# vim: sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 et ai |
# vim: sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 et ai |
{%- from "users/map.jinja" import users with context %} |
{%- from "users/map.jinja" import users with context %} |
{%- if not grains['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Suse'] %} |
{%- if not grains['os_family'] in ['Suse'] %} |
{%- if salt['grains.get']('osfinger', '') in ['Amazon Linux-2'] %} |
users_epel_repo: |
pkgrepo.managed: |
- name: epel |
- humanname: Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch |
- mirrorlist: https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=epel-7&arch=$basearch |
- enabled: 1 |
- gpgcheck: 1 |
- gpgkey: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7 |
- failovermethod: priority |
- require_in: |
- pkg: users_googleauth-package |
{%- endif %} |
users_googleauth-package: |
users_googleauth-package: |
pkg.installed: |
pkg.installed: |
- name: {{ users.googleauth_package }} |
- name: {{ users.googleauth_package }} |
- name: {{ users.googleauth_dir }} |
- name: {{ users.googleauth_dir }} |
- user: root |
- user: root |
- group: {{ users.root_group }} |
- group: {{ users.root_group }} |
- mode: '0600' |
- mode: '0700' |
{%- if grains['os_family'] == 'RedHat' and "selinux" in grains and grains.selinux.enabled %} |
policycoreutils-package: |
pkg.installed: |
- pkgs: |
- policycoreutils |
{%- if grains['osmajorrelease']|int <= 7 %} |
- policycoreutils-python |
{%- else %} |
- policycoreutils-python-utils |
{%- endif %} |
users_googleauth_selinux_present: |
selinux.fcontext_policy_present: |
- name: "{{ users.googleauth_dir }}(/.*)?" |
- filetype: 'a' |
- sel_user: unconfined_u |
- sel_type: ssh_home_t |
- sel_level: s0 |
- require: |
- pkg: policycoreutils-package |
{%- endif %} |
{%- for name, user in pillar.get('users', {}).items() if user.absent is not defined or not user.absent %} |
{%- for name, user in pillar.get('users', {}).items() if user.absent is not defined or not user.absent %} |
{%- if 'google_auth' in user %} |
{%- if 'google_auth' in user %} |
{%- for svc in user['google_auth'] %} |
{%- for svc in user['google_auth'] %} |
{%- if user.get('google_2fa', True) %} |
{%- if user.get('google_2fa', True) %} |
{%- set repl = '{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}{5}/{6}_{7} {8}\\n{9}'.format( |
{%- set repl = '{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}{5}/{6}_{7} {8}'.format( |
'auth', |
'auth', |
'[success=done new_authtok_reqd=done default=die]', |
'[success=done new_authtok_reqd=done default=die]', |
'pam_google_authenticator.so', |
'pam_google_authenticator.so', |
'${USER}', |
'${USER}', |
svc, |
svc, |
'echo_verification_code', |
'echo_verification_code', |
'@include common-auth', |
) %} |
) %} |
users_googleauth-pam-{{ svc }}-{{ name }}: |
users_googleauth-pam-{{ svc }}-{{ name }}: |
file.replace: |
file.replace: |
- name: /etc/pam.d/{{ svc }} |
- name: /etc/pam.d/{{ svc }} |
- pattern: "^@include common-auth" |
- repl: "{{ repl }}" |
{%- if grains['os_family'] == 'RedHat' %} |
- pattern: '^(auth[ \t]*substack[ \t]*password-auth)' |
{%- else %} |
- pattern: '^(@include[ \t]*common-auth)' |
{%- endif %} |
- repl: '{{ repl }}\n\1' |
- unless: grep pam_google_authenticator.so /etc/pam.d/{{ svc }} |
- unless: grep pam_google_authenticator.so /etc/pam.d/{{ svc }} |
- backup: .bak |
- backup: .bak |
{%- endif %} |
{%- endif %} |
{%- endfor %} |
{%- endfor %} |
{%- endif %} |
{%- endif %} |
{%- endfor %} |
{%- endfor %} |
{%- if grains['os_family'] == 'RedHat' and "selinux" in grains and grains.selinux.enabled %} |
users_googleauth_selinux_applied: |
selinux.fcontext_policy_applied: |
- name: {{ users.googleauth_dir }} |
{%- endif %} |
sshd: |
service.running: |
- watch: |
- file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
sshd_config: |
file.replace: |
- name: /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
- pattern: '^(ChallengeResponseAuthentication|KbdInteractiveAuthentication).*' |
- repl: '\1 yes' |
{%- endif %} |
{%- endif %} |