Changelog ========= `0.5.3 <>`_ (2019-10-19) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **travis:** remove ``PyYAML`` workaround since fixed in ``salt-lint`` v0.0.9 (\ ` <>`_\ ) Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **contributing:** remove to use org-level file instead [skip ci] (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **readme:** update link to ``CONTRIBUTING`` [skip ci] (\ ` <>`_\ ) `0.5.2 <>`_ (2019-10-10) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * **applications.sls:** fix ``salt-lint`` errors (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **interfaces.sls:** fix ``salt-lint`` errors (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **open.sls:** fix ``salt-lint`` errors (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **services.sls:** fix ``salt-lint`` errors (\ ` <>`_\ ) Continuous Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **kitchen:** change ``log_level`` to ``debug`` instead of ``info`` (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **kitchen:** install required packages to bootstrapped ``opensuse`` [skip ci] (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **kitchen:** use bootstrapped ``opensuse`` images until ``2019.2.2`` [skip ci] (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **kitchen+travis:** apply ``opensuse-leap-15`` SCP error workaround (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **kitchen+travis:** replace EOL pre-salted images (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **platform:** add ``arch-base-latest`` (\ ` <>`_\ ) * **yamllint:** add rule ``empty-values`` & use new ``yaml-files`` setting (\ ` <>`_\ ) * merge travis matrix, add ``salt-lint`` & ``rubocop`` to ``lint`` job (\ ` <>`_\ ) `0.5.1 <>`_ (2019-08-25) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **readme:** update testing section (\ `80a3734 <>`_\ ) `0.5.0 <>`_ (2019-08-17) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * **yamllint:** include for this repo and apply rules throughout (\ `38eb4dc <>`_\ ) `0.4.1 <>`_ (2019-07-13) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Refactoring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **kitchen+inspec:** move inline pillar to file (\ `0005375 <>`_\ ) Continuous Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **kitchen+travis:** modify matrix to include ``develop`` platform (\ `8699e9d <>`_\ ) `0.4.0 <>`_ (2019-05-21) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **kitchen+travis:** test with pre-salted Docker images (\ `f27ec2e <>`_\ ) Features ^^^^^^^^ * **tofs:** switch to tofs (\ `c05019a <>`_\ ) `0.3.0 <>`_ (2019-05-14) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **kitchen:** rename Kitchen config file (\ `2e59df4 <>`_\ ) Features ^^^^^^^^ * **semantic-release:** implement an automated changelog (\ `f25b404 <>`_\ )