Shared Memory Dictionary utilizing Posix IPC semaphores and shared memory segments and offering permanent disk storage of data if required.
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setup.cfg 1.2KB

  1. [aliases]
  2. test = pytest
  3. [bdist_wheel]
  4. # Only use the --universal setting, if:
  5. # 1. Your project runs on Python 2 and 3 with no changes (i.e. it does not require 2to3).
  6. # 2. Your project does not have any C extensions.
  7. universal=1
  8. #[entry_points]
  9. # Add here console scripts like:
  10. # console_scripts =
  11. # script_name = tsfresh.module:function
  12. # For example:
  13. # console_scripts =
  14. # fibonacci = tsfresh.skeleton:run
  15. # as well as other entry_points.
  16. [coverage:run]
  17. source = shm_dict
  18. omit = shm_dict/
  19. [coverage:html]
  20. directory = docs/source/coverage
  21. title = "Shared Memory Dictionary Coverage Report"
  22. [devpi:upload]
  23. # Options for the devpi: PyPI server and packaging tool
  24. formats = bdist_wheel,sdist.tgz
  25. with-docs = 1
  26. [tool:pytest]
  27. python_files = tests/*.py
  28. filterwarnings =
  29. ignore:.*You passed a bytestring.*This will not work on Python 3.*:DeprecationWarning
  30. [build_sphinx]
  31. all-files = True
  32. source-dir = docs/source
  33. build-dir = docs/build
  34. builder = html
  35. [flake8]
  36. max-line-length = 100
  37. ignore = F401, W503
  38. exclude = .git,.tox,.venv,tests/*,build/*,doc/_build/*,sphinx/search/*,doc/usage/extensions/example*.py
  39. application-import-names = shm_dict
  40. import-order-style = smarkets