Saltstack Official Apache Formula
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47 lines

  1. {# Define default values here so the template below can just focus on layout #}
  2. {%- from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %}
  3. {%- set sitename = site.get('ServerName', id) %}
  4. {%- set vals = {
  5. 'interfaces': site.get('interface', '*').split(),
  6. 'port': site.get('port', '80'),
  7. 'ServerName': sitename,
  8. 'ServerAlias': site.get('ServerAlias', 'www.{0}'.format(sitename)),
  9. 'ServerAdmin': site.get('ServerAdmin', 'webmaster@{0}'.format(sitename)),
  10. 'UseCanonicalName': site.get('UseCanonicalName'),
  11. 'LogLevel': site.get('LogLevel', 'warn'),
  12. 'ErrorLog': site.get('ErrorLog', '{0}/{1}-error.log'.format(map.logdir, sitename)),
  13. 'LogFormat': site.get('LogFormat', '"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %O"'),
  14. 'CustomLog': site.get('CustomLog', '{0}/{1}-access.log'.format(map.logdir, sitename)),
  15. 'RedirectSource': site.get('RedirectSource', '/'),
  16. 'RedirectTarget': site.get('RedirectTarget', 'https://{0}/'.format(sitename)),
  17. } %}
  18. <VirtualHost {%- for intf in vals.interfaces %} {{intf}}:{{ vals.port }}{% endfor -%}>
  19. ServerName {{ vals.ServerName }}
  20. {% if site.get('ServerAlias') != False %}ServerAlias {{ vals.ServerAlias }}{% endif %}
  21. {% if site.get('ServerAdmin') != False %}ServerAdmin {{ vals.ServerAdmin }}{% endif %}
  22. {% if site.get('UseCanonicalName') %}UseCanonicalName {{ vals.UseCanonicalName }}{% endif %}
  23. {% if site.get('LogLevel') != False %}LogLevel {{ vals.LogLevel }}{% endif %}
  24. {% if site.get('ErrorLog') != False %}ErrorLog {{ vals.ErrorLog }}{% endif %}
  25. {% if site.get('CustomLog') != False %}CustomLog {{ vals.CustomLog }} {{ vals.LogFormat }}{% endif %}
  26. {% if site.get('RedirectMatch') %}
  27. RedirectMatch {{ vals.RedirectSource }} {{ vals.RedirectTarget }}
  28. {% else %}
  29. Redirect {{ vals.RedirectSource }} {{ vals.RedirectTarget }}
  30. {% endif %}
  31. {% if site.get('Formula_Append') %}
  32. {{ site.Formula_Append|indent(4) }}
  33. {% endif %}
  34. </VirtualHost>