Shared Memory Dictionary utilizing Posix IPC semaphores and shared memory segments and offering permanent disk storage of data if required.
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45 line

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import warnings
  3. from setuptools import find_packages, setup
  4. # Ignore the normalizing version userwarning so git tagging works better
  5. # UserWarning: Normalizing '2019.' to '2019.'
  6. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*Normalizing.*", UserWarning)
  7. # Pull in __version__ and __version_info__ from
  8. exec(
  9. "".join(
  10. [
  11. _
  12. for _ in open("shm_dict/").readlines()
  13. if _.startswith("__version")
  14. ]
  15. )
  16. ) # pylint: disable=exec-used
  17. setup(
  18. name="shm_dict",
  19. version=__version__, # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
  20. description="Shared Memory Dictionary",
  21. long_description=open("").read(),
  22. long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
  23. author="Nate Bohman",
  24. author_email="",
  25. url="",
  26. license="LGPL-3",
  27. keywords="posix ipc semaphore shm shared memory dict dictionary",
  28. project_urls={"Source": ""},
  29. packages=find_packages(),
  30. install_requires=open("requirements.txt").read().split("\n"),
  31. extras_require={"dev": open("requirements-dev.txt").read().split("\n")},
  32. tests_require=open("requirements-dev.txt").read().split("\n"),
  33. classifiers=[
  34. "Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
  35. "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
  36. "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)",
  37. "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
  38. ],
  39. )