{%- from "salt/map.jinja" import minion with context %} {%- if minion.enabled %} include: - salt.minion.service {%- set all_ca_certs_dir = '/etc/pki/all_cas' %} {%- for ca_name,ca in minion.ca.iteritems() %} {%- set ca_file = ca.get('ca_file', '/etc/pki/ca/' ~ ca_name ~ '/ca.crt') %} {%- set ca_key_file = ca.get('ca_key_file', '/etc/pki/ca/' ~ ca_name ~ '/ca.key') %} {%- set ca_key_usage = ca.get('key_usage',"critical,cRLSign,keyCertSign") %} {%- set ca_dir = salt['file.dirname'](ca_file) %} {%- set ca_key_dir = salt['file.dirname'](ca_key_file) %} {%- set ca_certs_dir = ca_dir ~ '/certs' %} salt_minion_cert_{{ ca_name }}_dirs: file.directory: - names: - {{ ca_dir }} - {{ ca_key_dir }} - {{ ca_certs_dir }} - makedirs: true {{ ca_key_file }}: x509.private_key_managed: - bits: 4096 - backup: True - require: - file: {{ ca_certs_dir }} # TODO: Squash this with the previous state after switch to Salt version >= 2016.11.2 {{ ca_name }}_key_permissions: file.managed: - name: {{ ca_key_file }} - mode: {{ ca.get("mode", 0600) }} {%- if salt['user.info'](ca.get("user", "root")) %} - user: {{ ca.get("user", "root") }} {%- endif %} {%- if salt['group.info'](ca.get("group", "root")) %} - group: {{ ca.get("group", "root") }} {%- endif %} - replace: false - require: - x509: {{ ca_key_file }} {{ ca_file }}: x509.certificate_managed: - signing_private_key: {{ ca_key_file }} - CN: "{{ ca.common_name }}" {%- if ca.country is defined %} - C: {{ ca.country }} {%- endif %} {%- if ca.state is defined %} - ST: {{ ca.state }} {%- endif %} {%- if ca.locality is defined %} - L: {{ ca.locality }} {%- endif %} {%- if ca.organization is defined %} - O: {{ ca.organization }} {%- endif %} {%- if ca.organization_unit is defined %} - OU: {{ ca.organization_unit }} {%- endif %} - basicConstraints: "critical,CA:TRUE" - keyUsage: {{ ca_key_usage }} - subjectKeyIdentifier: hash - authorityKeyIdentifier: keyid,issuer:always - days_valid: {{ ca.days_valid.authority }} - days_remaining: 0 - backup: True - require: - x509: {{ ca_key_file }} {%- if grains['saltversioninfo'][0] >= 2017 %} - retry: attempts: 5 until: True interval: 60 {%- endif %} # TODO: Squash this with the previous state after switch to Salt version >= 2016.11.2 {{ ca_name }}_cert_permissions: file.managed: - name: {{ ca_file }} - mode: 0644 {%- if salt['user.info'](ca.get("user", "root")) %} - user: {{ ca.get("user", "root") }} {%- endif %} {%- if salt['group.info'](ca.get("group", "root")) %} - group: {{ ca.get("group", "root") }} {%- endif %} - require: - x509: {{ ca_file }} copy_to_{{all_ca_certs_dir}}/{{ ca_name }}: file.copy: - name: {{ all_ca_certs_dir }}/{{ ca_name }}.crt - source: {{ ca_file }} - makedirs: True - force: True - unless: - diff -q {{ ca_file }} {{ all_ca_certs_dir }}/{{ ca_name }}.crt - require: - x509: {{ ca_file }} {%- endfor %} salt_system_ca_mine_send_ca: module.run: - name: mine.send - func: x509.get_pem_entries - kwargs: mine_function: x509.get_pem_entries glob_path: {{ all_ca_certs_dir }}/* {%- endif %}