- ---
- users-formula:
- use_vim_formula: true
- lookup:
- root_group: root
- groups:
- foo:
- state: present
- gid: 1500
- system: false
- badguys:
- absent: true
- niceguys:
- gid: 4242
- system: false
- addusers: root
- delusers: toor
- ssl-cert:
- system: true
- members:
- - root
- - sshd
- users:
- auser:
- fullname: A User
- buser:
- fullname: B User
- password: $6$w.............
- enforce_password: true
- empty_password: false
- hash_password: false
- system: false
- home: /custom/buser
- homedir_owner: buser
- homedir_group: primarygroup
- user_dir_mode: 750
- createhome: true
- roomnumber: "A-1"
- workphone: "(555) 555-5555"
- homephone: "(555) 555-5551"
- manage_vimrc: false
- allow_gid_change: false
- manage_bashrc: false
- manage_profile: false
- expire: 16426
- sudoonly: false
- sudouser: true
- sudo_rules:
- - ALL=(root) /usr/bin/find
- - ALL=(otheruser) /usr/bin/script.sh
- sudo_defaults:
- - '!requiretty'
- polkitadmin: true
- shell: /bin/bash
- remove_groups: false
- prime_group:
- name: primarygroup
- gid: 1501
- groups:
- - users
- optional_groups:
- - some_groups_that_might
- - not_exist_on_all_minions
- ssh_key_type: rsa
- ssh_known_hosts:
- importanthost:
- port: 22
- fingerprint: 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48
- enc: ssh-rsa
- hash_known_hosts: true
- timeout: 5
- fingerprint_hash_type: sha256
- ssh_known_hosts.absent:
- - notimportanthost
- ssh_config:
- all:
- hostname: "*"
- options:
- - "StrictHostKeyChecking no"
- - "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
- importanthost:
- hostname: "needcheck.example.com"
- options:
- - "StrictHostKeyChecking yes"
- gitconfig:
- user.name: B User
- user.email: buser@example.com
- "url.https://.insteadOf": "git://"
- gitconfig.absent:
- - push.default
- - color\..+
- google_2fa: true
- google_auth:
- sshd: |
- " RESETTING_TIME_SKEW 46956472+2 46991595-2
- " RATE_LIMIT 3 30 1415800560
- " DISALLOW_REUSE 47193352
- 11111111
- 22222222
- 33333333
- 44444444
- 55555555
- # unique: true allows user to have non unique uid
- unique: false
- uid: 1001
- user_files:
- enabled: true
- source: users/files
- file_mode: keep
- sym_mode: 640
- exclude_pat: "*.gitignore"
- cuser:
- absent: true
- purge: true
- force: true
- absent_users:
- - donald
- - bad_guy