{#- Manages the main Apache2 ini file #} {%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %} {%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import php with context %} {%- from tplroot ~ "/ini.jinja" import php_ini %} {%- set settings = php.ini.defaults %} {%- for key, value in php.apache2.ini.settings.items() %} {%- if settings[key] is defined %} {%- do settings[key].update(value) %} {%- else %} {%- do settings.update({key: value}) %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- set pillar_php_version = salt['pillar.get']('php:version', '7.0') %} {%- if pillar_php_version is iterable and pillar_php_version is not string %} {%- for version in pillar_php_version %} {%- set first_version = pillar_php_version[0]|string %} {%- set ini = php.lookup.apache2.ini|replace(first_version, version) %} php_apache2_ini_{{ version }}: {{ php_ini(ini, 'php_apache2_ini_' ~ version, php.apache2.ini.opts, settings ) }} {%- endfor %} {%- else %} php_apache2_ini: {{ php_ini(php.lookup.apache2.ini, 'php_apache2_ini', php.apache2.ini.opts, settings ) }} {%- endif %}