Shared Memory Dictionary utilizing Posix IPC semaphores and shared memory segments and offering permanent disk storage of data if required.
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.pre-commit-config.yaml 1.4KB

  1. exclude: '^$'
  2. fail_fast: false
  3. default_language_version:
  4. python: python3.7
  5. repos:
  6. - repo:
  7. rev: v2.0.0
  8. hooks:
  9. - id: check-added-large-files
  10. - id: check-ast
  11. types: [file, python]
  12. - id: check-case-conflict
  13. - id: check-json
  14. types: [file, json]
  15. - id: check-merge-conflict
  16. - id: check-symlinks
  17. types: [symlink]
  18. - id: check-yaml
  19. args: [--allow-multiple-documents]
  20. types: [file, yaml]
  21. - id: detect-private-key
  22. types: [file, text]
  23. - id: end-of-file-fixer
  24. types: [file, python]
  25. - id: fix-encoding-pragma
  26. types: [file, python]
  27. - id: requirements-txt-fixer
  28. types: [file, text]
  29. - id: trailing-whitespace
  30. args: [--markdown-linebreak-ext=md]
  31. types: [file, text]
  32. exclude: ^docs/.*/coverage/.*\.html$
  33. - repo:
  34. rev: v4.3.4
  35. hooks:
  36. - id: isort
  37. types: [file, python]
  38. - repo:
  39. rev: stable
  40. hooks:
  41. - id: black
  42. language_version: python3.7
  43. - repo:
  44. rev: v2.0.0
  45. hooks:
  46. - id: flake8
  47. exclude: ^$
  48. types: [file, python]
  49. - repo: local
  50. hooks:
  51. - id: check-manifest
  52. name: Check Manifest
  53. description: Check package manifest against git committed files.
  54. always_run: true
  55. files: '^$'
  56. entry: check-manifest
  57. language: python
  58. types: [file, plain-text]