#!/usr/bin/env python3 

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 


# Standard library imports 

import base64 



from collections.abc import MutableMapping 

except ImportError: 

from collections import MutableMapping 


from contextlib import contextmanager 

import hashlib 

import logging 

from math import ceil 

import mmap 

import os 

import pickle # nosec 

import sys 

import threading 


# Related third party imports (If you used pip/apt/yum to install) 

import posix_ipc 

import six 


# Local application/library specific imports (Look ma! I wrote it myself!) 

from ._version import __version__ 


__author__ = "Nate Bohman" 

__credits__ = ["Nate Bohman"] 

__license__ = "LGPL-3" 

__maintainer__ = "Nate Bohman" 

__email__ = "natrinicle@natrinicle.com" 

__status__ = "Production" 


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name 



class SHMDict(MutableMapping): 

"""Python shared memory dictionary.""" 


def __init__(self, name, persist=False, lock_timeout=30, auto_unlock=False): 

"""Standard init method. 


:param name: Name for shared memory and semaphore if volatile 

or path to file if persistent. 

:param persist: True if name is the path to a file and this 

shared memory dictionary should be written 

out to the file for persistence between runs 

and/or processes. 

:param lock_timeout: Time in seconds before giving up on 

acquiring an exclusive lock to the 


:param auto_unlock: If the lock_timeout is hit, and this 

is True, automatically bypass the 

lock and use the dictionary anyway. 

:type name: :class:`str` 

:type persist: :class:`bool` 

:type lock_timeout: :class:`int` or :class:`float` 

:type auto_unlock: :class:`bool` 


self.name = name 

self.persist_file = None 

self.lock_timeout = lock_timeout 

self.auto_unlock = auto_unlock 

self._semaphore = None 

self._map_file = None 

self.__thread_local = threading.local() 

self.__thread_local.semaphore = False 

self.__internal_dict = None 

self.__dirty = False 


if persist is True: 

self.persist_file = self.name 

if self.persist_file.startswith("~"): 

self.persist_file = os.path.expanduser(self.persist_file) 

self.persist_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(self.persist_file)) 


super(SHMDict, self).__init__() 


def _safe_name(self, prefix=""): 

"""IPC object safe name creator. 


Semaphores and Shared Mmeory names allow up to 256 characters (dependong on OS) and must 

begin with a /. 


:param prefix: A string to prepend followed by _ and 

then the dictionary's name. 

:type prefix: :class:`str` 


# Hash lengths 

# SHA1: 28 

# SHA256: 44 

# SHA512: 88 

sha_hash = hashlib.sha512() 

sha_hash.update("_".join([prefix, str(self.name)]).encode("utf-8")) 

b64_encode = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(sha_hash.digest()) 

return "/{}".format(b64_encode) 



def safe_sem_name(self): 

"""Unique semaphore name based on the dictionary name.""" 

return self._safe_name("sem") 



def safe_shm_name(self): 

"""Unique shared memory segment name based on the dictionary name.""" 

return self._safe_name("shm") 



def semaphore(self): 

"""Create or return already existing semaphore.""" 

if self._semaphore is not None: 

return self._semaphore 



self._semaphore = posix_ipc.Semaphore(self.safe_sem_name) 

except posix_ipc.ExistentialError: 

self._semaphore = posix_ipc.Semaphore( 

self.safe_sem_name, flags=posix_ipc.O_CREAT, initial_value=1 


return self._semaphore 



def shared_mem(self): 

"""Create or return already existing shared memory object.""" 


return posix_ipc.SharedMemory( 

self.safe_shm_name, size=len(pickle.dumps(self.__internal_dict)) 


except posix_ipc.ExistentialError: 

return posix_ipc.SharedMemory( 

self.safe_shm_name, flags=posix_ipc.O_CREX, size=posix_ipc.PAGE_SIZE 




def map_file(self): 

"""Create or return mmap file resizing if necessary.""" 

if self._map_file is None: 

self._map_file = mmap.mmap(self.shared_mem.fd, self.shared_mem.size) 





ceil(float(len(pickle.dumps(self.__internal_dict, 2))) / mmap.PAGESIZE) 

* mmap.PAGESIZE 



return self._map_file 


def __load_dict(self): 

"""Load dictionary from shared memory or file if persistent and memory empty.""" 

