- [aliases]
- test = pytest
- [bdist_wheel]
- # Only use the --universal setting, if:
- # 1. Your project runs on Python 2 and 3 with no changes (i.e. it does not require 2to3).
- # 2. Your project does not have any C extensions.
- universal=1
- #[entry_points]
- # Add here console scripts like:
- # console_scripts =
- # script_name = tsfresh.module:function
- # For example:
- # console_scripts =
- # fibonacci = tsfresh.skeleton:run
- # as well as other entry_points.
- [coverage:run]
- source = shm_dict
- omit = shm_dict/_version.py
- [coverage:html]
- directory = docs/source/coverage
- title = "Shared Memory Dictionary Coverage Report"
- [devpi:upload]
- # Options for the devpi: PyPI server and packaging tool
- formats = bdist_wheel,sdist.tgz
- with-docs = 1
- [tool:pytest]
- python_files = tests/*.py
- filterwarnings =
- ignore:.*You passed a bytestring.*This will not work on Python 3.*:DeprecationWarning
- [build_sphinx]
- all-files = True
- source-dir = docs/source
- build-dir = docs/build
- builder = html
- [flake8]
- max-line-length = 100
- ignore = F401, W503
- exclude = .git,.tox,.venv,tests/*,build/*,doc/_build/*,sphinx/search/*,doc/usage/extensions/example*.py
- application-import-names = shm_dict
- import-order-style = smarkets