{%- from "salt/map.jinja" import master with context %} {%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %} worker_threads: {{ master.worker_threads }} timeout: {{ master.command_timeout }} {%- if master.get('max_open_files') %} max_open_files: {{ master.max_open_files }} {%- endif %} state_output: {{ master.get('state_output', 'changes') }} {%- if master.system is defined %} file_roots: base: - {{ master.dir.files }}/{{ master.system.environment }} {%- for formula_name, formula in master.system.get('formula', {}).iteritems() %} - {{ master.dir.files }}/{{ master.system.environment }}/{{ formula_name }} {%- endfor %} {{ master.system.environment }}: - {{ master.dir.files }}/{{ master.system.environment }} {%- for formula_name, formula in master.system.get('formula', {}).iteritems() %} - {{ master.dir.files }}/{{ master.system.environment }}/{{ formula_name }} {%- endfor %} {%- else %} file_roots: {%- for environment_name, environment in master.get('environment', {}).iteritems() %} {%- if master.base_environment == environment_name %} base: - {{ master.dir.files }}/{{ environment_name }} {%- endif %} {{ environment_name }}: - {{ master.dir.files }}/{{ environment_name }} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} pillar_opts: False {%- if master.accept_policy == 'open_mode' %} open_mode: True {%- endif %} {%- if master.accept_policy == 'auto_accept' %} auto_accept: True {%- endif %} {%- if master.get('max_event_size') %} max_event_size: {{ master.max_event_size }} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'salt' %} pillar_roots: base: - {{ master.pillar.get('salt', {}).get('path', '/srv/salt/pillar') }} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'reclass' or (master.pillar.engine == 'composite' and master.pillar.reclass is defined) %} reclass: &reclass storage_type: {{ master.pillar.get('reclass', {}).get('storage_type', 'yaml_fs') }} inventory_base_uri: {{ master.pillar.get('reclass', {}).get('inventory_base_uri', '/srv/salt/reclass') }} {# Additional options, for backward compatibility salt:master:pillar might not be defined #} {%- if master.pillar.reclass is defined %} {%- if master.pillar.reclass.reclass_source_path is defined %} reclass_source_path: {{ master.pillar.reclass.reclass_source_path }} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.reclass.get('class_mappings', [])|length > 0 %} class_mappings: {%- for mapping in master.pillar.reclass.class_mappings %} - {{ mapping.target }} {{ mapping.class }} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.reclass.get('propagate_pillar_data_to_reclass', False) == True %} propagate_pillar_data_to_reclass: {{ master.pillar.reclass.propagate_pillar_data_to_reclass }} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.reclass.get('ignore_class_notfound', False) == True %} # Below option is not available in upstream reclass, and require fork https://github.com/salt-formulas/reclass ignore_class_notfound: {{ master.pillar.reclass.ignore_class_notfound }} ignore_class_regexp: {{ master.pillar.reclass.ignore_class_regexp }} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'saltclass' or (master.pillar.engine == 'composite' and master.pillar.saltclass is defined ) %} saltclass: &saltclass path: {{ master.pillar.saltclass.get('path', '/srv/salt/saltclass') }} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.engine in ['composite', 'reclass'] %} {# generate indexed list of ext_engines #} {# NONE: Might be rewritten, once proved to work properly, with filters: #} {# NONE: select('mapping')|selectattr('_index')|sort(attribute='_index') #} {%- set ext_engines = {} %} {%- for name,engine in master.pillar.iteritems() %} {%- if not engine is mapping %}{% continue %}{% endif %} {%- do engine.update({'name': engine.get('name', name) }) %} {%- set index = engine.get('index', '1')~'-'~name %} {%- do ext_engines.update({ index: engine }) %} {%- endfor %} {%- if ext_engines|length > 0 or master.pillar.engine == "reclass" %} ext_pillar: {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'reclass' %} {#- too keep backward compatibility, in case master.pillar.reclass is not defied at all #} - reclass: *reclass {%- endif %} {%- for name, engine in ext_engines|dictsort %} {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'composite' and engine.name == 'reclass' %} - reclass: *reclass {%- endif %} {%- if engine.name == 'saltclass' %} - saltclass: *saltclass {%- endif %} {%- if engine.name == 'nacl' %} - nacl: {} {%- endif %} {%- if engine.name == 'gpg' %} - gpg: {} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'reclass' or (master.pillar.engine == 'composite' and (master.pillar.saltclass is defined or master.pillar.reclass is defined )) %} master_tops: {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'reclass' or (master.pillar.engine == 'composite' and master.pillar.reclass is defined ) %} reclass: *reclass {%- endif %} {%- if master.pillar.engine == 'saltclass' or (master.pillar.engine == 'composite' and master.pillar.saltclass is defined ) %} saltclass: *saltclass {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- for handler in pillar.salt.minion.get("handlers", []) %} {%- if handler.engine == "udp"%} logstash_udp_handler: host: {{ handler.host }} port: {{ handler.port }} version: 1 {%- endif %} {%- if handler.engine == "zmq"%} logstash_zmq_handler: address: tcp://{{ handler.host }}:{{ handler.port }} version: 1 {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- if master.get('order_masters', False) %} order_masters: True {%- endif %} {%- if master.nacl is defined %} nacl.config: box_type: {{ master.nacl.get('box_type', 'sealedbox') }} {%- if master.nacl.sk is defined %} sk: {{ master.nacl.sk }} pk: {{ master.nacl.pk }} {%- else %} sk_file: {{ master.nacl.sk_file }} pk_file: {{ master.nacl.pk_file }} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {#- vim: syntax=jinja -#}