# Read in internal data from map_file 



self.__internal_dict = pickle.load(self.map_file) # nosec 

except (KeyError, pickle.UnpicklingError, EOFError): 

# Curtis Pullen found that Python 3.4 throws EOFError 

# instead of UnpicklingError that Python 3.6 throws 

# when attempting to unpickle an empty file. 



# If map_file is empty and persist_file is true, treat 

# self.name as filename and attempt to load from disk. 

if self.__internal_dict is None and self.persist_file is not None: 


with open(self.persist_file, "rb") as pfile: 

self.__internal_dict = pickle.load(pfile) # nosec 

except IOError: 



# If map_file is empty, persist_file is False or 

# self.name is empty create a new empty dictionary. 

if self.__internal_dict is None: 

self.__internal_dict = {} 


def __save_dict(self): 

"""Save dictionary into shared memory and file if persistent.""" 

# Write out internal dict to map_file 

if self.__dirty is True: 


pickle.dump(self.__internal_dict, self.map_file, 2) 


if self.persist_file is not None: 

with open(self.persist_file, "wb") as pfile: 

pickle.dump(self.__internal_dict, pfile, 2) 


self.__dirty = False 


def _acquire_lock(self): 

"""Acquire an exclusive dict lock. 


Loads dictionary data from memory or disk (if persistent) to 

ensure data is up to date when lock is requested. 


.. warnings also:: 

MacOS has a number of shortcomings with regards to 

semaphores and shared memory segments, this is one 

method contains one of them. 


When the timeout is > 0, the call will wait no longer than 

timeout seconds before either returning (having acquired 

the semaphore) or raising a BusyError. 

On platforms that don't support the sem_timedwait() API, 

a timeout > 0 is treated as infinite. The call will not 

return until its wait condition is satisfied. 

Most platforms provide sem_timedwait(). macOS is a notable 

exception. The module's Boolean constant 

SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT_SUPPORTED is True on platforms that 

support sem_timedwait(). 


-- http://semanchuk.com/philip/posix_ipc/ 


if self.__thread_local.semaphore is False: 



self.__thread_local.semaphore = True 

except posix_ipc.BusyError: 

if self.auto_unlock is True: 

self.__thread_local.semaphore = True 






def _release_lock(self): 

"""Release the exclusive semaphore lock.""" 

if self.__thread_local.semaphore is True: 



self.__thread_local.semaphore = False 



def exclusive_lock(self): 

"""A context manager for the lock to allow with statements for exclusive access.""" 





def __del__(self): 

"""Destroy the object nicely.""" 





def __setitem__(self, key, value): 

"""Set a key in the dictionary to a value.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

self.__internal_dict[key] = value 

self.__dirty = True 


def __getitem__(self, key): 

"""Get the value of a key from the dictionary.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

return self.__internal_dict[key] 


def __repr__(self): 

"""Represent the dictionary in a human readable format.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

return repr(self.__internal_dict) 


def __len__(self): 

"""Return the length of the dictionary.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

return len(self.__internal_dict) 


def __delitem__(self, key): 

"""Remove an item from the dictionary.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

del self.__internal_dict[key] 

self.__dirty = True 


def clear(self): 

"""Completely clear the dictionary.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

self.__dirty = True 

return self.__internal_dict.clear() 


def copy(self): 

"""Create and return a copy of the internal dictionary.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

return self.__internal_dict.copy() 


def has_key(self, key): 

"""Return true if a key is in the internal dictionary.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

return key in self.__internal_dict 


def __eq__(self, other): 

"""Shared memory dictionary equality check with another shared memory dictionary.""" 

return isinstance(other, SHMDict) and self.safe_shm_name == other.safe_shm_name 


def __ne__(self, other): 

"""Shared memory dictionary non-equality check with another shared memory dictionary.""" 

return not isinstance(other, SHMDict) or ( 

isinstance(other, SHMDict) and self.safe_shm_name != other.safe_shm_name 



def __contains__(self, key): 

"""Check if a key exists inside the dictionary.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

return key in self.__internal_dict 


def __iter__(self): 

"""Iterate through the dictionary keys.""" 

with self.exclusive_lock(): 

return iter(self.__internal_dict)