^^^^.REPO^^^^^^
- Configures the hhvm repo for debian/ubuntu
- ``php.hhvm.service``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages the php-hhvm service.
- ``php.igbinary``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-igbinary package.
- ``php.imagick``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-imagick package.
- Disabled on opensuse no package.
- ``php.imap``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-imap package.
- ``php.intl``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-intl package.
- ``php.json``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-json package.
- ``php.ldap``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-ldap package.
- ``php.mail``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mail package.
- ``php.mbstring``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mbstring package.
- ``php.mcrypt``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mcrypt package.
- ``php.mdb2``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mdb2 package.
- ``php.mdb2-driver-mysql``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mdb2-driver-mysql package.
- ``php.mdb2-driver-pgsql``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mdb2-driver-pgsql package.
- ``php.memcache``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-memcache package.
- Disabled on opensuse need server:php:extensions repo
- ``php.memcached``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-memcached package.
- Disabled on opensuse need server:php:extensions repo
- ``php.modules``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Calls ``php.<name>`` for each entry in ``php:modules`` if available, or
- try to install the matching packages that can be set via from
- ``php:lookup:pkgs``
- ``php.mongo``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mongo package.
- ``php.mongodb``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mongodb package.
- ``php.msgpack``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-msgpack package.
- ``php.mysql``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mysql package.
- ``php.mysqlnd``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-mysqlnd package.
- Disabled on opensuse no package.
- ``php.net-smtp``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-net-smtp package.
- ``php.net4``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-net4 package.
- ``php.net6``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^NET6
- Installs the php-net6 package.
- ``php.oauth``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-oauth package.
- ``php.opcache``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-opcache package.
- ``php.openssl``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-openssl package.
- ``php.pear``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-pear package.
- ``php.pgsql``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-pgsql package.
- ``php.phar``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-phar package.
- ``php.posix``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-posix package.
- ``php.pspell``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-pspell package.
- ``php.readline``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-readline package.
- ``php.redis``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-redis package.
- Disabled on opensuse need server:php:extensions repo
- ``php.seclib``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-seclib package.
- ``php.session``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-session package.
- ``php.snmp``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-snmp package.
- ``php.soap``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-soap package.
- ``php.sqlite``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-sqlite package,
- ``php.ssh2``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-ssh2 package,
- ``php.suhosin``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-suhosin package.
- ``php.svn``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-svn package.
- ``php.sybase``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-sybase package.
- ``php.tcpdf``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-tcpdf package.
- ``php.tidy``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-tidy package.
- ``php.uuid``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-uuid package.
- ``php.xcache``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Meta-state that combines `php.xcache.install`_ and `php.xcache.ini`_.
- ``php.xcache.ini``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Manages the php-xcache ini file
- ``php.xcache.install``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-xcache package.
- Disabled on opensuse need server:php:extensions repo
- ``php.xdebug``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-xdebug package.
- ``php.xml``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-xml package.
- ``php.xsl``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-xsl package.
- ``php.zip``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Installs the php-zip package.
- Testing
- -------
- Linux testing is done with ``kitchen-salt``.
- Requirements
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^
- * Ruby
- * Docker
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ gem install bundler
- $ bundle install
- $ bin/kitchen test [platform]
- Where ``[platform]`` is the platform name defined in ``kitchen.yml``,
- e.g. ``debian-9-2019-2-py3``.
- ``bin/kitchen converge``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Creates the docker instance and runs the ``template`` main state, ready for testing.
- ``bin/kitchen verify``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Runs the ``inspec`` tests on the actual instance.
- ``bin/kitchen destroy``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Removes the docker instance.
- ``bin/kitchen test``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. ``destroy`` + ``converge`` + ``verify`` + ``destroy``.
- ``bin/kitchen login``
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Gives you SSH access to the instance for manual testing.