12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 |
- stages:
- - commitlint
- - name: release
- if: branch = master AND type != pull_request
- jobs:
- include:
- # Define the commitlint stage
- - stage: commitlint
- language: node_js
- node_js: lts/*
- before_install: skip
- script:
- - npm install @commitlint/config-conventional -D
- - npm install @commitlint/travis-cli -D
- - commitlint-travis
- # Define the release stage that runs semantic-release
- - stage: release
- language: node_js
- node_js: lts/*
- before_install: skip
- script:
- # Update `AUTHORS.md`
- - go get github.com/myii/maintainer
- - maintainer contributor
- # Install all dependencies required for `semantic-release`
- - npm install @semantic-release/changelog@3 -D
- - npm install @semantic-release/exec@3 -D
- - npm install @semantic-release/git@7 -D
- deploy:
- provider: script
- skip_cleanup: true
- script:
- # Run `semantic-release`
- - npx semantic-release@15