Saltstack Official PHP Formula
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325 line

  1. # yamllint disable rule:indentation rule:line-length
  2. # Rocky Linux-8
  3. ---
  4. values:
  5. apache2:
  6. ini:
  7. opts: {}
  8. settings: {}
  9. cli:
  10. ini:
  11. opts: {}
  12. settings: {}
  13. fpm:
  14. config:
  15. conf:
  16. opts: {}
  17. settings: {}
  18. ini:
  19. opts: {}
  20. settings: {}
  21. pools:
  22. default.conf:
  23. enabled: false
  24. opts: {}
  25. service:
  26. enabled: true
  27. opts: {}
  28. hhvm:
  29. config:
  30. php:
  31. opts: {}
  32. settings: {}
  33. server:
  34. opts: {}
  35. settings: {}
  36. service:
  37. enabled: true
  38. opts: {}
  39. ini:
  40. defaults:
  41. CLI Server:
  42. cli_server.color: 'On'
  43. Date:
  44. date.timezone: America/New_York
  45. Interbase:
  46. ibase.allow_persistent: 1
  47. ibase.dateformat: '"%Y-%m-%d"'
  48. ibase.max_links: -1
  49. ibase.max_persistent: -1
  50. ibase.timeformat: '"%H:%M:%S"'
  51. ibase.timestampformat: '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"'
  52. MSSQL:
  53. mssql.allow_persistent: 'On'
  54. mssql.compatibility_mode: 'Off'
  55. mssql.max_links: -1
  56. mssql.max_persistent: -1
  57. mssql.min_error_severity: 10
  58. mssql.min_message_severity: 10
  59. mssql.secure_connection: 'Off'
  60. MySQL:
  61. mysql.allow_local_infile: 'On'
  62. mysql.allow_persistent: 'On'
  63. mysql.cache_size: '2000'
  64. mysql.connect_timeout: 60
  65. mysql.max_links: -1
  66. mysql.max_persistent: -1
  67. mysql.trace_mode: 'Off'
  68. MySQLi:
  69. mysqli.allow_persistent: 'On'
  70. mysqli.cache_size: 2000
  71. mysqli.default_port: 3306
  72. mysqli.max_links: -1
  73. mysqli.max_persistent: -1
  74. mysqli.reconnect: 'Off'
  75. ODBC:
  76. odbc.allow_persistent: 'On'
  77. odbc.check_persistent: 'On'
  78. odbc.defaultbinmode: 1
  79. odbc.defaultlrl: 4096
  80. odbc.max_links: '-1'
  81. odbc.max_persistent: '-1'
  82. PHP:
  83. allow_url_fopen: 'On'
  84. allow_url_include: 'Off'
  85. asp_tags: 'Off'
  86. auto_globals_jit: 'On'
  87. default_mimetype: '"text/html"'
  88. default_socket_timeout: 60
  89. disable_functions:
  90. - pcntl_alarm
  91. - pcntl_fork
  92. - pcntl_waitpid
  93. - pcntl_wait
  94. - pcntl_wifexited
  95. - pcntl_wifstopped
  96. - pcntl_wifsignaled
  97. - pcntl_wexitstatus
  98. - pcntl_wtermsig
  99. - pcntl_wstopsig
  100. - pcntl_signal
  101. - pcntl_signal_dispatch
  102. - pcntl_get_last_error
  103. - pcntl_strerror
  104. - pcntl_sigprocmask
  105. - pcntl_sigwaitinfo
  106. - pcntl_sigtimedwait
  107. - pcntl_exec
  108. - pcntl_getpriority
  109. - pcntl_setpriority
  110. display_errors: 'Off'
  111. display_startup_errors: 'Off'
  112. enable_dl: 'Off'
  113. engine: 'On'
  114. error_reporting:
  115. - E_ALL
  116. - ~E_DEPRECATED
  117. - ~E_STRICT
  118. expose_php: 'On'
  119. file_uploads: 'On'
  120. html_errors: 'On'
  121. ignore_repeated_errors: 'Off'
  122. ignore_repeated_source: 'Off'
  123. implicit_flush: 'Off'
  124. log_errors: 'On'
  125. log_errors_max_len: 1024
  126. max_execution_time: 30
  127. max_file_uploads: 20
  128. max_input_nesting_level: 64
  129. max_input_time: 60
  130. max_input_vars: 1000
  131. memory_limit: 128M
  132. output_buffering: 4096
  133. post_max_size: 8M
  134. precision: 14
  135. register_argc_argv: 'Off'
  136. report_memleaks: 'On'
  137. request_order: GP
  138. serialize_precision: 17
  139. short_open_tag: 'Off'
  140. track_errors: 'Off'
  141. upload_max_filesize: 2M
  142. variables_order: GPCS
  143. zend.enable_gc: 'On'
  144. zlib.output_compression: 'Off'
  145. Pdo_mysql:
  146. pdo_mysql.cache_size: 2000
  147. PostgreSQL:
  148. pgsql.allow_persistent: 'On'
  149. pgsql.auto_reset_persistent: 'Off'
  150. pgsql.ignore_notice: 0
  151. pgsql.log_notice: 0
  152. pgsql.max_links: -1
  153. pgsql.max_persistent: -1
  154. SQL:
  155. sql.safe_mode: 'Off'
  156. Session:
  157. session.auto_start: 0
  158. session.bug_compat_42: 'Off'
  159. session.bug_compat_warn: 'Off'
  160. session.cache_expire: '180'
  161. session.cache_limiter: nocache
  162. session.cookie_lifetime: 0
  163. session.cookie_path: /
  164. session.gc_divisor: 1000
