Shared Memory Dictionary utilizing Posix IPC semaphores and shared memory segments and offering permanent disk storage of data if required.
No puede seleccionar más de 25 temas Los temas deben comenzar con una letra o número, pueden incluir guiones ('-') y pueden tener hasta 35 caracteres de largo.

40 líneas

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. import os
  4. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  5. from bs4.element import Tag as bs4_Tag
  6. __author__ = "Nate Bohman"
  7. __credits__ = ["Nate Bohman"]
  8. __license__ = "LGPL-3"
  9. __maintainer__ = "Nate Bohman"
  10. __email__ = ""
  11. __status__ = "Production"
  12. COVERAGE_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
  13. for filename in os.listdir(COVERAGE_PATH):
  14. if filename.endswith("_py.html"):
  15. # Cut off .html and add .source.html
  16. source_only_filename = "{}.source.html".format(filename[:-5])
  17. with open(os.path.join(COVERAGE_PATH, filename), "r") as file:
  18. soup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser")
  19. source_div = soup.find(id="source")
  20. source_text_td = source_div.find_all("td", {"class": "text"})[0]
  21. with open(
  22. os.path.join(COVERAGE_PATH, source_only_filename), "w"
  23. ) as output_file:
  24. for line in source_text_td.contents:
  25. if isinstance(line, (bs4_Tag)):
  26. try:
  27. output_file.write("{}\n".format(line))
  28. except UnicodeEncodeError:
  29. output_file.write(
  30. "{}\n".format(line)
  31. .encode("ascii", "ignore")
  32. .decode("ascii")
  33. )