New version of salt-formula from Saltstack

allow-multiple-ext-pillars-885d28dc8a18ab99.yaml 460B

  1. ---
  2. features:
  3. - |
  4. Added option to define multiple ext_pillars.
  5. Example usage:
  6. .. code-block:: text
  7. salt:
  8. master:
  9. pillar:
  10. engine: composite
  11. reclass:
  12. storage_type: yaml_fs
  13. inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt/reclass_encrypted
  14. nacl:
  15. index: 99
  16. nacl:
  17. sk_file: /etc/salt/pki/master/nacl
  18. pk_file: /etc/salt/pki/master/