  165. session.gc_maxlifetime: 1440
  166. session.gc_probability: 0
  167. session.hash_bits_per_character: 5
  168. session.hash_function: 0
  170. session.save_handler: files
  171. session.serialize_handler: php
  172. session.use_cookies: 1
  173. session.use_only_cookies: 1
  174. session.use_strict_mode: 0
  175. session.use_trans_sid: 0
  176. url_rewriter.tags: '"a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"'
  177. Sybase-CT:
  178. sybct.allow_persistent: 'On'
  179. sybct.max_links: -1
  180. sybct.max_persistent: -1
  181. sybct.min_client_severity: 10
  182. sybct.min_server_severity: 10
  183. Tidy:
  184. tidy.clean_output: 'Off'
  185. bcmath:
  186. bcmath.scale: 0
  187. ldap:
  188. ldap.max_links: -1
  189. mail function:
  190. SMTP: localhost
  191. mail.add_x_header: 'On'
  192. mysqlnd:
  193. mysqlnd.collect_memory_statistics: 'Off'
  194. mysqlnd.collect_statistics: 'On'
  195. soap:
  196. soap.wsdl_cache_dir: '"/tmp"'
  197. soap.wsdl_cache_enabled: 1
  198. soap.wsdl_cache_limit: 5
  199. soap.wsdl_cache_ttl: 86400
  200. lookup:
  201. cli:
  202. ini: /etc/php.ini
  203. fpm:
  204. conf: /etc/php-fpm.conf
  205. defaults:
  206. global:
  207. error_log: /var/log/php-fpm/error.log
  208. pid: /var/run/php-fpm/
  209. include: /etc/php-fpm.d/*.conf
  210. group: root
  211. ini: /etc/php.ini
  212. pools: /etc/php-fpm.d
  213. service: php-fpm
  214. user: root
  215. pkgs:
  216. adodb: php-adodb
  217. apc: php-pecl-apc
  218. apcu: php-pecl-apcu
  219. auth-sasl: php-pear-Auth-SASL
  220. bcmath: php-bcmath
  221. build_pkgs:
  222. - openssl-devel
  223. - gcc
  224. cache-lite: php-pear-Cache-Lite
  225. cgi: php-cgi
  226. cli: php-cli
  227. composer: composer
  228. composer_bin: composer
  229. console-table: php-pear-Console-Table
  230. curl:
  231. - php-common
  232. - curl
  233. dba:
  234. - php-dba
  235. - dba
  236. dev: php-devel
  237. ext_conf_path: /etc/php.d
  238. fpm: php-fpm
  239. gd: php-gd
  240. geoip: php-pecl-geoip
  241. geshi: php-geshi
  242. gettext: php-php-gettext
  243. http: php-pecl-http
  244. imagick: php-pecl-imagick
  245. imap: php-imap
  246. intl: php-intl
  247. json: php-common
  248. ldap: php-ldap
  249. local_bin: /usr/local/bin
  250. mail: php-pear-Mail
  251. mbstring: php-mbstring
  252. mcrypt: php-mcrypt
  253. memcache: php-pecl-memcache
  254. memcached: php-pecl-memcached
  255. mysql: php-mysql
  256. mysqlnd: php-mysqlnd
  257. net-smtp: php-pear-Net-SMTP
  258. net4: php-pear-Net-IPv4
  259. oauth: php-pecl-oauth
  260. opcache: php-pecl-zendopcache
  261. pear: php-pear
  262. pgsql: php-pgsql
  263. php: php
  264. pspell: php-pspell
  265. redis: php-pecl-redis
  266. seclib: php-phpseclib
  267. snmp: php-snmp
  268. soap: php-soap
  269. sqlite: php-pdo
  270. ssh2: php-pecl-ssh2
  271. suhosin5_ext:
  272. suhosin5_repo:
  273. suhosin7_ext:
  274. suhosin7_repo:
  275. tcpdf: php-tcpdf
  276. temp_dir: /tmp
  277. tidy: php-tidy
  278. uuid: php-pecl-uuid
  279. xcache: php-xcache
  280. xdebug: php-pecl-xdebug
  281. xml:
  282. - php-xml
  283. - php-xmlrpc
  284. xsl: php-xml
  285. zip: php
  286. xcache:
  287. ini: /etc/php.d/xcache.ini
  288. xcache:
  289. ini:
  290. defaults:
  291. xcache:
  292. xcache.cacher: 'On'
  293. xcache.coredump_directory: '""'
  294. xcache.coredump_type: '0'
  295. xcache.count: '1'
  296. xcache.disable_on_crash: 'Off'
  297. xcache.experimental: 'Off'
  298. xcache.gc_interval: '0'
  299. xcache.mmap_path: '"/dev/zero"'
  300. xcache.optimizer: 'Off'
  301. xcache.readonly_protection: 'Off'
  302. xcache.shm_scheme: '"mmap"'
  303. xcache.size: 60M
  304. xcache.slots: 8K
  305. xcache.stat: 'On'
  306. xcache.ttl: '0'
  307. xcache.var_count: '1'
  308. xcache.var_gc_interval: '300'
  309. xcache.var_maxttl: '0'
  310. xcache.var_namespace: '""'
  311. xcache.var_namespace_mode: '0'
  312. xcache.var_size: 4M
  313. xcache.var_slots: 8K
  314. xcache.var_ttl: '0'
  315. xcache-common:
  316. extension:
  317. xcache.admin:
  318. xcache.admin.enable_auth: 'On'
  319. xcache.coverager:
  320. xcache.coveragedump_directory: '""'
  321. xcache.coverager: 'Off'
  322. xcache.coverager_autostart: 'On'
  323. opts: {}
  324. settings: {}