New version of salt-formula from Saltstack

_api.conf 775B

  1. {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %}
  2. {%- from "salt/map.jinja" import api with context %}
  3. rest_cherrypy:
  4. port: {{ api.bind.port }}
  5. host: {{ api.bind.address }}
  6. {%- if api.get('ssl', {}).get('enabled', False) %}
  7. {%- if api.ssl.engine == 'salt' %}
  8. ssl_crt: /etc/ssl/certs/{{ }}.{{ system.domain }}.crt
  9. ssl_key: /etc/ssl/private/{{ }}.{{ system.domain }}.key
  10. {%- else %}
  11. ssl_crt: {{ api.ssl.get('cert_file')|default("/etc/ssl/certs/"+grains.get('fqdn')+".crt") }}
  12. ssl_key: {{ api.ssl.get('key_file')|default("/etc/ssl/private/"+grains.get('fqdn')+".key") }}
  13. {%- endif %}
  14. {%- else %}
  15. disable_ssl: True
  16. {%- endif %}
  17. {%- if api.get('debug', False) %}
  18. debug: True
  19. {%- endif %}
  20. {#-
  21. vim: syntax=jinja
  22. -#}